Overlapping improved element-free Galerkin and finite element methods for the solution of non-linear transient heat conduction problems with concentrated moving heat sources
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alvarez-Hostos, J. C., & Ullah, Z. (2024, April). Overlapping improved element-free Galerkin and finite element methods for the solution of non-linear transient heat conduction problems with concentrated moving heat sources. Presented at UK Association for Computational Mechanics Conference (UKACM2024), Durham, UK
All Outputs (10)
Effects of ply hybridisation on delamination in hybrid laminates at CorTen steel/M79LT-UD600 composite interfaces (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Burhan, M., Sands, C., McCreight, T., & Ullah, Z. (2024, April). Effects of ply hybridisation on delamination in hybrid laminates at CorTen steel/M79LT-UD600 composite interfaces. Presented at UK Association for Computational Mechanics Conference, Durham University, UK
Finite fracture mechanics fracture criterion for free edge delamination (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Burhan, M., Scalici, T., Ullah, Z., Kazancı, Z., & Catalonotti, G. (2024, July). Finite fracture mechanics fracture criterion for free edge delamination. Presented at 21st European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM21), Nantes, France
A finite fracture mechanics approach to assess the fatigue life of laminates exhibiting free edge effects (2024)
Journal Article
Burhan, M., Ullah, Z., Kazancı, Z., & Catalanotti, G. (2025). A finite fracture mechanics approach to assess the fatigue life of laminates exhibiting free edge effects. Composite Structures, 354, Article 118797. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118797This study presents the application of a 3D Finite Fracture Mechanics (FFM) criterion for predicting fatigue life estimation of laminates exhibiting free edge effects. The proposed 3D FFM fatigue criterion incorporates interface properties such as th... Read More about A finite fracture mechanics approach to assess the fatigue life of laminates exhibiting free edge effects.
Experimental and numerical investigation of fracture characteristics in hybrid steel/composite and monolithic angle-ply laminates (2024)
Journal Article
Ullah, Z., & Burhan, M. (online). Experimental and numerical investigation of fracture characteristics in hybrid steel/composite and monolithic angle-ply laminates. Journal of Composite Materials, https://doi.org/10.1177/00219983241305620This study investigated the fracture characteristics of hybrid laminates consisting of CorTen steel and carbon fibre-reinforced polymer composites under quasi-static loading, both experimentally and numerically. The hybrid laminates are classified in... Read More about Experimental and numerical investigation of fracture characteristics in hybrid steel/composite and monolithic angle-ply laminates.
Extending the Modified Transverse Crack Tensile test for Mode II Fracture Toughness Characterisation of Hybrid Interfaces (2024)
Journal Article
Scalici, T., Dalli, D., Ullah, Z., & Catalanotti, G. (online). Extending the Modified Transverse Crack Tensile test for Mode II Fracture Toughness Characterisation of Hybrid Interfaces. Composites Part B: Engineering, Article 112063. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.112063Measuring mode II fracture toughness at a dissimilar interface using the Transverse Crack Tensile may be challenging, particularly if geometric and elastic symmetry conditions are not maintained during crack propagation. Building on previous results,... Read More about Extending the Modified Transverse Crack Tensile test for Mode II Fracture Toughness Characterisation of Hybrid Interfaces.
A critical review on free edge delamination fracture criteria (2024)
Journal Article
Burhan, M., Ullah, Z., Kazancı, Z., & Catalanotti, G. (online). A critical review on free edge delamination fracture criteria. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/15376494.2024.2424492Laminates experience three-dimensional singular stress near their free edges due to elastic mismatches between layers, which can cause delamination. This paper critically evaluates methods for predicting free edge delamination and highlights the limi... Read More about A critical review on free edge delamination fracture criteria.
Stress-based topology optimization using maximum entropy basis functions-based meshless method (2024)
Journal Article
Khan, I., Ullah, Z., Ullah, B., Siraj-ul-Islam, & Khan, W. (online). Stress-based topology optimization using maximum entropy basis functions-based meshless method. Engineering with Computers, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00366-024-02047-2This paper presents volume-constrained stress minimization-based, topology optimization. The maximum entropy (maxent) basis functions-based meshless method for two-dimensional linear elastic structures is explored. This work focuses to test the effec... Read More about Stress-based topology optimization using maximum entropy basis functions-based meshless method.
Investigating factors influencing interlaminar stresses and energy release rates of semi-elliptical cracks at free edges (2024)
Journal Article
Burhan, M., Scalici, T., Ullah, Z., Kazancı, Z., & Catalanotti, G. (2024). Investigating factors influencing interlaminar stresses and energy release rates of semi-elliptical cracks at free edges. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 307, Article 110274. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfracmech.2024.110274Traditional approaches that rely on stress or energy-based criteria to predict delamination require the determination of stresses before crack onset or energy release rates after crack initiation, respectively. While a relatively new coupled criterio... Read More about Investigating factors influencing interlaminar stresses and energy release rates of semi-elliptical cracks at free edges.
A three-dimensional Finite Fracture Mechanics model to predict free edge delamination in angle-ply laminates (2024)
Journal Article
Burhan, M., Scalici, T., Ullah, Z., Kazancı, Z., & Catalanotti, G. (2024). A three-dimensional Finite Fracture Mechanics model to predict free edge delamination in angle-ply laminates. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 306, Article 110156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfracmech.2024.110156