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All Outputs (34)

Predicting free edge delamination induced by thermal loading using finite fracture mechanics (2025)
Journal Article
Burhan, M., Ullah, Z., Kazancı, Z., & Catalanotti, G. (2025). Predicting free edge delamination induced by thermal loading using finite fracture mechanics. International Journal of Fracture, 250(1), 1-19.

The material mismatch between the dissimilarly oriented plies within laminated structures induces localised singular interlaminar stresses at free edges, under various loading conditions such as mechanical, moisture, or thermal. These interlaminar st... Read More about Predicting free edge delamination induced by thermal loading using finite fracture mechanics.

A finite fracture mechanics approach to assess the fatigue life of laminates exhibiting free edge effects (2024)
Journal Article
Burhan, M., Ullah, Z., Kazancı, Z., & Catalanotti, G. (2025). A finite fracture mechanics approach to assess the fatigue life of laminates exhibiting free edge effects. Composite Structures, 354, Article 118797.

This study presents the application of a 3D Finite Fracture Mechanics (FFM) criterion for predicting fatigue life estimation of laminates exhibiting free edge effects. The proposed 3D FFM fatigue criterion incorporates interface properties such as th... Read More about A finite fracture mechanics approach to assess the fatigue life of laminates exhibiting free edge effects.

Experimental and numerical investigation of fracture characteristics in hybrid steel/composite and monolithic angle-ply laminates (2024)
Journal Article
Ullah, Z., & Burhan, M. (online). Experimental and numerical investigation of fracture characteristics in hybrid steel/composite and monolithic angle-ply laminates. Journal of Composite Materials,

This study investigated the fracture characteristics of hybrid laminates consisting of CorTen steel and carbon fibre-reinforced polymer composites under quasi-static loading, both experimentally and numerically. The hybrid laminates are classified in... Read More about Experimental and numerical investigation of fracture characteristics in hybrid steel/composite and monolithic angle-ply laminates.

Extending the Modified Transverse Crack Tensile test for Mode II Fracture Toughness Characterisation of Hybrid Interfaces (2024)
Journal Article
Scalici, T., Dalli, D., Ullah, Z., & Catalanotti, G. (online). Extending the Modified Transverse Crack Tensile test for Mode II Fracture Toughness Characterisation of Hybrid Interfaces. Composites Part B: Engineering, Article 112063.

Measuring mode II fracture toughness at a dissimilar interface using the Transverse Crack Tensile may be challenging, particularly if geometric and elastic symmetry conditions are not maintained during crack propagation. Building on previous results,... Read More about Extending the Modified Transverse Crack Tensile test for Mode II Fracture Toughness Characterisation of Hybrid Interfaces.

A critical review on free edge delamination fracture criteria (2024)
Journal Article
Burhan, M., Ullah, Z., Kazancı, Z., & Catalanotti, G. (online). A critical review on free edge delamination fracture criteria. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 1-14.

Laminates experience three-dimensional singular stress near their free edges due to elastic mismatches between layers, which can cause delamination. This paper critically evaluates methods for predicting free edge delamination and highlights the limi... Read More about A critical review on free edge delamination fracture criteria.

Stress-based topology optimization using maximum entropy basis functions-based meshless method (2024)
Journal Article
Khan, I., Ullah, Z., Ullah, B., Siraj-ul-Islam, & Khan, W. (online). Stress-based topology optimization using maximum entropy basis functions-based meshless method. Engineering with Computers,

This paper presents volume-constrained stress minimization-based, topology optimization. The maximum entropy (maxent) basis functions-based meshless method for two-dimensional linear elastic structures is explored. This work focuses to test the effec... Read More about Stress-based topology optimization using maximum entropy basis functions-based meshless method.

Investigating factors influencing interlaminar stresses and energy release rates of semi-elliptical cracks at free edges (2024)
Journal Article
Burhan, M., Scalici, T., Ullah, Z., Kazancı, Z., & Catalanotti, G. (2024). Investigating factors influencing interlaminar stresses and energy release rates of semi-elliptical cracks at free edges. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 307, Article 110274.

Traditional approaches that rely on stress or energy-based criteria to predict delamination require the determination of stresses before crack onset or energy release rates after crack initiation, respectively. While a relatively new coupled criterio... Read More about Investigating factors influencing interlaminar stresses and energy release rates of semi-elliptical cracks at free edges.

An adaptive B-spline representation of topology optimization design for Additive Manufacturing (2023)
Journal Article
Khan, I., Ullah, B., Siraj-ul-Islam, Ullah, Z., & Khan, W. (2023). An adaptive B-spline representation of topology optimization design for Additive Manufacturing. Advances in Engineering Software, 186, Article 103552.

Topology optimization is a renowned structural optimization approach used to compute the optimal topology for the enhancement of structural performance. It has been in common practice in different engineering fields such as automobile and aerospace.... Read More about An adaptive B-spline representation of topology optimization design for Additive Manufacturing.

An overset improved element-free Galerkin-finite element method for the solution of transient heat conduction problems with concentrated moving heat sources (2023)
Journal Article
Álvarez-Hostos, J. C., Ullah, Z., Storti, B. A., Tourn, B. A., & Zambrano-Carrillo, J. A. (2024). An overset improved element-free Galerkin-finite element method for the solution of transient heat conduction problems with concentrated moving heat sources. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 418(Part B), Article 116574.

A novel Overset Improved Element-Free Galerkin-Finite Element Method (Ov-IEFG-FEM) for solving transient heat conduction problems with concentrated moving heat sources is introduced in this communication. The method is a mesh-less/mesh-based chimera-... Read More about An overset improved element-free Galerkin-finite element method for the solution of transient heat conduction problems with concentrated moving heat sources.

