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All Outputs (8)

Horizon scanning for potential invasive non-native species across United Kingdom Overseas Territories (2022)
Journal Article
Dawson, W., Peyton, J. M., Pescott, O. L., Adriaens, T., Cottier-Cook, E. J., Frohlich, D. S., Key, G., Malumphy, C., Martinou, A. F., Minchin, D., Moore, N., Rabitsch, W., Rorke, S. L., Tricarico, E., Turvey, K. M., Winfield, I. J., Barnes, D. K., Baum, D., Bensusan, K., Burton, F. J., …Roy, H. E. (2023). Horizon scanning for potential invasive non-native species across United Kingdom Overseas Territories. Conservation Letters, 16(1), Article e12928.

Invasive non-native species are recognized as a major threat to island biodiversity, ecosystems, and economies globally. Preventing high-risk invasive non-native species from being introduced is the most cost-effective way to avoid their adverse impa... Read More about Horizon scanning for potential invasive non-native species across United Kingdom Overseas Territories.

Naturalized alien floras still carry the legacy of European colonialism (2022)
Journal Article
Lenzner, B., Latombe, G., Schertler, A., Seebens, H., Yang, Q., Winter, M., Weigelt, P., van Kleunen, M., Pyšek, P., Pergl, J., Kreft, H., Dawson, W., Dullinger, S., & Essl, F. (2022). Naturalized alien floras still carry the legacy of European colonialism. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 6(11), 1723-1732.

The redistribution of alien species across the globe accelerated with the start of European colonialism. European powers were responsible for the deliberate and accidental transportation, introduction and establishment of alien species throughout the... Read More about Naturalized alien floras still carry the legacy of European colonialism.

Testing enemy release of non‐native plants across time and space using herbarium specimens in Norway (2022)
Journal Article
Ivison, K., Speed, J. D., Prestø, T., & Dawson, W. (2023). Testing enemy release of non‐native plants across time and space using herbarium specimens in Norway. Journal of Ecology, 111(2), 300-313.

1. The enemy release hypothesis predicts that invasive plant success is in part due to the absence of natural enemies in the invaded range. However, few studies have assessed how enemy release may vary over time or space. 2. Norway has seen a large i... Read More about Testing enemy release of non‐native plants across time and space using herbarium specimens in Norway.

Phylogenetic composition of native island floras influences naturalized alien species richness (2022)
Journal Article
Bach, W., Kreft, H., Craven, D., König, C., Schrader, J., Taylor, A., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Lenzner, B., Marx, H. E., Meyer, C., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., van Kleunen, M., Winter, M., & Weigelt, P. (2022). Phylogenetic composition of native island floras influences naturalized alien species richness. Ecography, 2022(11), Article e06227.

Islands are hotspots of plant endemism and are particularly vulnerable to the establishment (naturalization) of alien plant species. Naturalized species richness on islands depends on several biogeographical and socioeconomic factors, but especially... Read More about Phylogenetic composition of native island floras influences naturalized alien species richness.

The role of phylogenetic relatedness on alien plant success depends on the stage of invasion (2022)
Journal Article
Omer, A., Fristoe, T., Yang, Q., Razanajatovo, M., Weigelt, P., Kreft, H., Dawson, W., Dullinger, S., Essl, F., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., & van Kleunen, M. (2022). The role of phylogenetic relatedness on alien plant success depends on the stage of invasion. Nature Plants, 8(8), 906-914.

Darwin’s naturalization hypothesis predicts successful alien invaders to be distantly related to native species, whereas his pre-adaptation hypothesis predicts the opposite. It has been suggested that depending on the invasion stage (that is, introdu... Read More about The role of phylogenetic relatedness on alien plant success depends on the stage of invasion.

Capacity of countries to reduce biological invasions (2022)
Journal Article
Latombe, G., Seebens, H., Lenzner, B., Courchamp, F., Dullinger, S., Golivets, M., Kühn, I., Leung, B., Roura-Pascual, N., Cebrian, E., Dawson, W., Diagne, C., Jeschke, J. M., Pérez-Granados, C., Moser, D., Turbelin, A., Visconti, P., & Essl, F. (2023). Capacity of countries to reduce biological invasions. Sustainability Science, 18(2), 771-789.

The extent and impacts of biological invasions on biodiversity are largely shaped by an array of socio-economic and environmental factors, which exhibit high variation among countries. Yet, a global analysis of how these factors vary across countries... Read More about Capacity of countries to reduce biological invasions.

Greater chemical signaling in root exudates enhances soil mutualistic associations in invasive plants compared to natives (2022)
Journal Article
Yu, H., He, Y., Zhang, W., Chen, L., Zhang, J., Zhang, X., Dawson, W., & Ding, J. (2022). Greater chemical signaling in root exudates enhances soil mutualistic associations in invasive plants compared to natives. New Phytologist, 236(3), 1140-1153.

Invasive plants can change soil properties resulting in improved growth. Although invaders are known to alter soil chemistry, it remains unclear if chemicals secreted by roots facilitate invasive plant–soil mutualisms. With up to 19 confamilial pairs... Read More about Greater chemical signaling in root exudates enhances soil mutualistic associations in invasive plants compared to natives.

Introducing the combined atlas framework for large‐scale web‐based data visualization: The GloNAF atlas of plant invasion (2022)
Journal Article
Hancock, S. C., Essl, F., Kraak, M., Dawson, W., Kreft, H., Pyšek, P., Pergl, J., Kleunen, M., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., Gartner, G., & Lenzner, B. (2022). Introducing the combined atlas framework for large‐scale web‐based data visualization: The GloNAF atlas of plant invasion. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13(5), 1073-1081.

Large-scale biodiversity data, for example, on species distribution and richness information, are being mobilized and becoming available at an increasing rate. Interactive web applications like atlases have been developed to visualize available datas... Read More about Introducing the combined atlas framework for large‐scale web‐based data visualization: The GloNAF atlas of plant invasion.