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Lack of effect of a parent‐delivered early language intervention: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial completed during COVID‐19 (2024)
Journal Article
Burgoyne, K., Hargreaves, S., Akhter, N., Cramman, H., Eerola, P., Einbeck, J., & Menzies, V. (online). Lack of effect of a parent‐delivered early language intervention: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial completed during COVID‐19. JCPP Advances, Article e12279.

Background: Parents play a key role in their child's early development but evidence that parental engagement strategies are effective is unclear. The current study evaluated a parent‐delivered early language teaching programme that aimed to support c... Read More about Lack of effect of a parent‐delivered early language intervention: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial completed during COVID‐19.

A systematic review of evidence on the effectiveness of interventions and strategies for widening participation in higher education (2018)
Journal Article
Younger, K., Gascoine, L., Menzies, V., & Torgerson, C. (2019). A systematic review of evidence on the effectiveness of interventions and strategies for widening participation in higher education. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43(6), 742-773.

Widening participation (WP) in higher education (HE) is an increasingly important policy issue, with interventions to increase participation from minority ethnic, low-income and other under-represented groups undertaken in HE sectors in many countrie... Read More about A systematic review of evidence on the effectiveness of interventions and strategies for widening participation in higher education.

Project-based learning: a review of the literature (2016)
Journal Article
Kokotsaki, D., Menzies, V., & Wiggins, A. (2016). Project-based learning: a review of the literature. Improving Schools, 19(3), 267-277.

Project-based learning (PBL) is an active student-centred form of instruction which is characterised by students’ autonomy, constructive investigations, goal-setting, collaboration, communication and reflection within real-world practices. It has bee... Read More about Project-based learning: a review of the literature.