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All Outputs (9)

Higgs vacuum decay in a braneworld (2019)
Journal Article
Cuspinera, L., Gregory, R., Marshall, K. M., & Moss, I. G. (2020). Higgs vacuum decay in a braneworld. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 29(1), Article 2050005.

We examine the effect of large extra dimensions on vacuum decay in the Randall– Sundrum (RS) braneworld paradigm. We assume the scalar field is confined to the brane, and compute the probability for forming an “anti-de Sitter” (AdS) bubble inside a c... Read More about Higgs vacuum decay in a braneworld.

Conical holographic heat engines (2019)
Journal Article
Ahmed, W., Chen, H. Z., Gesteau, E., Gregory, R., & Scoins, A. (2019). Conical holographic heat engines. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 36(21),

We demonstrate that adding a conical deficit to a black hole holographic heat engine increases its efficiency; in contrast, allowing a black hole to accelerate decreases efficiency if the same average conical deficit is maintained. Adding other charg... Read More about Conical holographic heat engines.

Rotating black holes in higher order gravity (2019)
Journal Article
Charmousis, C., Crisostomi, M., Gregory, R., & Stergioulas, N. (2019). Rotating black holes in higher order gravity. Physical Review D, 100(8), Article 084020.

We develop a new technique for finding black hole solutions in modified gravity that have “stealth” hair, i.e., hair of which the only gravitational effect is to tune the cosmological constant. We consider scalar-tensor theories in which gravitationa... Read More about Rotating black holes in higher order gravity.

Simulating seeded vacuum decay in a cold atom system (2019)
Journal Article
Billam, T. P., Gregory, R., Michel, F., & Moss, I. G. (2019). Simulating seeded vacuum decay in a cold atom system. Physical Review D, 100(6), Article 065016.

We propose to test the concept of seeded vacuum decay in cosmology using a Bose-Einstein condensate system. The role of the nucleation seed is played by a vortex within the condensate. We present two complementary theoretical analyses that demonstrat... Read More about Simulating seeded vacuum decay in a cold atom system.

Accelerating black hole chemistry (2019)
Journal Article
Gregory, R., & Scoins, A. (2019). Accelerating black hole chemistry. Physics Letters B, 796, 191-195.

We introduce a new set of chemical variables for the accelerating black hole. We show how these expressions suggest that conical defects emerging from a black hole can be considered as true hair – a new charge that the black hole can carry – and disc... Read More about Accelerating black hole chemistry.

Effective field theory for black holes with induced scalar charges (2019)
Journal Article
Wong, L. K., Davis, A.-C., & Gregory, R. (2019). Effective field theory for black holes with induced scalar charges. Physical Review D, 100(2), Article 024010.

While no-hair theorems forbid isolated black holes from possessing permanent moments beyond their mass, electric charge, and angular momentum, research over the past two decades has demonstrated that a black hole interacting with a time-dependent bac... Read More about Effective field theory for black holes with induced scalar charges.

Thermodynamics of charged, rotating, and accelerating black holes (2019)
Journal Article
Anabalón, A., Gray, F., Gregory, R., Kubizňák, D., & Mann, R. B. (2019). Thermodynamics of charged, rotating, and accelerating black holes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(4), Article 96.

We show how to obtain a consistent thermodynamic description of accelerating asymptotically AdS black holes, extending our previous results by including charge and rotation. We find that the key ingredient of consistent thermodynamics is to ensure th... Read More about Thermodynamics of charged, rotating, and accelerating black holes.

Higgs vacuum decay from particle collisions? (2019)
Journal Article
Cuspinera, L., Gregory, R., Marshall, K. M., & Moss, I. G. (2019). Higgs vacuum decay from particle collisions?. Physical Review D, 99(2), Article 024046.

We examine the effect of large extra dimensions on black hole seeded vacuum decay using the Randall-Sundrum model as a prototype for warped extra dimensions. We model the braneworld black hole by a tidal solution and solve the Higgs equations of moti... Read More about Higgs vacuum decay from particle collisions?.

Holographic reconstruction of bubble spacetimes (2019)
Journal Article
Burda, P., Gregory, R., & Jain, A. (2019). Holographic reconstruction of bubble spacetimes. Physical Review D, 99(2), Article 026003.

We discuss the holographic reconstruction of static thin bubble walls in Bañados, Teitelboim, and Zanelli (BTZ) black hole geometries. We consider two reconstruction prescriptions suggested in recent years: hole-ography and light-cone cuts, in the co... Read More about Holographic reconstruction of bubble spacetimes.