Euclid preparation: VII. Forecast validation for Euclid cosmological probes
Journal Article
Blanchard, A., Camera, S., Carbone, C., Cardone, V., Casas, S., Clesse, S., Ilić, S., Kilbinger, M., Kitching, T., Kunz, M., Lacasa, F., Linder, E., Majerotto, E., Markovič, K., Martinelli, M., Pettorino, V., Pourtsidou, A., Sakr, Z., Sánchez, A., Sapone, D., …Zucca, E. (2020). Euclid preparation: VII. Forecast validation for Euclid cosmological probes. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 642, Article A191.
Aims. The Euclid space telescope will measure the shapes and redshifts of galaxies to reconstruct the expansion history of the Universe and the growth of cosmic structures. The estimation of the expected performance of the experiment, in terms of pre... Read More about Euclid preparation: VII. Forecast validation for Euclid cosmological probes.