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‘It Is Not Down on Any Map’: Sovereignty, Territory, and Jurisdiction on an Arctic Ice Island (2025)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P. (online). ‘It Is Not Down on Any Map’: Sovereignty, Territory, and Jurisdiction on an Arctic Ice Island. Geopolitics,

Islands have a complicated and, at times, paradoxical relationship with the sovereign state. Some islands have been lauded as prototypical models for the idealised hard-bordered spaces of state sovereignty; others have been written off as barbarian s... Read More about ‘It Is Not Down on Any Map’: Sovereignty, Territory, and Jurisdiction on an Arctic Ice Island.

Foreword (2024)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (in press). Foreword. In Marine Geography: Ocean Space and Sense of Place. Elsevier

Foreword (2024)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (in press). Foreword. In Arctic State Identity: Geography, History, and Geopolitical Relations, by Ingrid A. Medby. Manchester University Press

This book sets out to answer what it means to hold a formal title as one of the eight 'Arctic states'; is there such a thing as an Arctic state identity, and if so, what does this mean for state personnel? It charts the thoughtful reflections and sto... Read More about Foreword.

Listening to/in the Field: Polyphony in the Exploring Arctic Soundscapes Project (2024)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P., Baxter, R., Egan, E., Kramvig, B., Lehman, J., Winderen, J., Winterling, S., & Kramvig, B. (in press). Listening to/in the Field: Polyphony in the Exploring Arctic Soundscapes Project. Geohumanities,

This article reflects on the Exploring Arctic Soundscapes project, a transdisciplinary venture of seven natural scientists, social scientists, and artists that sought to explore how a focus on sound could spur development of a new research sensibilit... Read More about Listening to/in the Field: Polyphony in the Exploring Arctic Soundscapes Project.

Mediating Arctic soundscapes (2024)
Book Chapter
Coutu, C., Ferloni, G., Riquet, J., & Steinberg, P. (2024). Mediating Arctic soundscapes. In J. Riquet (Ed.), . Manchester University Press

Decolonial cartographies: Countermapping in the Arctic (2024)
Book Chapter
Charier, D., Huttorm, H., Kramvig, B., Kristoffersen, B., Riquet, J., & Steinberg, P. (2024). Decolonial cartographies: Countermapping in the Arctic. In J. Riquet (Ed.), The Mediated Arctic. Manchester University Press

Sea ice extent and the sea ice index: Freezing Arctic sea ice through measurement and mediation (2024)
Book Chapter
Seddon, L., & Steinberg, P. Sea ice extent and the sea ice index: Freezing Arctic sea ice through measurement and mediation. In J. Alnæs, S. Tollerud Bull, L. Hausken, & S. Østby Sæther (Eds.), Media Seas and the Blue Humanities: Studies of the High North Atlantic. Routledge

Satellite observations of declining sea-ice extent have emerged as a dominant and seemingly straightforward indicator of climate change – easily representable and comprehensible as a tangible, linear measure of a changing planet. These mediated under... Read More about Sea ice extent and the sea ice index: Freezing Arctic sea ice through measurement and mediation.

Time for oil: competing petrotemporalities in Norway's Lofote/Vesteralen/Senja Archipelago (2022)
Book Chapter
Kristoffersen, B., Bridge, G., & Steinberg, P. (2022). Time for oil: competing petrotemporalities in Norway's Lofote/Vesteralen/Senja Archipelago. In F. Polack, & D. Farquharson (Eds.), Cold Water Oil: Offshore Petroleum Cultures (176-193). Routledge

This chapter analyses how the petroleum industry operates across multiple temporal frames. The authors then go on to illustrate how, when communities debate their petroleum futures, the “anticipatory temporalities” of petroleum abundance, technology,... Read More about Time for oil: competing petrotemporalities in Norway's Lofote/Vesteralen/Senja Archipelago.

Navigating the Structural Coherence of Sea Ice (2022)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P., Ferloni, G., Aporta, C., Bridge, G., Chircop, A., Coddington, K., Elden, S., Kane, S. C., Koivurova, T., Shadian, J., & Stammler-Gossmann, A. (2022). Navigating the Structural Coherence of Sea Ice. In I. Braverman (Ed.), Laws of the Sea: Interdisciplinary Currents (164-183). Routledge.

Ice breaking by ships can cause irreparable harm to the ecologies and cultures of northern regions. This chapter revolves around a central question: what are the barriers preventing the development of a legal mechanism to limit this act of environmen... Read More about Navigating the Structural Coherence of Sea Ice.

Introduction: Placing and situating ocean space(s) (2022)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (2022). Introduction: Placing and situating ocean space(s). In K. Peters, J. Anderson, A. Davies, & P. Steinberg (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Ocean Space (3-19). Routledge

Mining questions of ‘what’ and ‘who’: deepening discussions of the seabed for future policy and governance (2022)
Journal Article
Conde, M., Mondré, A., Peters, K., & Steinberg, P. (2022). Mining questions of ‘what’ and ‘who’: deepening discussions of the seabed for future policy and governance. Maritime Studies, 21(3), 327-338.

In spite of a proliferation of academic and policy-oriented interest in deep sea mining (DSM), this paper argues that two underlying questions remain underexplored. The first relates to what exactly the seabed is; the second to who the stakeholders a... Read More about Mining questions of ‘what’ and ‘who’: deepening discussions of the seabed for future policy and governance.

Blue Planet, Black Lives: Matter, Memory, and the Temporalities of Political Geography (2021)
Journal Article
Steinberg, P. (2022). Blue Planet, Black Lives: Matter, Memory, and the Temporalities of Political Geography. Political Geography, 96, Article 102524.

This article considers how the ontological challenges posed by the ocean's materiality and the porous boundaries of marine ecologies and economies aligns with scholarship emanating from Black and Caribbean thought to rethink the linear histories and... Read More about Blue Planet, Black Lives: Matter, Memory, and the Temporalities of Political Geography.

Turbulent waters in three parts (2021)
Journal Article
Lehman, J., Steinberg, P., & Johnson, E. (2021). Turbulent waters in three parts. Theory and Event, 24(1), 192-219

While scientific accounts of ocean dynamics draw public attention to the turbulence of earthly matter, the science alone tells a truncated story. The ocean's turbulent materiality is more than material: practices of scientific knowledge and historica... Read More about Turbulent waters in three parts.

A critical social perspective on deep sea mining: Lessons from the emergent industry in Japan (2020)
Journal Article
Carver, R., Childs, J., Steinberg, P., Mabon, L., Matsuda, H., Squire, R., McLellan, B., & Esteban, M. (2020). A critical social perspective on deep sea mining: Lessons from the emergent industry in Japan. Ocean & Coastal Management, 193,

In 2017 the Japanese government reported that its state-owned mining company had successfully extracted zinc from the seabed off the coast of Okinawa. This piloting of technology is currently the world's only example of large-scale extractive activit... Read More about A critical social perspective on deep sea mining: Lessons from the emergent industry in Japan.