Subjective Bayesian analysis: principles and practice.
Journal Article
Goldstein, M. (2006). Subjective Bayesian analysis: principles and practice. Bayesian Analysis, 1, 403-420.
All Outputs (76)
Bayes Linear Calibrated Prediction for Complex Systems (2006)
Journal Article
Goldstein, M., & Rougier, J. (2006). Bayes Linear Calibrated Prediction for Complex Systems. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 101(475), 1132-1143. calibration-based approach is developed for predicting the behavior of a physical system that is modeled by a computer simulator. The approach is based on Bayes linear adjustment using both system observations and evaluations of the simulator at pa... Read More about Bayes Linear Calibrated Prediction for Complex Systems.
Trade-off sensitive experimental design: a multicriterion, decision theoretic, Bayes linear approach (2006)
Journal Article
Farrow, M., & Goldstein, M. (2006). Trade-off sensitive experimental design: a multicriterion, decision theoretic, Bayes linear approach. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136(2), 498-526. show how mutually utility independent hierarchies, which weigh the various costs of an experiment against benefits expressed through a mixed Bayes linear utility representing the potential gains in knowledge from the experiment, provide a flexible... Read More about Trade-off sensitive experimental design: a multicriterion, decision theoretic, Bayes linear approach.
Probabilistic formulations for transferring inferences from mathematical models to physical systems. (2005)
Journal Article
Goldstein, M., & Rougier, J. (2005). mathematical models to physical systems
Using Bayesian statistics to support testing of software systems. (2005)
Book Chapter
Coolen, F., Goldstein, M., & Wooff, D. (2005). Using Bayesian statistics to support testing of software systems. In J. Andrews (Ed.), Proceedings of the 16th Advances in Reliability Technology Symposium (109-121)
Bayes linear kinematics and Bayes linear Bayes Graphical Models (2004)
Journal Article
Goldstein, M., & Shaw, S. (2004). Bayes linear kinematics and Bayes linear Bayes Graphical Models. Biometrika, 91(2), 425-446. kinematics (Jeffrey, 1965, 1983) furnishes a method for revising a prior probability specification based upon new probabilities over a partition.We develop a corresponding Bayes linear kinematic for a Bayes linear analysis given informati... Read More about Bayes linear kinematics and Bayes linear Bayes Graphical Models.
Project viability assessment for support of software testing via Bayesian graphical modelling (2003)
Book Chapter
Coolen, F., Goldstein, M., & Wooff, D. (2003). Project viability assessment for support of software testing via Bayesian graphical modelling. In T. Bedford, & P. van Gelder (Eds.), Safety and Reliability (417-422). Swets & Zeitlinger
Moral dominance relations for program comprehension (2003)
Journal Article
Shaw, S., Goldstein, M., Munro, M., & Burd, E. (2003). Moral dominance relations for program comprehension. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 29(9), 851-863. trees have been used as a means for reengineering legacy systems into potential reuse candidates. The dominance relation suggests the reuse candidates which are identified by strongly directly dominated subtrees. We review the approach and... Read More about Moral dominance relations for program comprehension.
Bayesian Graphical Models for Software Testing (2002)
Journal Article
Wooff, D., Goldstein, M., & Coolen, F. (2002). Bayesian Graphical Models for Software Testing. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 28(5), 510-525. paper describes a new approach to the problem of software testing. The approach is based on Bayesian graphical models and presents formal mechanisms for the logical structuring of the software testing problem, the probabilistic and statistical t... Read More about Bayesian Graphical Models for Software Testing.
Managing the uncertainties of software testing: a Bayesian approach. (2001)
Journal Article
Rees, K., Coolen, F., Goldstein, M., & Wooff, D. (2001). Managing the uncertainties of software testing: a Bayesian approach. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 17, 191-203
Restricted prior inference for complex uncertainty structures (2001)
Journal Article
Goldstein, M., & Wilkinson, D. (2001). Restricted prior inference for complex uncertainty structures. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 32, 315-334.
