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All Outputs (13)

Der schnellste Jude Deutschlands“ – Sport, Moderne und (Körper-)politik im bewegten Leben Alex Natans (1906–1971) (2019)
Journal Article
Schiller, K. (2019). Der schnellste Jude Deutschlands“ – Sport, Moderne und (Körper-)politik im bewegten Leben Alex Natans (1906–1971). Stadion, 43(2), 185-218.

This article deals with the biography of the elite Jewish-German sprinter, sports writer and left-wing political activist Alex Natan, „the fastest Jew in Germany“ (Alfred Flechtheim) during the 1920s. Hailing from an assimilated family of the Berlin... Read More about Der schnellste Jude Deutschlands“ – Sport, Moderne und (Körper-)politik im bewegten Leben Alex Natans (1906–1971).

Siegen für Deutschland? Patriotism, Nationalism and the German National Football Team, 1954-2014 (2015)
Journal Article
Schiller, K. (2015). Siegen für Deutschland? Patriotism, Nationalism and the German National Football Team, 1954-2014. Historical social research. Supplement (Köln), 40(4), 176-196.

»Siegen für Deutschland? Patriotismus, Nationalismus und die Deutsche Fußball-Nationalmannschaft 1954-2014«. This article discusses the relationship between expressions of patriotism, nationalism and national identity and the fortunes of the German n... Read More about Siegen für Deutschland? Patriotism, Nationalism and the German National Football Team, 1954-2014.

Munich '72: Selling the Games to Foreign Audiences and at Home (2013)
Journal Article
Schiller, K., & Young, C. (2013). Munich '72: Selling the Games to Foreign Audiences and at Home. Sport in History, 33(3), 373-392.

After the terrorist attack on the Israeli team, the 1972 Munich Olympics could be considered a PR disaster for the Federal Republic of Germany. In the years before the Games, however, the organizers orchestrated a finely tuned campaign, which used li... Read More about Munich '72: Selling the Games to Foreign Audiences and at Home.

Motion and landscape: Otl Aicher, Günther Grzimek and the graphic and garden designs of the 1972 Munich Olympics (2010)
Journal Article
Schiller, K., & Young, C. (2010). Motion and landscape: Otl Aicher, Günther Grzimek and the graphic and garden designs of the 1972 Munich Olympics. Urban History, 37(2), 272-288.

This article focuses on Otl Aicher's design and Günther Grzimek's garden architecture for the 1972 Munich Olympics. We argue that the functionalist aesthetics of the Munich Olympic site should be interpreted as a translation into graphic and landscap... Read More about Motion and landscape: Otl Aicher, Günther Grzimek and the graphic and garden designs of the 1972 Munich Olympics.

Hans Baron's humanism (1998)
Journal Article
Schiller, K. (1998). Hans Baron's humanism. Storia della storiografia (Testo stampato), 34, 151-199