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All Outputs (11)

EU Prospectus Regulation (2024)
Book Chapter
Schammo, P. (in press). EU Prospectus Regulation. In P. Giudici, & J. A. McCahery (Eds.), Research Handbook on EU Securities Regulation. Edward Elgar Publishing

Integrating Sustainable Finance into the Prospectus Regulation (2023)
Book Chapter
Chiu, I., & Schammo, P. Integrating Sustainable Finance into the Prospectus Regulation. In K. Alexander, M. Gargantini, & M. Siri (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of EU Sustainable Finance: Regulation, Supervision and Governance. Cambridge University Press

The question of whether ‘specialist’ securities such as use-of-proceeds green bonds should be subject to a greater level of regulation has attracted considerable attention among policymakers and market actors. Much is at stake, especially because the... Read More about Integrating Sustainable Finance into the Prospectus Regulation.

Banking Union and Brexit: the challenge of geography (2019)
Book Chapter
Schammo, P. (2019). Banking Union and Brexit: the challenge of geography. In G. Lo Schiavo (Ed.), The European Banking Union and the role of law (87-107). Edward Elgar Publishing

At the heart of the discussions on Brexit are issues about the future balance between the mobility and place-dependency of cross-border flows and networks. This chapter examines this issue against the background of the internal market and the Banking... Read More about Banking Union and Brexit: the challenge of geography.

National report – United Kingdom (2016)
Book Chapter
Georgosouli, A., & Schammo, P. (2016). National report – United Kingdom. In G. Bándi, P. Darák, A. Halustyik, & P. Láncos (Eds.), European Banking Union. XXVII. FIDE Congress proceedings (584-607). Wolters Kluwer

Capital Markets Union and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs): a Preliminary Assessment (2015)
Book Chapter
Schammo, P. (2015). Capital Markets Union and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs): a Preliminary Assessment. In F. Allen, E. Carletti, & J. Gray (Eds.), The new financial architecture in the Eurozone (137-176). European University Institute.

The Capital Markets Union is the European Commission’s latest policy initiative in the capital markets field. It is a project in the making. Much of it remains to be spelled out and fleshed out. However, the first elements of a future CMU are slowly... Read More about Capital Markets Union and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs): a Preliminary Assessment.

Marchés financiers - émetteurs (2014)
Book Chapter
Schammo, P. (2014). Marchés financiers - émetteurs. In Jurisclasseur Europe, fascicule 1025 (1-22). (1025). Lexis Nexis, JurisClasseur: Europe Traité

Corporate Finance Law in the UK and the EU (2011)
Book Chapter
Schammo, P. (2011). Corporate Finance Law in the UK and the EU. In D. Prentice, & A. Reisberg (Eds.), Equivalence-based Regulation and EU Prospectus Law - the Shadow Regime (493-518). OUP

Comments on abuse of rights in EU law (2011)
Book Chapter
Schammo, P. (2011). Comments on abuse of rights in EU law. In R. de la Feria, & S. Vogenauer (Eds.), Prohibition of abuse of law : a new general principle of EU law ? (193-199). Hart Publishing