A Middle Route Through the Northwest Passage: Resolving a Controversy in the Context of International Law.
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (2012). A Middle Route Through the Northwest Passage: Resolving a Controversy in the Context of International Law. In World Geography: Understanding a Changing World. ABC-CLIO
All Outputs (155)
Atlas Swam: Freedom, Capital, and Floating Sovereignties in the Seasteading Vision. (2012)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P., Nyman, E., & Caraccioli, M. (2012). Atlas Swam: Freedom, Capital, and Floating Sovereignties in the Seasteading Vision. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 44(4), 1532-1550. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8330.2011.00963.xPolitical actors have long drawn on utopian imaginaries of colonizing marine and island spaces as models for idealized libertarian commonwealths. A recent inheritor of this tradition is the seasteading movement, which seeks to “further the establishm... Read More about Atlas Swam: Freedom, Capital, and Floating Sovereignties in the Seasteading Vision..
Book Review: Cosmopolitanism and the Geographies of Freedom, by David Harvey. (2011)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P. (2011). Book Review: Cosmopolitanism and the Geographies of Freedom, by David Harvey. Dialogues in Human Geography, 1(1), 114-116. https://doi.org/10.1177/204382061100100109
Academic Re-Territorializations: Gate-Keeping, Power, and Responsibility (2011)
Journal Article
O’Loughlin, J., Raento, P., Sidaway, J., & Steinberg, P. (2011). Academic Re-Territorializations: Gate-Keeping, Power, and Responsibility. Political Geography, 30(1), 1-2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2010.12.004
Lay Activism and Activist Intentions in a Faculty Union: An Exploratory Study. (2011)
Journal Article
Fiorito, J., Tope, D., Steinberg, P., Padavic, I., & Murphy, C. (2011). Lay Activism and Activist Intentions in a Faculty Union: An Exploratory Study. Labor Studies Journal, 36(4), 483-507. https://doi.org/10.1177/0160449x11422609
Liquid Urbanity: Re-Engineering the City in a Post-Terrestrial World. (2011)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (2011). Liquid Urbanity: Re-Engineering the City in a Post-Terrestrial World. In S. Brunn (Ed.), Engineering Earth: The Impacts of Mega-Engineering Projects (2113-2122). Springer Verlag
Free Sea. (2011)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (2011). Free Sea. In S. Legg (Ed.), Sovereignty, Spatiality, and Carl Schmitt: Geographies of the Nomos (268-275). Routledge
Re-Presenting Information: Reviews, Interventions, and Guest Editorials (2010)
Journal Article
O'Loughlin, J., Raento, P., Sidaway, J. D., & Steinberg, P. E. (2010). Re-Presenting Information: Reviews, Interventions, and Guest Editorials. Political Geography, 29(1), 1-2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2009.10.008
You Are (Not) Here: On the Ambiguity of Flag Planting and Finger Pointing (2010)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P. E. (2010). You Are (Not) Here: On the Ambiguity of Flag Planting and Finger Pointing. Political Geography, 29(2), 81-84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2010.02.003
The Deepwater Horizon, The Mavi Marmara, and the Dynamic Zonation of Ocean-Space (2010)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P. E. (2010). The Deepwater Horizon, The Mavi Marmara, and the Dynamic Zonation of Ocean-Space. The Geographical Journal, 177(1), 12-16. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-4959.2010.00383.x
Contested Sovereignty in a Changing Arctic. (2010)
Journal Article
Gerhardt, H., Steinberg, P. E., Tasch, J., Fabiano, S. J., & Shields, R. (2010). Contested Sovereignty in a Changing Arctic. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 100(4), 992-1002. https://doi.org/10.1080/00045608.2010.500560Climate change is challenging the notions of permanency and stability on which the ideal of the sovereign, territorial state historically has rested. Nowhere is this challenge more pressing than in the Arctic. As states expand their sovereignty claim... Read More about Contested Sovereignty in a Changing Arctic..
Home Energy Conservation and Efficiency in Florida (2010)
Arpan, L., Lu, J., Opel, A., & Steinberg, P. E. (2010). Home Energy Conservation and Efficiency in Florida. [No known commissioning body]
Book Review: Geographies of Media and Communication, by Paul C. Adams (2010)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P. E. (2010). Book Review: Geographies of Media and Communication, by Paul C. Adams. Aether (Northridge, Calif. ), 6, 113-116
Entries on "Oceans," "Peet, Richard," and "Portolan Charts" (2010)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. E. (2010). Entries on "Oceans," "Peet, Richard," and "Portolan Charts". In B. Warf (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geography. SAGE Publications
Power and Space in Electronic Communications (2010)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. E., & Purcell, D. (2010). Power and Space in Electronic Communications. In R. A. Denemark (Ed.), The International Studies Encyclopedia (5893-5906). Wiley
Professional Ethics and the Politics of Geographic Knowledge: The Bowman Expeditions (2010)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P. E. (2010). Professional Ethics and the Politics of Geographic Knowledge: The Bowman Expeditions. Political Geography, 29(8), 413-413. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2010.08.001
Key West's Conch Republic: Building Sovereignties of Connection (2009)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P. E., & Chapman, T. E. (2009). Key West's Conch Republic: Building Sovereignties of Connection. Political Geography, 28(5), 283-295. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2009.08.001This article examines the Conch Republic, a semi-farcical micro-state that was established in Key West, Florida in 1982. Although the Conch Republic has its origins in a direct challenge to state power, it is now a relatively depoliticized statement... Read More about Key West's Conch Republic: Building Sovereignties of Connection.
Book Review: The Tropics of Empire: Why Columbus Sailed South to the Indies, by Nicolas Wey Gómez (2009)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P. E. (2009). Book Review: The Tropics of Empire: Why Columbus Sailed South to the Indies, by Nicolas Wey Gómez. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 30(3), 404-405. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9493.2009.00377_1.x
Sovereignty, Territory, and the Mapping of Mobility: A View from the Outside (2009)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P. E. (2009). Sovereignty, Territory, and the Mapping of Mobility: A View from the Outside. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 99(3), 467-495. https://doi.org/10.1080/00045600902931702Theorists within and beyond the discipline of geography increasingly realize that boundaries are not simply lines that enclose and define territories. Boundaries also regulate and are reproduced by acts of movement. Movement, beyond and across, as we... Read More about Sovereignty, Territory, and the Mapping of Mobility: A View from the Outside.
Internationalism, Hegemony, Community, and the Megaconference: A Response to Lawrence Berg (2009)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P. E. (2009). Internationalism, Hegemony, Community, and the Megaconference: A Response to Lawrence Berg. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 8(3), 552-558