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A comparison of Miller and Otto cycle natural gas engines for small scale CHP applications (2008)
Journal Article
Mikalsen, R., Wang, Y., & Roskilly, A. (2009). A comparison of Miller and Otto cycle natural gas engines for small scale CHP applications. Applied Energy, 86(6), 922-927.

This paper presents an investigation into the feasibility and potential advantages of a small scale Miller cycle natural gas engine for applications such as domestic combined heat and power systems. The Miller cycle engine is compared to a standard O... Read More about A comparison of Miller and Otto cycle natural gas engines for small scale CHP applications.

Application of the Miller cycle to reduce NOx emissions from petrol engines (2008)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Lin, L., Zeng, S., Huang, J., Roskilly, A. P., He, Y., Huang, X., & Li, S. (2008). Application of the Miller cycle to reduce NOx emissions from petrol engines. Applied Energy, 85(6), 463-474.

A conceptual analysis of the mechanism of the Miller cycle for reducing NOx emissions is presented. Two versions of selected Miller cycle (1 and 2) were designed and realized on a Rover “K” series 16-valve twin-camshaft petrol engine. The test result... Read More about Application of the Miller cycle to reduce NOx emissions from petrol engines.