The long Reformation: conceptualisation and periodisation in English religious history between the 16th and 18th centuries
Journal Article
Taylor, S. (in press). The long Reformation: conceptualisation and periodisation in English religious history between the 16th and 18th centuries. The East Asian Journal of British History,
All Outputs (50)
The English Presbyterian Conundrum of 1660-1 (2023)
Journal Article
Fincham, K., & Taylor, S. (2023). The English Presbyterian Conundrum of 1660-1. The Seventeenth Century, 38(6), 969-987. article aims to explain the failure of the English presbyterian programme to reform the church at the Restoration. Specifically, it analyses the period between March 1660, when the Long Parliament reaffirmed the Solemn League and Covenant, and M... Read More about The English Presbyterian Conundrum of 1660-1.
Cultural Heritage 360: A Report for the AHRC Programme: Where Next? Scoping Future Arts and Humanities Led Research (2022)
Taylor, S., Gasper, G., Uchacz, T., Smithson, H., McLeish, T., Kollandsrud, K., Horsfield, F., Donnelly, C., & Evans, I. (2022). Cultural Heritage 360: A Report for the AHRC Programme: Where Next? Scoping Future Arts and Humanities Led Research. Arts and Humanities Research Council
State trials and the rule of law under the later Stuarts (2021)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S., & Harris, T. (in press). State trials and the rule of law under the later Stuarts. In B. Cowan, & S. Sowerby (Eds.), The State Trials and the Politics of Justice in Later Stuart and Early Hanoverian England (24-49). Boydell Press
National Prayers: Special Worship since the Reformation. Volume 3: Worship for national and royal occasions in the United Kingdom, 1871-2016 (2020)
Williamson, P., Taylor, S., Raffe, A., & Mears, N. (2020). National Prayers: Special Worship since the Reformation. Volume 3: Worship for national and royal occasions in the United Kingdom, 1871-2016The third of four volumes, containing the edited texts, commentaries and source notes for each of the nearly nine hundred occasions of special worship including the development of national days of prayer during the two world wars,and a proliferation... Read More about National Prayers: Special Worship since the Reformation. Volume 3: Worship for national and royal occasions in the United Kingdom, 1871-2016.
National Prayers: Special Worship since the Reformation. Volume 2: General Fasts, Thanksgivings and Special Prayers in the British Isles, 1689-1870 (2017)
Williamson, P., Raffe, A., Taylor, S., & Mears, N. (2017). National Prayers: Special Worship since the Reformation. Volume 2: General Fasts, Thanksgivings and Special Prayers in the British Isles, 1689-1870The second of four volumes containing the edited texts, commentaries and source notes for each of the nearly nine hundred occasions of special worship and for each of the annual commemorations in England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. Since the si... Read More about National Prayers: Special Worship since the Reformation. Volume 2: General Fasts, Thanksgivings and Special Prayers in the British Isles, 1689-1870.
Episcopalian Identity, 1640-1662 (2017)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S., & Fincham, K. (2017). Episcopalian Identity, 1640-1662. In A. Milton (Ed.), The Oxford History of Anglicanism. I: Reformation and Identity c.1520-1662 (457-482). Oxford University Press.
