Horizon scanning for potential invasive non-native species across United Kingdom Overseas Territories
Journal Article
Dawson, W., Peyton, J. M., Pescott, O. L., Adriaens, T., Cottier-Cook, E. J., Frohlich, D. S., Key, G., Malumphy, C., Martinou, A. F., Minchin, D., Moore, N., Rabitsch, W., Rorke, S. L., Tricarico, E., Turvey, K. M., Winfield, I. J., Barnes, D. K., Baum, D., Bensusan, K., Burton, F. J., …Roy, H. E. (2023). Horizon scanning for potential invasive non-native species across United Kingdom Overseas Territories. Conservation Letters, 16(1), Article e12928. https://doi.org/10.1111/conl.12928
Invasive non-native species are recognized as a major threat to island biodiversity, ecosystems, and economies globally. Preventing high-risk invasive non-native species from being introduced is the most cost-effective way to avoid their adverse impa... Read More about Horizon scanning for potential invasive non-native species across United Kingdom Overseas Territories.