Helium solubility in olivine and implications for high ³He/⁴He in ocean island basalts
Journal Article
Parman, S., Kurz, M., Hart, S., & Grove, T. (2005). Helium solubility in olivine and implications for high ³He/⁴He in ocean island basalts. Nature, 437, 1140-1143. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature04215
High 3He/4He ratios found in ocean island basalts are the main evidence for the existence of an undegassed mantle reservoir1, 2, 3. However, models of helium isotope evolution depend critically on the chemical behaviour of helium during mantle meltin... Read More about Helium solubility in olivine and implications for high ³He/⁴He in ocean island basalts.