Comparing flow thresholds and dynamics for oscillating and inclined granular layers
Journal Article
Aumaitre, S., Puls, C., McElwaine, J., & Gollub, J. (2007). Comparing flow thresholds and dynamics for oscillating and inclined granular layers. Physical review E: Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 75,
All Outputs (4)
A Comparison of Powder Snow Avalanches at Vallée de la Sionne with Plume Theories (2007)
Journal Article
Turnbull, B., & McElwaine, J. (2007). A Comparison of Powder Snow Avalanches at Vallée de la Sionne with Plume Theories
Washboard Road: The dynamics of granular ripples formed by rolling wheels (2007)
Journal Article
Taberlet, N., Morris, S., & McElwaine, J. (2007). Washboard Road: The dynamics of granular ripples formed by rolling wheels. Physical Review Letters, 99,
The Kulikovskiy-Sveshnikova-Beghin Model of Powder Snow Avalanches: Development and Application (2007)
Journal Article
Turnbull, B., McElwaine, J., & Ancey, C. (2007). The Kulikovskiy-Sveshnikova-Beghin Model of Powder Snow Avalanches: Development and Application. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112,