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Cleaning Up the Streets: Newcastle-upon-Tyne’s Night-Time Neighbourhood Services Team (2014)
Book Chapter
Shaw, R. (2014). Cleaning Up the Streets: Newcastle-upon-Tyne’s Night-Time Neighbourhood Services Team. In S. Graham, & C. McFarlane (Eds.), Infrastructural lives : urban infrastructure in context (174-196). Routledge

The streets of Britain’s city centres are busy at night: taxi drivers, ‘revellers’, fast food sellers, bouncers, policemen, street pastors, leafleteers and more take to the streets to promote, produce or consume the night-time economy. ‘Night-time ec... Read More about Cleaning Up the Streets: Newcastle-upon-Tyne’s Night-Time Neighbourhood Services Team.

Street-Lighting in England and Wales: New Technologies and Uncertainty in the Assemblage of Street-Lighting Infrastructure (2014)
Journal Article
Shaw, R. (2014). Street-Lighting in England and Wales: New Technologies and Uncertainty in the Assemblage of Street-Lighting Infrastructure. Environment and Planning A, 46(9), 2228-2242.

To dim or not to dim? That is the choice that streetlighting engineers across the world are currently having to make. In the context of austerity politics, increased local-scale responsibility for climate-change mitigation and the emergence of techno... Read More about Street-Lighting in England and Wales: New Technologies and Uncertainty in the Assemblage of Street-Lighting Infrastructure.

Controlling Darkness: Self, Dark and the Domestic Night (2014)
Journal Article
Shaw, R. (2015). Controlling Darkness: Self, Dark and the Domestic Night. Cultural Geographies, 22(4), 585-600.

Social science research into darkness (and light) has largely focused on public spaces. In particular it has been interested in night-time cityscapes, but also spaces of leisure and rural landscapes. This paper instead turns its eye towards the more... Read More about Controlling Darkness: Self, Dark and the Domestic Night.

Beyond Night-Time Economy: Affective Atmospheres of the Urban Night (2014)
Journal Article
Shaw, R. (2014). Beyond Night-Time Economy: Affective Atmospheres of the Urban Night. Geoforum, 51(1), 87-95.

This paper develops the use of the concept of atmosphere in an ‘assemblage urbanism’ approach, as a way of reevaluating how we understand the night-time city. In doing so, this paper rejects what it sees as an overuse of the term ‘night-time economy’... Read More about Beyond Night-Time Economy: Affective Atmospheres of the Urban Night.