Continent-Wide Patterns in Mammal Community Structure: Diet, Locomotion, and Body Mass
Book Chapter
Lintulaakso, K., & Kovarovic, K. (2023). Continent-Wide Patterns in Mammal Community Structure: Diet, Locomotion, and Body Mass. In I. Casanovas-Vilar, L. W. van den Hoek Ostende, C. M. Janis, & J. Saarinen (Eds.), Evolution of Cenozoic Land Mammal Faunas and Ecosystems: 25 Years of the NOW Database of Fossil Mammals (95-110). Springer.
Tropical vegetation categories in Africa, America and Asia can be differentiated by their mammal communities. We studied 163 localities assigned to Olson’s (1983) vegetation categories in five ecosystems. Non-volant species over 500 g were classified... Read More about Continent-Wide Patterns in Mammal Community Structure: Diet, Locomotion, and Body Mass.