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All Outputs (33)

A Goldstone theorem for continuous non-invertible symmetries (2023)
Journal Article
Etxebarria, I. G., & Iqbal, N. (2023). A Goldstone theorem for continuous non-invertible symmetries. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(9), Article 145.

We study systems with an Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly in terms of non-invertible symmetry. We present a new kind of non-invertible charge defect where a key role is played by a local current operator localized on the defect. The charge defects are now l... Read More about A Goldstone theorem for continuous non-invertible symmetries.

2-group global symmetries, hydrodynamics and holography (2023)
Journal Article
Iqbal, N., & Poovuttikul, N. (2023). 2-group global symmetries, hydrodynamics and holography. SciPost Physics, 15(2), Article 063.

2-group global symmetries are a particular example of how higher-form and conventional global symmetries can fuse together into a larger structure. We construct a theory of hydrodynamics describing the finite-temperature realization of a 2-group glob... Read More about 2-group global symmetries, hydrodynamics and holography.

Higher-form symmetries, anomalous magnetohydrodynamics, and holography (2023)
Journal Article
Das, A., Gregory, R., & Iqbal, N. (2023). Higher-form symmetries, anomalous magnetohydrodynamics, and holography. SciPost Physics, 14(6), Article 163.

In U ( 1 ) Abelian gauge theory coupled to fermions, the non-conservation of the axial current due to the chiral anomaly is given by a dynamical operator F μ ν ~ F μ ν constructed from the field-strength tensor. We attempt to describe this physics in... Read More about Higher-form symmetries, anomalous magnetohydrodynamics, and holography.

Mean string field theory: Landau-Ginzburg theory for 1-form symmetries (2022)
Journal Article
Iqbal, N., & McGreevy, J. (2022). Mean string field theory: Landau-Ginzburg theory for 1-form symmetries. SciPost Physics, 13(5), Article 114.

By analogy with the Landau-Ginzburg theory of ordinary zero-form symmetries, we introduce and develop a Landau-Ginzburg theory of one-form global symmetries, which we call mean string field theory. The basic dynamical variable is a string field – def... Read More about Mean string field theory: Landau-Ginzburg theory for 1-form symmetries.

Numerical simulation of self-dual U(1) lattice field theory with electric and magnetic matter (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Anosova, M., Gattringer, C., Iqbal, N., & Sulejmanpasic, T. (2022, December). Numerical simulation of self-dual U(1) lattice field theory with electric and magnetic matter. Presented at Proceedings of The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2021)

We study a recently proposed formulation of U(1) lattice field theory with electric and magnetic matter based on the Villain formulation. This discretization allows for a duality that gives rise to relations between weak and strong gauge coupling. Th... Read More about Numerical simulation of self-dual U(1) lattice field theory with electric and magnetic matter.

Phase structure of self-dual lattice gauge theories in 4d (2022)
Journal Article
Anosova, M., Gattringer, C., Iqbal, N., & Sulejmanpasic, T. (2022). Phase structure of self-dual lattice gauge theories in 4d. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022(6), Article 149.

We discuss U(1) lattice gauge theory models based on a modified Villain formulation of the gauge action, which allows coupling to bosonic electric and magnetic matter. The formulation enjoys a duality which maps electric and magnetic sectors into eac... Read More about Phase structure of self-dual lattice gauge theories in 4d.

Towards traversable wormholes from force-free plasmas (2022)
Journal Article
Iqbal, N., & Ross, S. F. (2022). Towards traversable wormholes from force-free plasmas. SciPost Physics, 12(3), Article 086.

The near-horizon region of magnetically charged black holes can have very strong magnetic fields. A useful low-energy effective theory for fluctuations of the fields, coupled to electrically charged particles, is force-free electrodynamics. The low e... Read More about Towards traversable wormholes from force-free plasmas.

Effective description of non-equilibrium currents in cold magnetized plasma (2022)
Journal Article
Iqbal, N. (2022). Effective description of non-equilibrium currents in cold magnetized plasma. SciPost Physics, 12(2), Article 078.

The dynamics of cold strongly magnetized plasma -- traditionally the domain of force-free electrodynamics -- has recently been reformulated in terms of symmetries and effective field theory, where the degrees of freedom are the momentum and magnetic... Read More about Effective description of non-equilibrium currents in cold magnetized plasma.

