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All Outputs (7)

In-depth analysis of chloride treatments for thin-film CdTe solar cells (2016)
Journal Article
Major, J., Al Turkestani, M., Bowen, L., Brossard, M., Li, C., Lagoudakis, P., Pennycook, S., Phillips, L., Treharne, R., & Durose, K. (2016). In-depth analysis of chloride treatments for thin-film CdTe solar cells. Nature Communications, 7, Article 13231.

CdTe thin-film solar cells are now the main industrially established alternative to silicon-based photovoltaics. These cells remain reliant on the so-called chloride activation step in order to achieve high conversion efficiencies. Here, by compariso... Read More about In-depth analysis of chloride treatments for thin-film CdTe solar cells.

Development of ZnO nanowire based CdTe thin film solar cells (2016)
Journal Article
Major, J. D., Tena-Zaera, R., Azaceta, E., Bowen, L., & Durose, K. (2017). Development of ZnO nanowire based CdTe thin film solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 160, 107-115.

This work reports on the development of CdTe thin film solar cells grown on ZnO nanowire arrays. The focus was placed on utilising ZnO nanowire arrays as a replacement to the conventional ZnO thin film buffer layer, thereby requiring minimal alterati... Read More about Development of ZnO nanowire based CdTe thin film solar cells.

Evolution of Electronic Circuits using Carbon Nanotube Composites (2016)
Journal Article
Massey, M., Kotsialos, A., Volpati, D., Vissol-Gaudin, E., Pearson, C., Bowen, L., …Petty, M. (2016). Evolution of Electronic Circuits using Carbon Nanotube Composites. Scientific Reports, 6, Article 32197.

Evolution-in-materio concerns the computer controlled manipulation of material systems using external stimuli to train or evolve the material to perform a useful function. In this paper we demonstrate the evolution of a disordered composite material,... Read More about Evolution of Electronic Circuits using Carbon Nanotube Composites.

Evolution of porosity and pore types in organic-rich, calcareous, Lower Toarcian Posidonia Shale (2016)
Journal Article
Mathia, E., Bowen, L., Thomas, K., & Aplin, A. (2016). Evolution of porosity and pore types in organic-rich, calcareous, Lower Toarcian Posidonia Shale. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 75, 117-139.

Low and high resolution petrographic studies have been combined with mineralogical, TOC, RockEval and porosity data to investigate controls on the evolution of porosity in stratigraphically equivalent immature, oil-window and gas-window samples from... Read More about Evolution of porosity and pore types in organic-rich, calcareous, Lower Toarcian Posidonia Shale.

Selective modification of nanoparticle arrays by laser-induced self assembly (MONA-LISA): putting control into bottom-up plasmonic nanostructuring (2016)
Journal Article
Kalfagiannis, N., Siozios, A., Bellas, D. V., Toliopoulos, D., Bowen, L., Pliatsikas, N., Cranton, W. M., Kosmidis, C., Koutsogeorgis, D. C., Lidorikis, E., & Patsalas, P. (2016). Selective modification of nanoparticle arrays by laser-induced self assembly (MONA-LISA): putting control into bottom-up plasmonic nanostructuring. Nanoscale, 8(15), 8236-8244.

Nano-structuring of metals is one of the greatest challenges for the future of plasmonic and photonic devices. Such a technological challenge calls for the development of ultra-fast, high-throughput and low-cost fabrication techniques. Laser processi... Read More about Selective modification of nanoparticle arrays by laser-induced self assembly (MONA-LISA): putting control into bottom-up plasmonic nanostructuring.

Exceptional reservoir quality in HPHT reservoir settings: examples from the Skagerrak Formation of the Heron Cluster, UK, North Sea (2016)
Journal Article
Stricker, S., Jones, S., Sathar, S., Bowen, L., & Oxtoby, N. (2016). Exceptional reservoir quality in HPHT reservoir settings: examples from the Skagerrak Formation of the Heron Cluster, UK, North Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 77, 198-215.

As the exploration of hydrocarbons moves into more complex and deeper basinal settings the need to understand the effect of high temperatures and high pressures on reservoir quality and rock properties becomes even more important. The fluvial channel... Read More about Exceptional reservoir quality in HPHT reservoir settings: examples from the Skagerrak Formation of the Heron Cluster, UK, North Sea.