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All Outputs (3)

Dynamic data integration using web services (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bennett, K., Layzell, P., Zhu, F., Breretona, O., Budgena, D., Keane, J., Russell, M., Kotsiopoulos, I., Turner, M., Xu, J., & Rigby, M. (2004, July). Dynamic data integration using web services. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Web Services., San Diego

We address the problem of large-scale data integration, where the data sources are unknown at design time, are from autonomous organisations, and may evolve. Experiments are described involving a demonstrator system in the field of health services da... Read More about Dynamic data integration using web services.

Program Comprehension for Web Services (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gold, N., & Bennett, K. (2004, June). Program Comprehension for Web Services. Presented at IWPC 2004: 12th IEEE International Workshop on Program Comprehension, Bari, Italy

Web services provide programmatic interaction between organisations within large heterogeneous distributed systems. Using recent experiences of constructing and enhancing a data integration system for the health domain, based on Web services, we draw... Read More about Program Comprehension for Web Services.

Using web service technologies to create an information broker : an experience report (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turner, M., Zhu, F., Kotsiopoulos, I., Russell, M., Budgen, D., Bennett, K., Brereton, O., Keane, J., Layzell, P., & Rigby, M. (2004, May). Using web service technologies to create an information broker : an experience report. Presented at 26th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2004)., Edinburgh, Scotland

This paper reports on our experiences with using the emerging web service technologies and tools to create a demonstration information broker system as part of our research into information management in a distributed environment. To provide a realis... Read More about Using web service technologies to create an information broker : an experience report.