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Oh, there is one more thing .... (2005)
Journal Article
Beckmann, J. (2005). Oh, there is one more thing .... Psychologische Beiträge (Lengerich), 47(2), 294-295

Effects of feedback on performance and response latencies in untimed reasoning tests (2005)
Journal Article
Beckmann, J., & Beckmann, N. (2005). Effects of feedback on performance and response latencies in untimed reasoning tests. Psychologische Beiträge (Lengerich), 47(2), 262-278

In an experimental study, a set of 12 number series problems with open-answer format had to be solved by a sample of 120 eighth and ninth graders randomly assigned to one of two test conditions (standard condition: no feedback; feedback condition: co... Read More about Effects of feedback on performance and response latencies in untimed reasoning tests.