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Plume Theories Versus Compact Models for Powder Snow Avalanches (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McElwaine, J., & Turnbull, B. (2006, December). Plume Theories Versus Compact Models for Powder Snow Avalanches. Presented at Sixth International Symposium on Stratified Flows, Perth, December 11-14, 2006

Mathematical and Biological Modelling of RNA Secondary Structure and Its Effects on Gene Expression (2006)
Journal Article
Hughes, T., & McElwaine, J. (2006). Mathematical and Biological Modelling of RNA Secondary Structure and Its Effects on Gene Expression. Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 7(1), 37-43.

Secondary structures within the 5′ untranslated regions of messenger RNAs can have profound effects on the efficiency of translation of their messages and thereby on gene expression. Consequently they can act as important regulatory motifs in both ph... Read More about Mathematical and Biological Modelling of RNA Secondary Structure and Its Effects on Gene Expression.

A comparison of avalanche models with data from dry-snow avalanches at Ryggfonn. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Issler, D., Harbitz, C., Kristensen, K., Lied, K., Moe, A., Barbolini, M., De blasio, F., Khazaradze, G., McElwaine, J., Mears, A., Naaim, M., & Sailer, R. (2005, December). A comparison of avalanche models with data from dry-snow avalanches at Ryggfonn. Presented at Landslides and Avalanches ICFL 2005 Norway

Air pressure data from the Vallée de la Sionne avalanches of 2004. (2005)
Journal Article
McElwaine, J., & Turnbull, B. (2005). Air pressure data from the Vallée de la Sionne avalanches of 2004. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110(F3), Article F03010.

[1] Despite their clear danger to humans, snow avalanches are hard to document. They occur in inaccessible and dangerous locations, often at times of bad weather. Observation instruments frequently malfunction in the harsh conditions or are destroyed... Read More about Air pressure data from the Vallée de la Sionne avalanches of 2004..

Image Analysis For Avalanches (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McElwaine, J. (2004, December). Image Analysis For Avalanches. Presented at Snow and avalanche test sites