Generalized partition testing via Bayes linear methods (2001)
Journal Article
Coolen, F., Goldstein, M., & Munro, M. (2001). Generalized partition testing via Bayes linear methods. Information and Software Technology, 43(13), 783-793. paper explores the use of Bayes linear methods related to partition testing for software. If a partition of the input domain has been defined, the method works without the assumption of homogeneous (revealing) subdomains, and also includes the p... Read More about Generalized partition testing via Bayes linear methods.
Bayesian forecasting for complex systems using computer simulators (2001)
Journal Article
Craig, P., Goldstein, M., Rougier, J., & Seheult, A. (2001). Bayesian forecasting for complex systems using computer simulators. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96(454), 717-729. computer models are often used for forecasting future outcomes of complex systems, the uncertainties in such forecasts are not usually treated formally. We describe a general Bayesian approach for using a computer model or simulator of a com... Read More about Bayesian forecasting for complex systems using computer simulators.
Avoiding foregone conclusions: geometric and foundational analysis of paradoxes of finite additivity (2001)
Journal Article
Goldstein, M. (2001). Avoiding foregone conclusions: geometric and foundational analysis of paradoxes of finite additivity. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 94(1), 73-87. consider an example in which the use of finitely additive probabilities leads to the seemingly paradoxical conclusion that we may reason to a foregone conclusion. We give an informal treatment of this paradox. We then develop a geometric approach... Read More about Avoiding foregone conclusions: geometric and foundational analysis of paradoxes of finite additivity.
A Bayesian Analysis of Fluid Flow in Pipelines (2001)
Journal Article
Rougier, J., & Goldstein, M. (2001). A Bayesian Analysis of Fluid Flow in Pipelines. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 50(1), 77-93. waterhammer equations are a pair of partial differential equations that describe the behaviour of an incompressible fluid in a pipe-line. We generalize these equations to account for uncertainty in the description of the liquid and the pipe-line,... Read More about A Bayesian Analysis of Fluid Flow in Pipelines.
Bayes linear analysis for graphical models: the geometric approach to local computation and interpretive graphics (2000)
Journal Article
Goldstein, M., & Wilkinson, D. (2000). Bayes linear analysis for graphical models: the geometric approach to local computation and interpretive graphics. Statistics and Computing, 10, 311-324
Bayes Linear Methods III - Analysing Bayes linear influence diagrams and Exchangeability in [B/D]. (2000)
Journal Article
Wooff, D., & Goldstein, M. (2000). Bayes Linear Methods III - Analysing Bayes linear influence diagrams and Exchangeability in [B/D]. Journal of Statistical Software, 5(2),
Simplifying complex designs : Bayes linear experimental design for grouped multivariate exchangeable systems. (1999)
Book Chapter
Goldstein, M., & Shaw, S. (1999). Simplifying complex designs : Bayes linear experimental design for grouped multivariate exchangeable systems. In J. Bernardo, J. Berger, A. Dawid, & A. Smith (Eds.), Bayesian Statistics 6. Proceedings of the Sixth Valencia International Meeting (839-848). Oxford University Press
Bayes linear analysis. (1999)
Book Chapter
Goldstein, M. (1999). Bayes linear analysis. In S. Kotz, C. Read, & D. Banks (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Statistical Sciences Update Volume 3 (29-34). Wiley
Graphical diagnostics for the Bayes linear analysis of hierarchical linear models, with applications to educational data. (1999)
Book Chapter
Goldstein, M., & Williams, D. (1999). Graphical diagnostics for the Bayes linear analysis of hierarchical linear models, with applications to educational data. In J. Bernardo, J. Berger, A. Dawid, & A. Smith (Eds.), Bayesian Statistics 6. Proceedings of the Sixth Valencia International Meeting (859-867). Oxford University Press