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All Outputs (15)

Now you have read the book, what next? (2022)
Book Chapter
Bentley, G. R., Roberts, C. A., Elton, S., & Plomp, K. A. (2022). Now you have read the book, what next?. In K. A. Plomp, C. A. Roberts, S. Elton, & G. R. Bentley (Eds.), Palaeopathology and Evolutionary Medicine: An Integrated Approach. Oxford University Press

Palaeoecology: considering proximate and ultimate influences in human diets and environmental responses in the early Holocene Dnieper River region of Ukraine (2022)
Book Chapter
Lillie, M. C., & Elton, S. (2022). Palaeoecology: considering proximate and ultimate influences in human diets and environmental responses in the early Holocene Dnieper River region of Ukraine. In K. A. Plomp, C. A. Roberts, S. Elton, & G. R. Bentley (Eds.), Palaeopathology and Evolutionary Medicine: An Integrated Approach. Oxford University Press.

Humans evolved in diverse and variable environments, so understanding health and disease from evolutionary perspectives must include this consideration. In our contribution, we present an overview of early Holocene human health in changing environmen... Read More about Palaeoecology: considering proximate and ultimate influences in human diets and environmental responses in the early Holocene Dnieper River region of Ukraine.

Pliocene primates (2017)
Book Chapter
Elton, S. (2017). Pliocene primates. In A. Fuentes (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of primatology. John Wiley and Sons.

The Pliocene fossil record is dominated by Old World monkeys and hominins. Pliocene lemur, loris, tarsier, New World monkey, and great ape fossils are nonexistent, and very few fossils of galagos and gibbons have been found. All known Pliocene primat... Read More about Pliocene primates.

Adaptive Radiation (2017)
Book Chapter
Elton, S. (2017). Adaptive Radiation. In A. Fuentes (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of primatology. John Wiley and Sons.

Adaptive radiation is the rapid diversification, from a single common ancestor, of a group of species whose members exhibit a diverse array of adaptations and occupy different ecological niches. Numerous adaptive radiations are evident in the primate... Read More about Adaptive Radiation.

Paleobiology and behavior (2017)
Book Chapter
Elton, S. (2017). Paleobiology and behavior. In A. Fuentes (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of primatology. John Wiley and Sons.

Paleobiology, the study of ancient life, gives us a window onto the habits, biology, and behavior of individuals and species that are now extinct. Although extinct species cannot be observed directly, their paleobiology and behavior can be inferred f... Read More about Paleobiology and behavior.

Palaeoenvironmental and sea-level change (2017)
Book Chapter
Elton, S. (2017). Palaeoenvironmental and sea-level change. In A. Fuentes (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of primatology. John Wiley and Sons.

Ancient environmental and sea-level changes are very likely to have played key roles in primate speciation, extinction, adaptation, and dispersal. Most modern primates are ecologically dependent on trees and inhabit tropical environments, and the sam... Read More about Palaeoenvironmental and sea-level change.

Species, populations and groups in human evolution (2015)
Book Chapter
Elton, S., & Dunn, J. (2015). Species, populations and groups in human evolution. In P. Kreager, B. Winney, S. Ulijaszek, & C. Capelli (Eds.), Population in the human sciences : concepts, models, evidence (401-430). Oxford University Press

Impacts of environmental change and community ecology on the composition and diversity of the southern African monkey fauna from the Plio-Pleistocene to the present (2012)
Book Chapter
Elton, S. (2012). Impacts of environmental change and community ecology on the composition and diversity of the southern African monkey fauna from the Plio-Pleistocene to the present. In S. C. Reynolds, & A. Gallagher (Eds.), African genesis : perspectives on hominin evolution (471-486). Cambridge University Press.

The southern African cercopithecid (monkey) fauna has undergone a profound change in composition and diversity since the Plio-Pleistocene, with modern species representing only a small part of the diversity that existed in the past. During the Plio-P... Read More about Impacts of environmental change and community ecology on the composition and diversity of the southern African monkey fauna from the Plio-Pleistocene to the present.

Medicine and evolution : current applications, future prospects (Introduction) (2008)
Book Chapter
Elton, S., & O’Higgins, P. (2008). Medicine and evolution : current applications, future prospects (Introduction). In P. O’Higgins, & S. Elton (Eds.), Medicine and evolution : current applications, future prospects (1-8). CRC Press.

There is increasing interest in examining aspects of health and disease in the context of evolutionary theory [1, 2, 3], and the past decade has witnessed the rise of evolutionary or ‘Darwinian’ medicine as an entity distinct from anthropology, evolu... Read More about Medicine and evolution : current applications, future prospects (Introduction).

Seasonality, climatic unpredictability, food deprivation and polycystic ovary syndrome (2008)
Book Chapter
Shaw, L., & Elton, S. (2008). Seasonality, climatic unpredictability, food deprivation and polycystic ovary syndrome. In S. Elton, & P. O’Higgins (Eds.), Medicine and evolution : current applications, future prospects (77-97). CRC Press.

Stein and Leventhal’s finding of polycystic ovaries, which they eponymously described as part of a circumscribed clinical syndrome [1], has evolved to become a nebulous entity with polycystic ovaries as a prominent component. Biochemical aspects, bot... Read More about Seasonality, climatic unpredictability, food deprivation and polycystic ovary syndrome.

Environments, adaptation and evolutionary medicine: should we be eating a ‘Stone Age’ diet? (2008)
Book Chapter
Elton, E. (2008). Environments, adaptation and evolutionary medicine: should we be eating a ‘Stone Age’ diet?. In P. O’Higgins, & S. Elton (Eds.), Medicine and evolution: current applications, future prospects (9-34). CRC Press.

A central tenet of evolutionary or Darwinian medicine is that many chronic diseases and degenerative conditions evident in modern Western populations have arisen because of a mismatch between ‘Stone Age’ genes and recently-adopted lifestyles [1 – 5].... Read More about Environments, adaptation and evolutionary medicine: should we be eating a ‘Stone Age’ diet?.