Seattle Band Map: mapping the connections between and evolution of Seattle's cultural and artistic relationships
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Berry, J. (2011, December). Seattle Band Map: mapping the connections between and evolution of Seattle's cultural and artistic relationships. Paper presented at The City: 2nd International Conference - Culture, Society and Technology, Vancouver, Canada
All Outputs (13)
Culture Crash: Organisational change in the cultural and creative industries in the North East of England (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Berry, J. (2011, April). Culture Crash: Organisational change in the cultural and creative industries in the North East of England. Paper presented at RSA Annual International Conference, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Live Music and Performances in a Virtual World (2008)
Book Chapter
Berry, J. (2008). Live Music and Performances in a Virtual World. In M. Pagani (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking (849-853). (2nd ed). IGI Publishing
What has been learned from emergent music business models? (2007)
Journal Article
Berry, J. (online). What has been learned from emergent music business models?. International Journal of E-Business Research,
Technology: promise of threat? The digitisation of the music industry supply chain (2006)
Journal Article
Berry, J. (online). Technology: promise of threat? The digitisation of the music industry supply chain
Building International Communities through Music Industry Value Chains in the Early 21st Centre (2006)
Journal Article
Berry, J. (online). Building International Communities through Music Industry Value Chains in the Early 21st Centre
The long and winding road? Ebusiness models for small independent record labels (2005)
Journal Article
MVine Ltd A Case Study of a New Digital Music Label from Conception to Launch (2005)
Journal Article
Berry, J. (in press). MVine Ltd A Case Study of a New Digital Music Label from Conception to Launch
The global Internet economy (2004)
Journal Article
Berry, J. (2004). The global Internet economy. Organization Studies, 25(2), 315-327.
Possible impact and implications of Internet Protocol 6 on Television Broadcasts (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Berry, J. (2004, December). Possible impact and implications of Internet Protocol 6 on Television Broadcasts. Presented at 27th ISBA Conference
Globalization of real estate markets in central Europe (1999)
Journal Article
Berry, J. (online). Globalization of real estate markets in central Europe. European Planning Studies,
A tale of e-business models: from the music to the television industry
Book Chapter
Papagiannidis, S., Berry, J., & Theodoulou, T. A tale of e-business models: from the music to the television industry. In I. Lee (Ed.), Emergent strategies for e-business processes, services, and implications: advancing corporate frameworks (104-122). IGI Global
Potential Implications of IPv6 for Regional Development
Book Chapter
Papagiannidis, S., Berry, J., & Li, F. Potential Implications of IPv6 for Regional Development. In S. Marshall, W. Taylor, & X. Yu (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Developing Regional Communities with Information and Communication Technology