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Steps of nuclear pore complex disassembly and reassembly during mitosisin early Drosophila embryos (2001)
Journal Article
Kiseleva, E., Rutherford, S., Cotter, L., Allen, T., & Goldberg, M. (2001). Steps of nuclear pore complex disassembly and reassembly during mitosisin early Drosophila embryos. Journal of Cell Science, 114(20), 3607-3618

The mechanisms of nuclear pore complex (NPC) assembly and disassembly during mitosis in vivo are not well defined. To address this and to identify the steps of the NPC disassembly and assembly, we investigated Drosophila embryo nuclear structure at t... Read More about Steps of nuclear pore complex disassembly and reassembly during mitosisin early Drosophila embryos.

The nucleoporin Nup153 is required for nuclear pore basket formation, nuclear pore complex anchoring and import of a subset of nuclear proteins (2001)
Journal Article
Walther, T., Fornerod, M., Pickersgill, H., Goldberg, M., Allen, T., & Mattaj, I. (2001). The nucleoporin Nup153 is required for nuclear pore basket formation, nuclear pore complex anchoring and import of a subset of nuclear proteins. The EMBO Journal, 20(20), 5703-5714.

The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is a large proteinaceous structure through which bidirectional transport of macromolecules across the nuclear envelope (NE) takes place. Nup153 is a peripheral NPC component that has been implicated in protein and RNP t... Read More about The nucleoporin Nup153 is required for nuclear pore basket formation, nuclear pore complex anchoring and import of a subset of nuclear proteins.