Hephaestion and Alexander: Lord Hervey, Frederick, prince of Wales, and the royal favourite in England in the 1730s.
Journal Article
Taylor, S., & Smith, H. (2009). Hephaestion and Alexander: Lord Hervey, Frederick, prince of Wales, and the royal favourite in England in the 1730s. The English Historical Review, CXXIV(507), 283-312. https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/cep003
All Outputs (50)
The clergy at the courts of George I and George II (2007)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (2007). The clergy at the courts of George I and George II. In M. Schaich (Ed.), Monarchy and religion. The transformation of royal culture in eighteenth-century Europe (129-151). Oxford University Press
The Entring Book of Roger Morrice. Volume 4: 1687–1689 (2007)
Taylor, S. (2007). The Entring Book of Roger Morrice. Volume 4: 1687–1689
Parliament and Dissent, 1689–1914 (2005)
Taylor, S., & Wykes, D. (Eds.). (2005). Parliament and Dissent, 1689–1914. Edinburgh University Press
The Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540–1835 (2005)
Digital Artefact
Burns, A., Fincham, K., & Taylor, S. (2005). The Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540–1835
'Sir Robert Walpole', 'Edmund Gibson (bishop of London)', 'Benjamin Hoadly (bishop of Winchester)', 'William Wake (archbishop of Canterbury)', 'Queen Caroline (of Ansbach)', and others (2004)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (2004). 'Sir Robert Walpole', 'Edmund Gibson (bishop of London)', 'Benjamin Hoadly (bishop of Winchester)', 'William Wake (archbishop of Canterbury)', 'Queen Caroline (of Ansbach)', and others. In Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press
Un Etat confessionel? L’Eglise d’Angleterre, la constitution et la vie politique au XVIIIe siècle (2004)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (2004). Un Etat confessionel? L’Eglise d’Angleterre, la constitution et la vie politique au XVIIIe siècle. In A. Joblin, & J. Sys (Eds.), L’identité anglicane (141-154). Artois Presses Université
Evangelicalism in the Church of England c.1790–c.1890. A Miscellany (2004)
Taylor, S., & Smith, M. (Eds.). (2004). Evangelicalism in the Church of England c.1790–c.1890. A Miscellany. Boydell Press
Parliament and the Church, 1529–1960 (2000)
Taylor, S., & Parry, J. (Eds.). (2000). Parliament and the Church, 1529–1960. Edinburgh University Press
Parliament and the Church of England from the Reformation to the twentieth century (2000)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S., & Parry, J. (2000). Parliament and the Church of England from the Reformation to the twentieth century. In S. Taylor, & J. Parry (Eds.), Parliament and the Church, 1529–1960 (1-13). Edinburgh University Press
Whigs, tories and anticlericalism: ecclesiastical courts legislation in 1733 (2000)
Journal Article
Taylor, S. (2000). Whigs, tories and anticlericalism: ecclesiastical courts legislation in 1733. Parliamentary History, 19(3), 329-355
From Cranmer to Davidson. A Church of England miscellany (1999)
Taylor, S. (Ed.). (1999). From Cranmer to Davidson. A Church of England miscellany. Boydell Press
Bishop Edmund Gibson’s proposals for church reform (1999)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (1999). Bishop Edmund Gibson’s proposals for church reform. In S. Taylor (Ed.), From Cranmer to Davidson. A Church of England miscellany (169-202). Boydell Press
Hanoverian Britain and Empire. Essays in memory of Philip Lawson (1998)
Taylor, S., Connors, R., & Jones, C. (Eds.). (1998). Hanoverian Britain and Empire. Essays in memory of Philip Lawson. Boydell Press
Queen Caroline and the Church of England (1998)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (1998). Queen Caroline and the Church of England. In S. Taylor, R. Connors, & C. Jones (Eds.), Hanoverian Britain and Empire. Essays in memory of Philip Lawson (82-101). Boydell Press
Tory and whig. The parliamentary papers of Edward Harley, 3rd earl of Oxford, and of William Hay, M.P. for Seaford, 1716–1753 (1998)
Taylor, S., & Jones, C. (1998). Tory and whig. The parliamentary papers of Edward Harley, 3rd earl of Oxford, and of William Hay, M.P. for Seaford, 1716–1753
Viscount Bolingbroke and the composition of an opposition protest in the house of lords in 1734 on the election of the Scottish representative peers (1996)
Journal Article
Taylor, S., & Jones, C. (1996). Viscount Bolingbroke and the composition of an opposition protest in the house of lords in 1734 on the election of the Scottish representative peers
Whigs, bishops and America: the politics of church reform in mid-eighteenth-century England (1996)
Journal Article
Taylor, S. (1996). Whigs, bishops and America: the politics of church reform in mid-eighteenth-century England. Historical Journal, 36, 331-356
"Dr Codex" and the whig "pope": Edmund Gibson, bishop of Lincoln and London, 1716–48 (1995)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (1995). "Dr Codex" and the whig "pope": Edmund Gibson, bishop of Lincoln and London, 1716–48. In R. Davis (Ed.), Lords of Parliament: studies 1714–1914 (9-28, 183-191). Stanford University Press
The government and the episcopate in mid-eighteenth-century England: the uses of patronage (1995)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (1995). The government and the episcopate in mid-eighteenth-century England: the uses of patronage. In C. Giry-Deloison, & R. Mettam (Eds.), Patronages et clientélismes 1550–1750 (France, Angleterre, Espagne, Italie) (191-205). Centre d’Histoire de la Région du Nord et de l’Europe de Nord-ouest and Institut Français du Royaume-Uni