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UV line driven disc wind as the origin of ultrafast outflows in AGN (2021)
Journal Article
Mizumoto, M., Nomura, M., Done, C., Ohsuga, K., & Odaka, H. (2021). UV line driven disc wind as the origin of ultrafast outflows in AGN. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503(1), 1442-1458.

UltraFast Outflows (UFO) are observed in some active galactic nuclei (AGN), with blueshifted and highly ionised Fe-K absorption features. AGN typically have a UV bright accretion flow, so UV line driving is an obvious candidate for launching these wi... Read More about UV line driven disc wind as the origin of ultrafast outflows in AGN.

Geometry of the X-ray source 1H 0707–495 (2020)
Journal Article
Szanecki, M., Niedźwiecki, A., Done, C., Klepczarek, Ł., Lubiński, P., & Mizumoto, M. (2020). Geometry of the X-ray source 1H 0707–495. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 641, Article A89.

Aims. We investigate the constraints on the size and location of the X-ray source in 1H 0707–495 determined from the shape of the relativistically smeared reflection from the accretion disc. Methods. We developed a new code to model an extended X-ray... Read More about Geometry of the X-ray source 1H 0707–495.

Testing the Lamp-post and Wind Reverberation Models with XMM-Newton Observations of NGC 5506 (2020)
Journal Article
Zoghbi, A., Kalli, S., Miller, J. M., & Mizumoto, M. (2020). Testing the Lamp-post and Wind Reverberation Models with XMM-Newton Observations of NGC 5506. Astrophysical Journal, 893(2), Article 97.

The lamp-post geometry is often used to model X-ray data of accreting black holes. Despite its simple assumptions, it has proven to be powerful in inferring fundamental black hole properties such as the spin. Early results of X-ray reverberations sho... Read More about Testing the Lamp-post and Wind Reverberation Models with XMM-Newton Observations of NGC 5506.

Possible Progression of Mass-flow Processes around Young Intermediate-mass Stars Based on High-resolution Near-infrared Spectroscopy. I. Taurus (2019)
Journal Article
Yasui, C., Hamano, S., Fukue, K., Kondo, S., Sameshima, H., Takenaka, K., Matsunaga, N., Ikeda, Y., Kawakita, H., Otsubo, S., Watase, A., Taniguchi, D., Mizumoto, M., Izumi, N., & Kobayashi, N. (2019). Possible Progression of Mass-flow Processes around Young Intermediate-mass Stars Based on High-resolution Near-infrared Spectroscopy. I. Taurus. Astrophysical Journal, 886(2), Article 115.

We used the WINERED spectrograph to perform near-infrared high-resolution spectroscopy (resolving power R = 28,000) of 13 young intermediate-mass stars in the Taurus star-forming region. Based on the presence of near- and mid-infrared continuum emiss... Read More about Possible Progression of Mass-flow Processes around Young Intermediate-mass Stars Based on High-resolution Near-infrared Spectroscopy. I. Taurus.

First Detection of A–X (0,0) Bands of Interstellar C2 and CN (2019)
Journal Article
Hamano, S., Kawakita, H., Kobayashi, N., Takenaka, K., Ikeda, Y., Matsunaga, N., Kondo, S., Sameshima, H., Fukue, K., Yasui, C., Mizumoto, M., Otsubo, S., Watase, A., Yoshikawa, T., & Kobayashi, H. (2019). First Detection of A–X (0,0) Bands of Interstellar C2 and CN. Astrophysical Journal, 881(2), Article 143.

We report the first detection of C2 P - S +A Xu g 11 (0,0) and CN P - S +A Xu 22 (0,0) absorption bands in the interstellar medium. The detection was made using the near-infrared (0.91–1.35μm) high-resolution (R=20,000 and 68,000) spectra of Cygnus... Read More about First Detection of A–X (0,0) Bands of Interstellar C2 and CN.

Fe i Lines in 0.91–1.33 μm Spectra of Red Giants for Measuring the Microturbulence and Metallicities (2019)
Journal Article
Kondo, S., Fukue, K., Matsunaga, N., Ikeda, Y., Taniguchi, D., Kobayashi, N., Sameshima, H., Hamano, S., Arai, A., Kawakita, H., Yasui, C., Izumi, N., Mizumoto, M., Otsubo, S., Takenaka, K., Watase, A., Asano, A., Yoshikawa, T., & Tsujimoto, T. (2019). Fe i Lines in 0.91–1.33 μm Spectra of Red Giants for Measuring the Microturbulence and Metallicities. Astrophysical Journal, 875(2),

For a detailed analysis of stellar chemical abundances, high-resolution spectra in the optical have mainly been used, while the development of near-infrared (NIR) spectrograph has opened new wavelength windows. Red giants have a large number of resol... Read More about Fe i Lines in 0.91–1.33 μm Spectra of Red Giants for Measuring the Microturbulence and Metallicities.

