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All Outputs (51)

Intercombination effects in resonant energy transfer (2015)
Journal Article
Vaillant, C., Potvliege, R., & Jones, M. (2015). Intercombination effects in resonant energy transfer. Physical Review A, 92(4), Article 042705.

We investigate the effect of intercombination transitions in excitation hopping processes such as those found in Förster resonance energy transfer. Taking strontium Rydberg states as our model system, the breakdown of LS coupling leads to weakly allo... Read More about Intercombination effects in resonant energy transfer.

Spin Squeezing in a Rydberg Lattice Clock (2014)
Journal Article
Gil, L., Mukherjee, R., Bridge, E., Jones, M., & Pohl, T. (2014). Spin Squeezing in a Rydberg Lattice Clock. Physical Review Letters, 112(10), Article 103601.

We theoretically demonstrate a viable approach to spin squeezing in optical lattice clocks via optical dressing of one clock state to a highly excited Rydberg state, generating switchable atomic interactions. For realistic experimental parameters, th... Read More about Spin Squeezing in a Rydberg Lattice Clock.

Multichannel quantum defect theory of strontium bound Rydberg states (2014)
Journal Article
Vaillant, C., Jones, M., & Potvliege, R. (2014). Multichannel quantum defect theory of strontium bound Rydberg states. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 47(15), Article 155001.

Using the reactance matrix approach, we systematically develop new multichannel quantum defect theory (MQDT) models for the singlet and triplet S, P, D and F states of strontium below the first ionization limit, based on improved energy level measure... Read More about Multichannel quantum defect theory of strontium bound Rydberg states.

A quantum state of matter (2013)
Journal Article
Jones, M. (2013). A quantum state of matter

AS THEORETICAL AND experimental physicists probe deeper into the quantum nature of reality, technological advances made in recent years have allowed for a consistent narrowing of the gap between the two approaches. The development and refinement of l... Read More about A quantum state of matter.

Number-resolved imaging of excited-state atoms using a scanning autoionization microscope (2013)
Journal Article
Lochead, G., Boddy, D., Sadler, D., Adams, C., & Jones, M. (2013). Number-resolved imaging of excited-state atoms using a scanning autoionization microscope. Physical Review A, 87(5), Article 053409.

We report on a scanning microscopy technique for atom-number-resolved imaging of excited-state atoms. A tightly focused laser beam leads to local autoionization and the resulting ions are counted electronically. Scanning the beam across the cloud bui... Read More about Number-resolved imaging of excited-state atoms using a scanning autoionization microscope.

Storage and Control of Optical Photons Using Rydberg Polaritons (2013)
Journal Article
Maxwell, D., Szwer, D., Paredes-Barato, D., Busche, H., Pritchard, J., Gauguet, A., …Adams, C. (2013). Storage and Control of Optical Photons Using Rydberg Polaritons. Physical Review Letters, 110(10), Article 103001.

We use a microwave field to control the quantum state of optical photons stored in a cold atomic cloud. The photons are stored in highly excited collective states (Rydberg polaritons) enabling both fast qubit rotations and control of photon-photon in... Read More about Storage and Control of Optical Photons Using Rydberg Polaritons.

Long-range Rydberg–Rydberg interactions in calcium, strontium and ytterbium (2012)
Journal Article
Vaillant, C., Jones, M., & Potvliege, R. (2012). Long-range Rydberg–Rydberg interactions in calcium, strontium and ytterbium. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 45(13), Article 135004.

Long-range dipole–dipole and quadrupole–quadrupole interactions between pairs of Rydberg atoms are calculated perturbatively for calcium, strontium and ytterbium within the Coulomb approximation. Quantum defects, obtained by fitting existing laser sp... Read More about Long-range Rydberg–Rydberg interactions in calcium, strontium and ytterbium.

Quantum interference in interacting three-level Rydberg gases: coherent population trapping and electromagnetically induced transparency (2011)
Journal Article
Sevincli, S., Ates, C., Pohl, T., Schempp, H., Hofmann, C., Guenter, G., …Adams, C. (2011). Quantum interference in interacting three-level Rydberg gases: coherent population trapping and electromagnetically induced transparency. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44,

Many-body physics with alkaline-earth Rydberg lattices (2011)
Journal Article
Mukherjee, R., Millen, J., Nath, R., Jones, M., & Pohl, T. (2011). Many-body physics with alkaline-earth Rydberg lattices. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(18), Article 184010.

We explore the prospects for confining alkaline-earth Rydberg atoms in an optical lattice via optical dressing of the secondary core–valence electron. Focussing on the particular case of strontium, we identify experimentally accessible magic waveleng... Read More about Many-body physics with alkaline-earth Rydberg lattices.

Spectroscopy of a cold strontium Rydberg gas (2011)
Journal Article
Millen, J., Lochead, G., Corbett, G., Potvliege, R., & Jones, M. (2011). Spectroscopy of a cold strontium Rydberg gas. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(18), Article 184001.

