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All Outputs (4)

Assessing the feasibility of the GOTT (Gabapentinoid and Opioid Tapering Toolkit) in a primary care setting in North-East England (2024)
Journal Article
Johnson, L., Cole, F., Kinchin, R., Francis, A., Winiarek, K., Hampshire, K., & Chazot, P. (online). Assessing the feasibility of the GOTT (Gabapentinoid and Opioid Tapering Toolkit) in a primary care setting in North-East England. British Journal of Pain,

To assess the feasibility and possible impacts of implementation of systematic non-pharmacological interventions to reduce the level of prescribing of opioid and gabapentinoid analgesics for chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP), particularly high-dose pres... Read More about Assessing the feasibility of the GOTT (Gabapentinoid and Opioid Tapering Toolkit) in a primary care setting in North-East England.

Towards a praxis of care in post-pandemic fieldwork: Comparing ethnographic encounters during Covid-19 (2023)
Journal Article
Cîrstea, A., Johnson, L., & Phiri, C. (2024). Towards a praxis of care in post-pandemic fieldwork: Comparing ethnographic encounters during Covid-19. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 5, Article 100387.

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of ensuring the wellbeing of both researchers and participants throughout the research process. In this paper, we argue that in order to produce caring research, the wellbeing of researchers must n... Read More about Towards a praxis of care in post-pandemic fieldwork: Comparing ethnographic encounters during Covid-19.

Adapt and Adjust: Doing UK-Based Ethnographic Fieldwork During the Covid-19 Pandemic (2022)
Journal Article
Johnson, L. (2022). Adapt and Adjust: Doing UK-Based Ethnographic Fieldwork During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Medical Anthropology, 41(8), 763-777.

The Covid-19 pandemic has required many anthropologists to do fieldwork differently: research that would otherwise have been done face-to-face has been shifted online, sometimes very quickly. When doing research with people with chronic illnesses, it... Read More about Adapt and Adjust: Doing UK-Based Ethnographic Fieldwork During the Covid-19 Pandemic.

‘Covid-19 and Me’. A Serendipitous Teaching and Learning Opportunity in a 1st Year Undergraduate Medical Anthropology Course (2021)
Journal Article
Russell, A., Johnson, L., Tupper, E., Keegan, A.-A., Atkher, H., & Mullard, J. (2021). ‘Covid-19 and Me’. A Serendipitous Teaching and Learning Opportunity in a 1st Year Undergraduate Medical Anthropology Course. Teaching Anthropology, 10(3), Article 38-45.

'Covid-19 and Me' was an affective learning blog post exercise assigned to 1st year undergraduate students taking a medical anthropology module at the start of academic year 2020-21. We describe the way in which a collective analysis of the accounts... Read More about ‘Covid-19 and Me’. A Serendipitous Teaching and Learning Opportunity in a 1st Year Undergraduate Medical Anthropology Course.