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All Outputs (5)

Street-Lighting in England and Wales: New Technologies and Uncertainty in the Assemblage of Street-Lighting Infrastructure (2014)
Journal Article
Shaw, R. (2014). Street-Lighting in England and Wales: New Technologies and Uncertainty in the Assemblage of Street-Lighting Infrastructure. Environment and Planning A, 46(9), 2228-2242.

To dim or not to dim? That is the choice that streetlighting engineers across the world are currently having to make. In the context of austerity politics, increased local-scale responsibility for climate-change mitigation and the emergence of techno... Read More about Street-Lighting in England and Wales: New Technologies and Uncertainty in the Assemblage of Street-Lighting Infrastructure.

Controlling Darkness: Self, Dark and the Domestic Night (2014)
Journal Article
Shaw, R. (2015). Controlling Darkness: Self, Dark and the Domestic Night. Cultural Geographies, 22(4), 585-600.

Social science research into darkness (and light) has largely focused on public spaces. In particular it has been interested in night-time cityscapes, but also spaces of leisure and rural landscapes. This paper instead turns its eye towards the more... Read More about Controlling Darkness: Self, Dark and the Domestic Night.

Beyond Night-Time Economy: Affective Atmospheres of the Urban Night (2014)
Journal Article
Shaw, R. (2014). Beyond Night-Time Economy: Affective Atmospheres of the Urban Night. Geoforum, 51(1), 87-95.

This paper develops the use of the concept of atmosphere in an ‘assemblage urbanism’ approach, as a way of reevaluating how we understand the night-time city. In doing so, this paper rejects what it sees as an overuse of the term ‘night-time economy’... Read More about Beyond Night-Time Economy: Affective Atmospheres of the Urban Night.

“Alive after five”: Constructing the neoliberal night in Newcastle-upon-Tyne (2013)
Journal Article
Shaw, R. (2015). “Alive after five”: Constructing the neoliberal night in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Urban Studies, 52(3), 456-470.

The development of the ‘night-time economy’ in the UK through the 1990s has been associated with neoliberal urban governance. Academics have, however, begun to question the use and the scope of the concept ‘neoliberalism’. In this paper, I identify t... Read More about “Alive after five”: Constructing the neoliberal night in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Neoliberal Subjectivities and the Development of the Night-Time Economy in British Cities (2010)
Journal Article
Shaw, R. (2010). Neoliberal Subjectivities and the Development of the Night-Time Economy in British Cities. Geography Compass, 4(7), 893-903.

This article provides a review of the academic literature on the night-time economy (NTE) of British cities. The first half of the article concentrates on the development of the contemporary NTE by academics in the 1990s, showing how such ideas were... Read More about Neoliberal Subjectivities and the Development of the Night-Time Economy in British Cities.