We present a study of a cold strontium Rydberg gas. The narrowband laser excitation of Rydberg states in the range n = 20–80 from a 6 mK cloud of strontium atoms is detected using the spontaneous ionization of the Rydberg atoms. Using a high-resoluti... Read More about Spectroscopy of a cold strontium Rydberg gas.

Two-Electron Excitation of an Interacting Cold Rydberg Gas (2010)
Journal Article
Millen, J., Lochead, G., & Jones, M. (2010). Two-Electron Excitation of an Interacting Cold Rydberg Gas. Physical Review Letters, 105(21), Article 213004.

We report the creation of an interacting cold Rydberg gas of strontium atoms. We show that the excitation spectrum of the inner valence electron is sensitive to the interactions in the Rydberg gas, even though they are mediated by the outer Rydberg e... Read More about Two-Electron Excitation of an Interacting Cold Rydberg Gas.

Cooperative Atom-Light Interaction in a Blockaded Rydberg Ensemble (2010)
Journal Article
Pritchard, J., Maxwell, D., Gauguet, A., Weatherill, K., Jones, M., & Adams, C. (2010). Cooperative Atom-Light Interaction in a Blockaded Rydberg Ensemble. Physical Review Letters, 105(19), Article 193603.

By coupling a probe transition to a Rydberg state using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) we map the strong dipole-dipole interactions onto an optical field. We characterize the resulting cooperative optical nonlinearity as a function of... Read More about Cooperative Atom-Light Interaction in a Blockaded Rydberg Ensemble.

Rotational response of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in ring traps (2010)
Journal Article
Halkyard, P., Jones, M., & Gardiner, S. (2010). Rotational response of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in ring traps. Physical Review A, 81(6), Article 061602.

We consider a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in a ring trap in a rotating frame and show how to determine the response of such a configuration to being in a rotating frame via accumulation of a Sagnac phase. This may be accomplished through e... Read More about Rotational response of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in ring traps.

Modulation-free pump-probe spectroscopy of strontium atoms (2010)
Journal Article
Javaux, C., Hughes, I., Lochead, G., Millen, J., & Jones, M. (2010). Modulation-free pump-probe spectroscopy of strontium atoms. The European Physical Journal D, 57(2), 151-154.

We have performed polarization spectroscopy on the 5s21S0 →5s5p1P1 transition of atomic strontium. The signal is generated by saturation effects, rather than optical pumping, as the ground state is non-degenerate. This technique generated a dispersio... Read More about Modulation-free pump-probe spectroscopy of strontium atoms.

A vapor cell based on dispensers for laser spectroscopy (2009)
Journal Article
Bridge, E., Millen, J., Adams, C., & Jones, M. (2009). A vapor cell based on dispensers for laser spectroscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments, 80(1), Article 013101.

We describe a simple strontium vapor cell for laser spectroscopy experiments. Strontium vapor is produced using an electrically heated commercial dispenser source. The sealed cell operates at room temperature, and without a buffer gas or vacuum pump.... Read More about A vapor cell based on dispensers for laser spectroscopy.

Spectroscopy of strontium Rydberg states using electromagnetically induced transparency (2007)
Journal Article
Mauger, S., Millen, J., & Jones, M. (2007). Spectroscopy of strontium Rydberg states using electromagnetically induced transparency. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 40(22), F319-F325.

We report on the all-optical detection of Rydberg states in an effusive atomic beam of strontium atoms using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). Using narrow-linewidth CW lasers we obtain an EIT linewidth of 5 MHz. To illustrate the high... Read More about Spectroscopy of strontium Rydberg states using electromagnetically induced transparency.

Two-dimensional transport and transfer of a single atomic qubit in optical tweezers (2007)
Journal Article
Beugnon, J., Tuchendler, C., Marion, H., Gaëtan, A., Miroshnychenko, Y., Sortais, Y., …Grangier, P. (2007). Two-dimensional transport and transfer of a single atomic qubit in optical tweezers. Nature Physics, 3(10), 696-699.

Quantum computers have the capability of out-performing their classical counterparts for certain computational problems1. Several scalable quantum-computing architectures have been proposed. An attractive architecture is a large set of physically ind... Read More about Two-dimensional transport and transfer of a single atomic qubit in optical tweezers.

Quantum interference between two single photons emitted by independently trapped atoms (2006)
Journal Article
Beugnon, J., Jones, M., Dingjan, J., Darquie, B., Messin, G., Browaeys, A., & Grangier, P. (2006). Quantum interference between two single photons emitted by independently trapped atoms. Nature, 440(7085), 779-782.

When two indistinguishable single photons are fed into the two input ports of a beam splitter, the photons will coalesce and leave together from the same output port. This is a quantum interference effect, which occurs because two possible paths - in... Read More about Quantum interference between two single photons emitted by independently trapped atoms.