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Christ and Creation in the Synoptic Gospels (2025)
Journal Article
Barton, S. C. (2025). Christ and Creation in the Synoptic Gospels. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 47(3), 355-375.

Observing that most scholarly attention to the theme of Christ and creation has taken place in Pauline and Johannine studies, this essay addresses a relatively neglected factor in Synoptic studies. On the assumption that, scripturally speaking, ‘crea... Read More about Christ and Creation in the Synoptic Gospels.

Memory and remembrance in Paul (2007)
Book Chapter
Barton, S. (2007). Memory and remembrance in Paul. In S. Barton, L. Stuckenbruck, & B. Wold (Eds.), Memory in the Bible and antiquity : The Fifth Durham-Tübingen Research Symposium (Durham, September 2004) (321-338). Mohr Siebeck

Johannine dualism and contemporary pluralism (2007)
Book Chapter
Barton, S. (2007). Johannine dualism and contemporary pluralism. In R. Bauckham, & C. Mosser (Eds.), The Gospel of John and Christian theology (3-18). Eerdmans

‘The Gospel According to Matthew’. (2006)
Book Chapter
Barton, S. (2006). ‘The Gospel According to Matthew’. In S. Barton (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Gospels (121-138). Cambridge University Press

The essay is an account of major themes and texts in the Gospel of Matthew.

The unity of humankind as a theme in biblical theology (2004)
Book Chapter
Barton, S. (2004). The unity of humankind as a theme in biblical theology. In C. Bartholomew, M. Healy, K. Moeller, & R. Parry (Eds.), Out of Egypt : biblical theology and biblical interpretation (233-258). Zondervan

1 Corinthians (2003)
Book Chapter
Barton, S. (2003). 1 Corinthians. In J. Dunn, & J. Rogerson (Eds.), Eerdmans commentary on the Bible (1314-1352). Eerdmans

Invitation to the Bible. (1997)
Barton, S. (1997). Invitation to the Bible. SPCK

The book shows how to read the Bible in ways that are consistent with Christian faith.

Discipleship and Family Ties in Mark and Matthew (1994)
Barton, S. (1994). Discipleship and Family Ties in Mark and Matthew. Cambridge University Press

The book examines the subordination of family ties as a corollary of discipleship of Jesus in the theologies of Mark and Matthew.

The Spirituality of the Gospels. (1992)
Barton, S. (1992). The Spirituality of the Gospels. SPCK and Hendrickson

The book analyses the distinctive spiritualities of the four canonical gospels.