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All Outputs (2)

The Influence of In‐Channel Obstacles on River Sound (2022)
Journal Article
Osborne, W. A., Hodge, R. A., Love, G. D., Hawkin, P., & Hawkin, R. E. (2022). The Influence of In‐Channel Obstacles on River Sound. Water Resources Research, 58(4), Article e2021WR031567.

The sound of a river can change from a babbling brook to a thunderous torrent, and we have previously shown that there is the potential to predict river stage from the river's sub-aerial sound. Here, we examined how alterations in channel configurati... Read More about The Influence of In‐Channel Obstacles on River Sound.

Babbling brook to thunderous torrent: Using sound to monitor river stage (2021)
Journal Article
Osborne, W. A., Hodge, R. A., Love, G. D., Hawkin, P., & Hawkin, R. E. (2021). Babbling brook to thunderous torrent: Using sound to monitor river stage. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(13), 2656-2670.

The passive, ambient sound above the water from a river has previously untapped potential for determining flow characteristics such as stage. Measuring sub-aerial sound could provide a new, efficient way to continuously monitor river stage, without t... Read More about Babbling brook to thunderous torrent: Using sound to monitor river stage.