Modelling low-velocity impact damage and compression after impact of 3D woven structures considering compaction (2023)
Journal Article
Millen, S., Dahale, M., Fisher, T., Samy, A., Thompson, K., Ramaswamy, K., Ralph, C., Archer, E., McIlhagger, A., Ullah, Z., & Falzon, B. (2023). Modelling low-velocity impact damage and compression after impact of 3D woven structures considering compaction. Composite Structures, 318, Article 117104.

A novel finite element modelling approach is presented which incorporates representative binder yarn compaction, for simulating the low-velocity impact (LVI) and compression after impact (CAI) response of 3D woven layer-to-layer carbon/epoxy composit... Read More about Modelling low-velocity impact damage and compression after impact of 3D woven structures considering compaction.

Comprehensive inter-fibre failure analysis and failure criteria comparison for composite materials using micromechanical modelling under biaxial loading (2023)
Journal Article
Wan, L., Ullah, Z., Yang, D., & Falzon, B. G. (2023). Comprehensive inter-fibre failure analysis and failure criteria comparison for composite materials using micromechanical modelling under biaxial loading. Journal of Composite Materials, 57(18), 2919-2932.

Inter-fibre failure analysis of carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites, under biaxial loading conditions, has been a longstanding challenge and is addressed in this study. Biaxial failure analysis of IM7/8552 CFRP unidirectional (UD) compo... Read More about Comprehensive inter-fibre failure analysis and failure criteria comparison for composite materials using micromechanical modelling under biaxial loading.

Probability embedded failure prediction of unidirectional composites under biaxial loadings combining machine learning and micromechanical modelling (2023)
Journal Article
Wan, L., Ullah, Z., Yang, D., & Falzon, B. G. (2023). Probability embedded failure prediction of unidirectional composites under biaxial loadings combining machine learning and micromechanical modelling. Composite Structures, 312, Article 116837.

This study presents a data-driven, probability embedded approach for the failure prediction of IM7/8552 unidirectional carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite materials under biaxial stress states based on micromechanical modelling and artif... Read More about Probability embedded failure prediction of unidirectional composites under biaxial loadings combining machine learning and micromechanical modelling.

Proportional topology optimisation with maximum entropy-based meshless method for minimum compliance and stress constrained problems (2022)
Journal Article
Ullah, Z., Ullah, B., Khan, W., & Siraj-ul-Islam. (2022). Proportional topology optimisation with maximum entropy-based meshless method for minimum compliance and stress constrained problems. Engineering with Computers, 38, 5541-5561.

In this paper, proportional topology optimisation (PTO) with maximum entropy (maxent)-based meshless method is presented for two-dimensional linear elastic structures for both minimum compliance (PTOc) and stress constraint (PTOs) problems. The compu... Read More about Proportional topology optimisation with maximum entropy-based meshless method for minimum compliance and stress constrained problems.

A coupled meshless element-free Galerkin and radial basis functions method for level set-based topology optimization (2022)
Journal Article
Ullah, B., Khan, W., Siraj-ul-Islam, & Ullah, Z. (2022). A coupled meshless element-free Galerkin and radial basis functions method for level set-based topology optimization. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 44, Article 89.

This paper presents a meshless element-free Galerkin method coupled with the radial basis functions (RBFs)-based level set algorithm for topology optimization. The meshless approach provides the structural response and corresponding sensitivities at... Read More about A coupled meshless element-free Galerkin and radial basis functions method for level set-based topology optimization.

On the importance of finite element mesh alignment along the fibre direction for modelling damage in fibre-reinforced polymer composite laminates (2021)
Journal Article
Millen, S. L. J., Ullah, Z., & Falzon, B. G. (2021). On the importance of finite element mesh alignment along the fibre direction for modelling damage in fibre-reinforced polymer composite laminates. Composite Structures, 278, Article 114694.

A finite element mesh, aligned along the fibre direction, has often been purported to yield more accurate results in the modelling of damage in composite structures constructed from unidirectional fibre reinforced polymer laminates. However, there ha... Read More about On the importance of finite element mesh alignment along the fibre direction for modelling damage in fibre-reinforced polymer composite laminates.

A parametrized level set based topology optimization method for analysing thermal problems (2021)
Journal Article
Ullah, B., Siraj-ul-Islam, Ullah, Z., & Khan, W. (2021). A parametrized level set based topology optimization method for analysing thermal problems. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 99, 99-112.

This paper focuses on the utilization of local radial basis functions (LRBFs) based level set method (LSM) for topology optimization of two-dimensional thermal problems using both concentrated as well as uniformly distributed heat generation. The des... Read More about A parametrized level set based topology optimization method for analysing thermal problems.

Hierarchical finite element-based multi-scale modelling of composite laminates (2020)
Journal Article
Ullah, Z., Kaczmarczyk, Ł., Zhou, X.-Y., Falzon, B., & Pearce, C. (2020). Hierarchical finite element-based multi-scale modelling of composite laminates. Composites Part B: Engineering, 201, Article 108321.

This paper presents a hierarchic finite element-based computational framework for the multi-scale modelling of composite laminates. Hierarchic finite elements allow changing the approximation order locally or globally without changing the underlying... Read More about Hierarchical finite element-based multi-scale modelling of composite laminates.

Design optimization for thermal conductivity of plain-woven textile composites (2020)
Journal Article
Zhou, X.-Y., Ruan, X., Zhang, S., Xiong, W., & Ullah, Z. (2021). Design optimization for thermal conductivity of plain-woven textile composites. Composite Structures, 255, Article 112830.

Textile reinforced polymer composites have excellent structural performance including mechanical properties and thermal properties, which are benefited from their relative complex architecture of the reinforcement. Tailoring the geometry of the fabri... Read More about Design optimization for thermal conductivity of plain-woven textile composites.