Combined analysis of eIF4E and 4E-binding protein expression predicts breast cancer survival and estimates eIF4E activity
Journal Article
Coleman, L., Peter, M., Teall, T., Brannan, R., Hanby, A., Honarpisheh, H., …Hughes, T. (2009). Combined analysis of eIF4E and 4E-binding protein expression predicts breast cancer survival and estimates eIF4E activity. British Journal of Cancer, 100(9), 1393-1399.
All Outputs (103)
Experiments on the Non-Boussinesq Flow of Self-Igniting Suspension Currents on a Steep Open Slope. (2008)
Journal Article
Turnbull, B., & McElwaine, J. (2008). Experiments on the Non-Boussinesq Flow of Self-Igniting Suspension Currents on a Steep Open Slope. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113,
Comparing flow thresholds and dynamics for oscillating and inclined granular layers (2007)
Journal Article
Aumaitre, S., Puls, C., McElwaine, J., & Gollub, J. (2007). Comparing flow thresholds and dynamics for oscillating and inclined granular layers. Physical review E: Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 75,
A Comparison of Powder Snow Avalanches at Vallée de la Sionne with Plume Theories (2007)
Journal Article
Turnbull, B., & McElwaine, J. (2007). A Comparison of Powder Snow Avalanches at Vallée de la Sionne with Plume Theories
Washboard Road: The dynamics of granular ripples formed by rolling wheels (2007)
Journal Article
Taberlet, N., Morris, S., & McElwaine, J. (2007). Washboard Road: The dynamics of granular ripples formed by rolling wheels. Physical Review Letters, 99,
The Kulikovskiy-Sveshnikova-Beghin Model of Powder Snow Avalanches: Development and Application (2007)
Journal Article
Turnbull, B., McElwaine, J., & Ancey, C. (2007). The Kulikovskiy-Sveshnikova-Beghin Model of Powder Snow Avalanches: Development and Application. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112,
Time-dependent mixing in stratified Kelvin-Helmholtz billows: Experimental observations (2006)
Journal Article
Patterson, M., Caulfield, C., McElwaine, J., & Dalziel, S. (2006). Time-dependent mixing in stratified Kelvin-Helmholtz billows: Experimental observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 33,
Plume Theories Versus Compact Models for Powder Snow Avalanches (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McElwaine, J., & Turnbull, B. (2006, December). Plume Theories Versus Compact Models for Powder Snow Avalanches. Presented at Sixth International Symposium on Stratified Flows, Perth, December 11-14, 2006
Mathematical and Biological Modelling of RNA Secondary Structure and Its Effects on Gene Expression (2006)
Journal Article
Hughes, T., & McElwaine, J. (2006). Mathematical and Biological Modelling of RNA Secondary Structure and Its Effects on Gene Expression. Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 7(1), 37-43. structures within the 5′ untranslated regions of messenger RNAs can have profound effects on the efficiency of translation of their messages and thereby on gene expression. Consequently they can act as important regulatory motifs in both ph... Read More about Mathematical and Biological Modelling of RNA Secondary Structure and Its Effects on Gene Expression.
Rotational Flow in Gravity Current Heads (2005)
Journal Article
McElwaine, J. (2005). Rotational Flow in Gravity Current Heads. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 363, 1603-1623.
Calibration and Design of Multi-hole Pitot Probes for Snow Avalanches (2005)
McElwaine, J. (2005). Calibration and Design of Multi-hole Pitot Probes for Snow Avalanches. Avalanche Studies and Model Validation in Europe (SATSIE)
Avalanche dynamics experimental site "VAllée de la Sionne" Arbaz, Valais: Final Report Winter 2003/2004 (2005)
Sovilla, B., Gruber, U., Tiefenbacher, F., Hiller, M., Felber, A., Turnbull, B., …Bartelt, P. (2005). Avalanche dynamics experimental site "VAllée de la Sionne" Arbaz, Valais: Final Report Winter 2003/2004. [No known commissioning body]
A comparison of avalanche models with data from dry-snow avalanches at Ryggfonn. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Issler, D., Harbitz, C., Kristensen, K., Lied, K., Moe, A., Barbolini, M., De blasio, F., Khazaradze, G., McElwaine, J., Mears, A., Naaim, M., & Sailer, R. (2005, December). A comparison of avalanche models with data from dry-snow avalanches at Ryggfonn. Presented at Landslides and Avalanches ICFL 2005 Norway
Air pressure data from the Vallée de la Sionne avalanches of 2004. (2005)
Journal Article
McElwaine, J., & Turnbull, B. (2005). Air pressure data from the Vallée de la Sionne avalanches of 2004. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110(F3), Article F03010.[1] Despite their clear danger to humans, snow avalanches are hard to document. They occur in inaccessible and dangerous locations, often at times of bad weather. Observation instruments frequently malfunction in the harsh conditions or are destroyed... Read More about Air pressure data from the Vallée de la Sionne avalanches of 2004..
Calculation of Two-Dimensional Avalanche Velocities From Opto-Electronic Sensors (2004)
Journal Article
McElwaine, J. (2004). Calculation of Two-Dimensional Avalanche Velocities From Opto-Electronic Sensors. Annals of Glaciology, 38, 139-144.
The rheology of snow in large chute flows (2004)
Journal Article
Kern, M., Tiefenbacher, F., & McElwaine, J. (2004). The rheology of snow in large chute flows. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 39(2-3), 181-192.
The splash function for snow from wind-tunnel measurements (2004)
Journal Article
McElwaine, J., Sugiura, K., & Maeno, N. (2004). The splash function for snow from wind-tunnel measurements. Annals of Glaciology, 38, 71-78
Image Analysis For Avalanches (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McElwaine, J. (2004, December). Image Analysis For Avalanches. Presented at Snow and avalanche test sites
Calculating Internal Avalanche Velocities from Correlation With Error Analysis (2003)
Journal Article
McElwaine, J., & Tiefenbacher, F. (2003). Calculating Internal Avalanche Velocities from Correlation With Error Analysis
Drag Forces and Ping-Pong Ball Avalanches (2003)
Journal Article
Ogura, T., McElwaine, J., & Nishimura, K. (2003). Drag Forces and Ping-Pong Ball Avalanches. Seppyou, 65(2), 117-125.