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All Outputs (50)

The clergy at the courts of George I and George II (2007)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (2007). The clergy at the courts of George I and George II. In M. Schaich (Ed.), Monarchy and religion. The transformation of royal culture in eighteenth-century Europe (129-151). Oxford University Press

Queen Caroline and the Church of England (1998)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (1998). Queen Caroline and the Church of England. In S. Taylor, R. Connors, & C. Jones (Eds.), Hanoverian Britain and Empire. Essays in memory of Philip Lawson (82-101). Boydell Press

The government and the episcopate in mid-eighteenth-century England: the uses of patronage (1995)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (1995). The government and the episcopate in mid-eighteenth-century England: the uses of patronage. In C. Giry-Deloison, & R. Mettam (Eds.), Patronages et clientélismes 1550–1750 (France, Angleterre, Espagne, Italie) (191-205). Centre d’Histoire de la Région du Nord et de l’Europe de Nord-ouest and Institut Français du Royaume-Uni