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The Clinical Conscientiousness Index: a valid tool for exploring professionalism in the clinical undergraduate setting (2012)
Journal Article
Kelly, M., O'Flynn, S., McLachlan, J., & Sawdon, M. (2012). The Clinical Conscientiousness Index: a valid tool for exploring professionalism in the clinical undergraduate setting. Academic Medicine, 87(9), 1218-1224.

Purpose: The need to develop effective tools to measure professionalism continues to challenge medical educators; thus, as a follow-up to a recent examination of the “Conscientiousness Index” (CI, a novel measure of one facet of professionalism) in o... Read More about The Clinical Conscientiousness Index: a valid tool for exploring professionalism in the clinical undergraduate setting.

Do students learn to be more conscientious at medical school? (2012)
Journal Article
Chaytor, A., Spence, J., Armstrong, A., & McLachlan, J. (2012). Do students learn to be more conscientious at medical school?. BMC Medical Education, 12, Article 54.

Background Professionalism in medical students is not only difficult to define but difficult to teach and measure. As negative behaviour in medical students is associated with post-graduate disciplinary action it would be useful to have a model where... Read More about Do students learn to be more conscientious at medical school?.

Widening access to UK medical education for under-represented socioeconomic groups: Modelling the impact of the UKCAT in the 2009 cohort (2012)
Journal Article
Tiffin, P., Dowell, J., & McLachlan, J. (2012). Widening access to UK medical education for under-represented socioeconomic groups: Modelling the impact of the UKCAT in the 2009 cohort. eBMJ (London), Article e1805.

Objective: To determine whether the use of the UK clinical aptitude test (UKCAT) in the medical schools admissions process reduces the relative disadvantage encountered by certain sociodemographic groups. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: Ap... Read More about Widening access to UK medical education for under-represented socioeconomic groups: Modelling the impact of the UKCAT in the 2009 cohort.