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All Outputs (78)

Interrogating ‘urban social innovation’: relationality and urban change in Berlin (2021)
Journal Article
McFarlane, C., Langley, P., Lewis, S., Painter, J., & Vradis, A. (2023). Interrogating ‘urban social innovation’: relationality and urban change in Berlin. Urban Geography, 44(2), 337-357.

The relationship between the city and ‘innovation’ is long and varied, but in recent years there has been a new focus on the potential of innovation to catalyse economic, social, and environmental change. This has led to a debate around whether and h... Read More about Interrogating ‘urban social innovation’: relationality and urban change in Berlin.

The United Kingdom (2021)
Book Chapter
Askins, K., Burton, K., Norcup, J., Painter, J., & Sidaway, J. (2021). The United Kingdom. In L. Berg, U. Best, M. Gilmartin, & H. Larsen (Eds.), Placing Critical Geography: Historical Geographies of Critical Geography. Routledge.

In 1885, incarcerated in a French prison cell, the Russian geographer-anarchist Pyotr Kropotkin, wrote ‘What Geography Ought to Be’, an impassioned plea for geographers to engage in the work of social justice and critical pedagogy (Kropotkin, 1885).... Read More about The United Kingdom.

Pop-up governance: transforming the management of migrant populations through humanitarian and security practices in Lesbos, Greece, 2015-2017 (2019)
Journal Article
Papada, E., Papoutsi, A., Painter, J., & Vradis, A. (2020). Pop-up governance: transforming the management of migrant populations through humanitarian and security practices in Lesbos, Greece, 2015-2017. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 38(6), 1028-1045.

This paper intervenes in recent debates on humanitarianism and security in migration by introducing the notion of ‘pop-up governance’. It reflects on our two year-long fieldwork on Lesbos, Greece at the peak of Europe’s migrant reception crisis (2015... Read More about Pop-up governance: transforming the management of migrant populations through humanitarian and security practices in Lesbos, Greece, 2015-2017.

The EC hotspot approach in Greece: creating liminal EU territory (2018)
Journal Article
Papoutsi, A., Painter, J., Papada, E., & Vradis, A. (2019). The EC hotspot approach in Greece: creating liminal EU territory. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(12), 2200-2212.

This article makes a theoretical argument stemming from our study of the European Commission’s hotspot approach to the management of migrant populations. It draws on empirical research findings from field research which took place on the island of Le... Read More about The EC hotspot approach in Greece: creating liminal EU territory.

Power (2015)
Book Chapter
Painter, J. (2015). Power. In J. Agnew, V. Mamadouh, A. Secor, & J. Sharp (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell companion to political geography (141-151). Wiley.

This chapter discusses some of the main ways in which political geographers have understood and used the concept of power. Traditional political geography explicitly or implicitly saw power as a substance – literally the “stuff of politics” – and oft... Read More about Power.

Deciding whose future? Challenges and opportunities of the Scottish Independence Referendum 2014 for Scotland and beyond (2014)
Journal Article
Sharp, J., Cumbers, A., Painter, J., & Wood, N. (2014). Deciding whose future? Challenges and opportunities of the Scottish Independence Referendum 2014 for Scotland and beyond. Political Geography, 41, 32-42.

The image of Scottish National Party (SNP) leader Alex Salmond unfurling the Scottish Saltire behind the bemused UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, moments after Andy Murray won the Wimbledon tennis tournament in July 2013, has come to epitomize the n... Read More about Deciding whose future? Challenges and opportunities of the Scottish Independence Referendum 2014 for Scotland and beyond.

The politics of the neighbour (2012)
Journal Article
Painter, J. (2012). The politics of the neighbour. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 30(3), 515-533.

This paper argues that the neighbour is a neglected figure in public debate and political theory. Whereas the spatial concept of ‘neighbourhood’ has long been the focus of geographical research, its underpinning concept of the neighbour has received... Read More about The politics of the neighbour.

Wellbeing and place. (2012)
Atkinson, S., Fuller, S., & Painter, J. (Eds.). (2012). Wellbeing and place. Ashgate Publishing

Connecting Localism and Community Empowerment: Research Review and Critical Synthesis for the AHRC Connected Community Programme (2011)
Painter, J., Orton, A., MacLeod, D., Dominelli, L., & Pande, R. (2011). Connecting Localism and Community Empowerment: Research Review and Critical Synthesis for the AHRC Connected Community Programme. Durham

The Connecting Localism and Community Empowerment project sought to assess the merits of the assumption that localisms brings about community empowerment through a review of the existing academic and policy literatures. The key findings from the revi... Read More about Connecting Localism and Community Empowerment: Research Review and Critical Synthesis for the AHRC Connected Community Programme.

Conceptualizing "society" and "state" (2011)
Book Chapter
Painter, J. (2011). Conceptualizing "society" and "state". In B. Mitchneck (Ed.), State, society, and transformation (20-49). Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars