The VST ATLAS quasar survey I: Catalogue of photometrically selected quasar candidates
Journal Article
Eltvedt, A. M., Shanks, T., Metcalfe, N., Ansarinejad, B., Barrientos, L., Sharp, R., Malik, U., Murphy, D., Irwin, M., Wilson, M., Alexander, D., Kovacs, A., Garcia-Bellido, J., Ahlen, S., Brooks, D., de la Macorra, A., Font-Ribera, A., Gontcho a Gontcho, S., Honscheid, K., Meisner, A., …Zhou, Z. (2023). The VST ATLAS quasar survey I: Catalogue of photometrically selected quasar candidates. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521(3), 3384-3404.
We present the VST ATLAS Quasar Survey, consisting of ∼1229 000 quasar (QSO) candidates with 16 < g < 22.5 over ∼4700 deg2. The catalogue is based on VST ATLAS+NEOWISE imaging surveys and aims to reach a QSO sky density of 130 deg−2 for z < 2.2 and ∼... Read More about The VST ATLAS quasar survey I: Catalogue of photometrically selected quasar candidates.