Edges and flows: Exploring legal materialities and biophysical politics of sea ice
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P., Kristoffersen, B., & Shake, K. (2020). Edges and flows: Exploring legal materialities and biophysical politics of sea ice. In I. Braverman, & E. Johnson (Eds.), Blue legalities : the law and life of the sea. Duke University Press
All Outputs (155)
Cross-currents and undertows: A response (2019)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P., & Peters, K. (2019). Cross-currents and undertows: A response. Dialogues in Human Geography, 9(3), 333-338. https://doi.org/10.1177/2043820619879521In our response, we address two themes that appear in several of the commentaries. First, we elaborate on our decision to maintain a focus on the ocean, rather than turning to a term that speaks more clearly to geographic categories (e.g. the sea), e... Read More about Cross-currents and undertows: A response.
The ocean in excess: Towards a more-than-wet ontology (2019)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P., & Peters, K. (2019). The ocean in excess: Towards a more-than-wet ontology. Dialogues in Human Geography, 9(3), 293-307. https://doi.org/10.1177/2043820619872886This paper builds upon previous assertions that the ocean provides a fertile environment for reconceptualising understandings of space, time, movement, and experiences of being in a transformative and mobile world. Following previous articles that ur... Read More about The ocean in excess: Towards a more-than-wet ontology.
Cartomanzie polari (2019)
Steinberg, P., & Kristoffersen, B. (2019). Cartomanzie polari. [Online Magazine - Limes Online]
Beyond bibliometrics (2019)
Journal Article
Benjaminsen, T. A., Costalli, S., Grove, K., McConnell, F., Menga, F., Steinberg, P. E., & Vradis, A. (2019). Beyond bibliometrics. Political Geography, 68, A1-A2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2018.12.004
Building a Blue Economy in the Arctic Ocean: Sustaining the Sea or Sustaining the State? (2018)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P., & Kristoffersen, B. (2018). Building a Blue Economy in the Arctic Ocean: Sustaining the Sea or Sustaining the State?. In U. Gad, & J. Strandsbjerg (Eds.), Politics of sustainability in the Arctic : reconfiguring identity, space, and time (136-148). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781351031981-9Calls for sustainable development in the Arctic are linked with the global turn to a Blue Economy. To consider the relationship between the Blue Economy agenda, sustainable development discourse, and Norwegian ocean policy, we first consider the lite... Read More about Building a Blue Economy in the Arctic Ocean: Sustaining the Sea or Sustaining the State?.
Editorial: The Ocean as Frontier (2018)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P. (2018). Editorial: The Ocean as Frontier. International Social Science Journal, 68(229-230), 237-240. https://doi.org/10.1111/issj.12152This editorial explores how the concept of the frontier calls attention to the ocean as a space of both opening and closure. Whilst the new opportunities suggested by a frontier imply an opening, the realisation of these opportunities typically requi... Read More about Editorial: The Ocean as Frontier.
The Power of Water (2018)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (2018). The Power of Water. In M. Coleman, & J. Agnew (Eds.), Handbook on the geographies of power (217-228). Edward Elgar Publishing
Views (2018)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P. (2018). Views. Cultural Anthropology,
Waves of Knowing: A Seascape Epistemology Karin Animoto Ingersoll. Duke University Press, 2016, pp ix + 216 (ISBN: 978‐0‐8223‐6234‐0) (2018)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P. (2018). Waves of Knowing: A Seascape Epistemology Karin Animoto Ingersoll. Duke University Press, 2016, pp ix + 216 (ISBN: 978‐0‐8223‐6234‐0). Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 39(3), 472-474. https://doi.org/10.1111/sjtg.12248
The Lighthouse as Survival (2018)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (2018). The Lighthouse as Survival. In V. Strang, T. Edensor, & J. Puckering (Eds.), From the lighthouse : interdisciplinary reflections on light (179-183). Routledge
Territory Beyond Terra. (2018)
Peters, K., Steinberg, P., & Stratford, E. (Eds.). (2018). Territory Beyond Terra. Rowman & Littlefield International
Introduction (2018)
Book Chapter
Peters, K., Steinberg, P., & Stratford, E. (2018). Introduction. In K. Peters, P. Steinberg, & E. Stratford (Eds.), Territory beyond Terra (1-15). Rowman & Littlefield International
Environments (2018)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (2018). Environments. In K. Peters, P. Steinberg, & E. Stratford (Eds.), Territory beyond Terra (87-90). Rowman & Littlefield International
Placing Territory on Ice: Militarisation, Measurement, and Murder in the High Arctic (2018)
Book Chapter
Bruun, J., & Steinberg, P. (2018). Placing Territory on Ice: Militarisation, Measurement, and Murder in the High Arctic. In K. A. Peters, P. E. Steinberg, & E. Stratford (Eds.), Territory beyond terra (147-165). Rowman & Littlefield International
The Ocean and Transport / The Ocean in Transport / The Ocean as Transport; or, Mobilis in Mobili (2018)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (2018). The Ocean and Transport / The Ocean in Transport / The Ocean as Transport; or, Mobilis in Mobili. In S. Hessler (Ed.), Tidalectics : imagining an oceanic worldview through art and science. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press
Foreword (2018)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (2018). Foreword. In M. Brown, & B. Humberstone (Eds.), Shaped by the Sea: Embodied Narratives in Fluid Geographies (xi-xiv). Ashgate
Scientific rationale and international obligations for protection of active hydrothermal vent ecosystems from deep-sea mining (2018)
Journal Article
Van Dover, C., Arnaud-Haond, S., Gianni, M., Helmreich, S., Huber, J., Jaecke, A., …Yamamoto, H. (2018). Scientific rationale and international obligations for protection of active hydrothermal vent ecosystems from deep-sea mining. Marine Policy, 90, 20-28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2018.01.020There is increasing interest in mining minerals on the seabed, including seafloor massive sulfide deposits that form at hydrothermal vents. The International Seabed Authority is currently drafting a Mining Code, including environmental regulations, f... Read More about Scientific rationale and international obligations for protection of active hydrothermal vent ecosystems from deep-sea mining.
Canadian Sovereignty in the High Arctic (2017)
Steinberg, P. (2017). Canadian Sovereignty in the High Arctic
Reassessing the Trump presidency, one year on (2017)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P., Page, S., Ditmer, J., Gökariksel, B., Smith, S., Ingram, A., & Koch, N. (2018). Reassessing the Trump presidency, one year on. Political Geography, 62, 207-215. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2017.10.010