Kinetic Energy Transfer from X-Ray Ultrafast Outflows to Millimeter/Submillimeter Cold Molecular Outflows in Seyfert Galaxies (2019)
Journal Article
Mizumoto, M., Izumi, T., & Kohno, K. (2019). Kinetic Energy Transfer from X-Ray Ultrafast Outflows to Millimeter/Submillimeter Cold Molecular Outflows in Seyfert Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 871(2), Article 156.

UltraFast Outflows (UFOs), seen as X-ray blueshifted absorption lines in active galactic nuclei (AGNs), are considered to be a key mechanism for AGN feedback. In this scenario, UFO kinetic energy is transferred into the cold and extended molecular ou... Read More about Kinetic Energy Transfer from X-Ray Ultrafast Outflows to Millimeter/Submillimeter Cold Molecular Outflows in Seyfert Galaxies.

Thermally driven wind as the origin of warm absorbers in AGN (2019)
Journal Article
Mizumoto, M., Done, C., Tomaru, R., & Edwards, I. (2019). Thermally driven wind as the origin of warm absorbers in AGN. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489(1), 1152-1160.

Warm absorbers are present in many Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), seen as mildly ionised gas outflowing with velocities of a few hundred to a few thousand kilometres per second. These slow velocities imply a large launch radius, pointing to the broad... Read More about Thermally driven wind as the origin of warm absorbers in AGN.

WINERED High-resolution Near-infrared Line Catalog: A-type Star (2018)
Journal Article
Sameshima, H., Ikeda, Y., Matsunaga, N., Fukue, K., Kobayashi, N., Kondo, S., …Yoshikawa, T. (2018). WINERED High-resolution Near-infrared Line Catalog: A-type Star. Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 239(2), Article 19.

We present a catalog of absorption lines in the z', Y, and J bands that we identified in 21 Lyn, a slowly rotating A0.5 V star. We detected 155 absorption features in the high-resolution (0.90–1.35 μm, R = 28,000) spectrum obtained with the WINERED s... Read More about WINERED High-resolution Near-infrared Line Catalog: A-type Star.

X-ray reverberation lags of the Fe–K line due to AGN disc winds (2018)
Journal Article
Mizumoto, M., Ebisawa, K., Tsujimoto, M., Done, C., Hagino, K., & Odaka, H. (2019). X-ray reverberation lags of the Fe–K line due to AGN disc winds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482(4), 5316-5326.

Short X-ray reverberation lags are seen across a broad Fe–K energy band in more than 20 active galactic nuclei (AGNs). This broad iron line feature in the lag spectrum is most significant in super-Eddington sources such as Ark 564 (L/LEdd ∼ 1) and 1H... Read More about X-ray reverberation lags of the Fe–K line due to AGN disc winds.

A newly identified emission-line region around P Cygni (2018)
Journal Article
Mizumoto, M., Kobayashi, N., Hamano, S., Ikeda, Y., Kondo, S., Sameshima, H., …Maehara, H. (2018). A newly identified emission-line region around P Cygni. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481(1), 793-805.

We present a high-resolution (R ≃ 20  000) near-infrared (9100–13 500Å) long-slit spectrum of P Cygni obtained with the newly commissioned WINERED spectrograph in Japan. In the obtained spectrum, we have found that the velocity profiles of the [Fe II... Read More about A newly identified emission-line region around P Cygni.

X-ray short-time lags in the Fe-K energy band produced by scattering clouds in active galactic nuclei (2018)
Journal Article
Mizumoto, M., Done, C., Hagino, K., Ebisawa, K., Tsujimoto, M., & Odaka, H. (2018). X-ray short-time lags in the Fe-K energy band produced by scattering clouds in active galactic nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478(1), 971-982.

X-rays illuminating the accretion disc in active galactic nuclei give rise to an iron K line and its associated reflection spectrum which are lagged behind the continuum variability by the light-travel time from the source to the disc. The measured l... Read More about X-ray short-time lags in the Fe-K energy band produced by scattering clouds in active galactic nuclei.

Nature of the warm absorber outflow in NGC 4051 (2016)
Journal Article
Mizumoto, M., & Ebisawa, K. (2017). Nature of the warm absorber outflow in NGC 4051. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 466(3), 3259-3271.

The narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051 is known to exhibit significant X-ray spectral/flux variations and have a number of emission/absorption features. X-ray observations have revealed that these absorption features are blueshifted, which indicat... Read More about Nature of the warm absorber outflow in NGC 4051.