State formation, political stability and the revolution of 1688 (2013)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (2013). State formation, political stability and the revolution of 1688. In T. Harris, & S. Taylor (Eds.), The final crisis of the Stuart monarchy. The revolutions of 1688-91 in their British, Atlantic and European contexts (273-304). Boydell Press
The final crisis of the Stuart monarchy. The revolutions of 1688-91 in their British, Atlantic and European contexts (2013)
Harris, T., & Taylor, S. (Eds.). (2013). The final crisis of the Stuart monarchy. The revolutions of 1688-91 in their British, Atlantic and European contexts. Boydell Press
The problems and potential of pouring old wine into new bottles: reflections on the Clergy of the Church of England Database 1999-2009 and beyond (2013)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S., Burns, A., & Fincham, K. (2013). The problems and potential of pouring old wine into new bottles: reflections on the Clergy of the Church of England Database 1999-2009 and beyond. In R. C. Hayes, & W. J. Sheils (Eds.), Clergy, church and society in England and Wales c.1200-1800 (45-60). Borthwick Institute for Archives
The nature of the English revolution revisited. Essays in honour of John Morrill (2013)
Taylor, S., & Tapsell, G. (Eds.). (2013). The nature of the English revolution revisited. Essays in honour of John Morrill. Boydell Press
National Prayers: Special Worship since the Reformation. Volume 1: Special Prayers, Fasts and Thanksgivings in the British Isles, 1533-1688. (2013)
Mears, N., Raffe, A., Williamson, P., & Taylor, S. (2013). National Prayers: Special Worship since the Reformation. Volume 1: Special Prayers, Fasts and Thanksgivings in the British Isles, 1533-1688
The restoration of the Church of England, 1660-1662: ordination, re-ordination and conformity (2013)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S., & Fincham, K. (2013). The restoration of the Church of England, 1660-1662: ordination, re-ordination and conformity. In S. Taylor, & G. Tapsell (Eds.), The nature of the English revolution revisited. Essays in honour of John Morrill (197-232). Boydell Press
Vital statistics: episcopal ordination and ordinands in England, 1646–60 (2011)
Journal Article
Taylor, S., & Fincham, K. (2011). Vital statistics: episcopal ordination and ordinands in England, 1646–60. The English Historical Review, CXXVI(519), 319-344. 25 September 1659, the funeral of Thomas Morton, the nonagenarian bishop of Durham, took place at St Peter's Easton Maudit in Northamptonshire. The preacher praised Morton's faithful service ‘as a bishop till the very last gasp’ and cited ‘his lat... Read More about Vital statistics: episcopal ordination and ordinands in England, 1646–60.
From the Reformation to the permissive society. A miscellany in celebration of the 400th anniversary of Lambeth Palace Library (2010)
Taylor, S., & Barber, M. (Eds.). (2010). From the Reformation to the permissive society. A miscellany in celebration of the 400th anniversary of Lambeth Palace Library. Boydell Press
George III’s recovery from madness celebrated: precedent and innovation in the observance of royal celebrations and commemorations (2010)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (2010). George III’s recovery from madness celebrated: precedent and innovation in the observance of royal celebrations and commemorations. In S. Taylor, & M. Barber (Eds.), From the Reformation to the permissive society. A miscellany in celebration of the 400th anniversary of Lambeth Palace Library (211-267). Church of England Record Society
The restoration of the dean and canons in 1660 (2010)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (2010). The restoration of the dean and canons in 1660. In N. Saul, & T. Tatton-Brown (Eds.), St George’s Chapel, Windsor. History, architecture, furnishings. Essays in honour of Eileen Scarff (125-133, 244-245). Dovecote Press
Episcopalian conformity and nonconformity 1646–1660. (2010)
Book Chapter
Fincham, K., & Taylor, S. (2010). Episcopalian conformity and nonconformity 1646–1660. In J. McElligott, & D. Smith (Eds.), Royalists and Royalism during the Interregnum (18-43). Manchester University Press
The Bowman affair: latitudinarian theology, anti-clericalism and the limits of orthodoxy in early Hanoverian England. (2010)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (2010). The Bowman affair: latitudinarian theology, anti-clericalism and the limits of orthodoxy in early Hanoverian England. In R. Cornwall, & W. Gibson (Eds.), Religion, politics and dissent, 1660–1832. Essays in honour of James E. Bradley (35-50). Ashgate Publishing
An English dissenter and the crisis of European protestantism: Roger Morrice’s perceptions of European politics in the 1680s (2009)
Book Chapter
Taylor, S. (2009). An English dissenter and the crisis of European protestantism: Roger Morrice’s perceptions of European politics in the 1680s. In D. Onnekink (Ed.), War and religion in Europe 1648–1713 (177-195). Ashgate Publishing