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All Outputs (4)

Reforming Ecumenism: Receptive Ecumenism as an Instrument for Ecclesial Transformation (2024)
Book Chapter
Murray, P. D. (in press). Reforming Ecumenism: Receptive Ecumenism as an Instrument for Ecclesial Transformation. In N. Haupt, O. Kristenson, M. Nausner, & G. A. Ryan (Eds.), Spirit Flowing like Water: Conversations on Receptive Ecumenism. Wipf and Stock

This chapter focuses on some of the key convictions and fundamental commitments which have been at work in Receptive Ecumenism from the outset and to which we need to keep returning. It starts out by reflecting on the refrain that runs through the bo... Read More about Reforming Ecumenism: Receptive Ecumenism as an Instrument for Ecclesial Transformation.

Catholic Theology After Vatican II (2024)
Book Chapter
Murray, P. D. (2024). Catholic Theology After Vatican II. In R. Muers, A. Cocksworth, & D. F. Ford (Eds.), Ford's The Modern Theologians: An Introduction to Christian Theology since 1918 (233-250). (4th ed.). Blackwell