Toward a 3d Ising model with a weakly-coupled string theory dual (2020)
Journal Article
Iqbal, N., & McGreevy, J. (2020). Toward a 3d Ising model with a weakly-coupled string theory dual. SciPost Physics, 9(2), Article 019.

It has long been expected that the 3d Ising model can be thought of as a string theory, where one interprets the domain walls that separate up spins from down spins as two-dimensional string worldsheets. The usual Ising Hamiltonian measures the area... Read More about Toward a 3d Ising model with a weakly-coupled string theory dual.

Bulk entanglement entropy for photons and gravitons in AdS$_3$ (2020)
Journal Article
Belin, A., Iqbal, N., & Kruthoff, J. (2020). Bulk entanglement entropy for photons and gravitons in AdS$_3$. SciPost Physics, 8(5), Article 075.

We study quantum corrections to holographic entanglement entropy in AdS3/CFT2; these are given by the bulk entanglement entropy across the Ryu-Takayanagi surface for all fields in the effective gravitational theory. We consider bulk U(1) gauge fields... Read More about Bulk entanglement entropy for photons and gravitons in AdS$_3$.

Effective field theory of force-free electrodynamics (2019)
Journal Article
Gralla, S. E., & Iqbal, N. (2019). Effective field theory of force-free electrodynamics. Physical Review D, 99(10), Article 105004.

Force-free electrodynamics (FFE) is a closed set of equations for the electromagnetic field of a magnetically dominated plasma. There are strong arguments for the existence of force-free plasmas near pulsars and active black holes, but FFE alone cann... Read More about Effective field theory of force-free electrodynamics.

Goldstone modes and photonization for higher form symmetries (2019)
Journal Article
Hofman, D., & Iqbal, N. (2019). Goldstone modes and photonization for higher form symmetries. SciPost Physics, 6(1), Article 006.

We discuss generalized global symmetries and their breaking. We extend Goldstone’s theorem to higher form symmetries by showing that a perimeter law for an extended p-dimensional defect operator charged under a continuous p-form generalized global sy... Read More about Goldstone modes and photonization for higher form symmetries.

Bulk entanglement entropy in perturbative excited states (2018)
Journal Article
Belin, A., Iqbal, N., & Lokhande, S. F. (2018). Bulk entanglement entropy in perturbative excited states. SciPost Physics, 5(3), Article 024.

We compute the bulk entanglement entropy across the Ryu-Takayanagi surface for a oneparticle state in a scalar field theory in AdS3. We work directly within the bulk Hilbert space and include the spatial spread of the scalar wavefunction. We give clo... Read More about Bulk entanglement entropy in perturbative excited states.

Wilson lines and Ishibashi states in AdS3/CFT2 (2018)
Journal Article
Castro, A., Iqbal, N., & Llabrés, E. (2018). Wilson lines and Ishibashi states in AdS3/CFT2. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(9), Article 66.

We provide a refined interpretation of a gravitational Wilson line in AdS3 in terms of Ishibashi states in the dual CFT2. Our strategy is to give a method to evaluate the Wilson line that accounts for all the information contained in the representati... Read More about Wilson lines and Ishibashi states in AdS3/CFT2.

Generalized global symmetries and holography (2018)
Journal Article
Hofman, D., & Iqbal, N. (2018). Generalized global symmetries and holography. SciPost Physics, 4(1), Article 005.

We study the holographic duals of four-dimensional field theories with 1-form global symmetries, both discrete and continuous. Such higher-form global symmetries are associated with antisymmetric tensor gauge fields in the bulk. Various different rea... Read More about Generalized global symmetries and holography.

Generalized global symmetries and dissipative magnetohydrodynamics (2017)
Journal Article
Grozdanov, S., Hofman, D. M., & Iqbal, N. (2017). Generalized global symmetries and dissipative magnetohydrodynamics. Physical Review D, 95(9), Article 096003.

The conserved magnetic flux of U(1) electrodynamics coupled to matter in four dimensions is associated with a generalized global symmetry. We study the realization of such a symmetry at finite temperature and develop the hydrodynamic theory describin... Read More about Generalized global symmetries and dissipative magnetohydrodynamics.