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All Outputs (24)

The Beginnings of a Christian Doctrine of the Spiritual Senses before Origen (2023)
Book Chapter
Heath, J. (2023). The Beginnings of a Christian Doctrine of the Spiritual Senses before Origen. In L. Ayres, M. W. Champion, & M. R. Crawford (Eds.), The Intellectual World of Late Antique Christianity: Reshaping Classical Traditions (21-46). Cambridge University Press.

In 1932, Karl Rahner’s article ‘Le début d’une doctrine des cinq sens spirituels chez Origène’ marked the beginning of twentieth-century debate about the ‘doctrine of the spiritual senses’. In 2012, Gavrilyuk and Coakley’s The Spiritual Senses: Perce... Read More about The Beginnings of a Christian Doctrine of the Spiritual Senses before Origen.

‘I remembered the saying’ (Tobit 2:6) Recognising Emotions in Scripture with Tobit and Eve (2023)
Journal Article
Heath, J. (2023). ‘I remembered the saying’ (Tobit 2:6) Recognising Emotions in Scripture with Tobit and Eve. Journal of Theological Interpretation, 17(1), 1-22.

This experimental paper is methodologically Christian, in the sense that it is structured as a Christian mimesis of how a scriptural saint cited scripture. However, the choice of subject matter commits it to engaging with the post-Enlightenment secul... Read More about ‘I remembered the saying’ (Tobit 2:6) Recognising Emotions in Scripture with Tobit and Eve.

Mary's Image as Theology (2022)
Book Chapter
Heath, J. (2022). Mary's Image as Theology. In M. McInroy, C. Strine, & A. Torrance (Eds.), Image as Theology. Brepols Publishers

Clement of Alexandria and the Shaping of Christian Literary Practice: Miscellany and the Transformation of Greco-Roman Writing (2020)
Heath, J. (2020). Clement of Alexandria and the Shaping of Christian Literary Practice: Miscellany and the Transformation of Greco-Roman Writing. Cambridge University Press

Clement of Alexandria's Stromateis were celebrated in antiquity but modern readers have often skirted them as a messy jumble of notes. When scholarship on Greco-Roman miscellanies took off in the 1990s, Clement was left out as 'different' because he... Read More about Clement of Alexandria and the Shaping of Christian Literary Practice: Miscellany and the Transformation of Greco-Roman Writing.

God the Father and Other Parents in the New Testament (2014)
Book Chapter
Heath, J. (2014). God the Father and Other Parents in the New Testament. In F. Albrecht, & R. Feldmeier (Eds.), The Divine Father: Religious and Philosophical Concepts of Divine Parenthood in Antiquity (325-344). Brill Academic Publishers.

This chapter addresses the issue of 'God and other parents in the New Testament' from the other end, as it were, by asking first which other parents are important to the authors of the New Testament and why, and then investigating to what extent God... Read More about God the Father and Other Parents in the New Testament.

Moses' End and the Succession: Deuteronomy 31 and 2 Corinthians 3 (2013)
Journal Article
Heath, J. (2014). Moses' End and the Succession: Deuteronomy 31 and 2 Corinthians 3. New Testament Studies, 60(01), 37-60.

This essay argues that Deut 29–32, especially Deut 31, plays a significant role in 2 Cor 3, especially vv. 7–18: Paul's elusive allegorical narrative draws on Deuteronomic motifs of ‘closure’ (the end of Moses, of the law and of the Israelites); the... Read More about Moses' End and the Succession: Deuteronomy 31 and 2 Corinthians 3.

The Righteous Gentile Interjects (James 2:18-19 and Romans 2:14-15) (2013)
Journal Article
Heath, J. (2013). The Righteous Gentile Interjects (James 2:18-19 and Romans 2:14-15). Novum Testamentum: An International Quarterly for New Testament and Related Studies, 55(3), 272-295.

Jas 2:18-19 is at the heart of James’ famous (or, to some, infamous) argument about faith and works, but it defies definitive interpretation due to combined difficulties in punctuation and in tracing the literary continuity in James’ argument. This e... Read More about The Righteous Gentile Interjects (James 2:18-19 and Romans 2:14-15).

'You Say that I Am a King' (John 18.37) (2012)
Journal Article
Heath, J. (2012). 'You Say that I Am a King' (John 18.37). Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 34(3), 232-253.

Nestle-Aland punctuate Jn 18.37 σὺ λέγεις ὅτι βασιλεύς εἰμι. The present article argues for voicing the text rather with the pause one word later: σὺ λέγεις ὅτι βασιλεύς εἰμι ἐγώ. This voicing resonates with the Johannine ἐγώ εἰμι sayings, which, tog... Read More about 'You Say that I Am a King' (John 18.37).

‘Some were saying, “He is good”’ (John 7.12b): ‘Good’ Christology in John's Gospel? (2010)
Journal Article
Heath, J. (2010). ‘Some were saying, “He is good”’ (John 7.12b): ‘Good’ Christology in John's Gospel?. New Testament Studies, 56(4), 513-535.

Far from being the banality suggested by commentators, John's use of the vocabulary of ‘goodness’ for Jesus (ἀγαθός and καλός) is christologically significant. It points to Jesus' unity with God. The Johannine treatment of Jesus' ‘goodness’ and inter... Read More about ‘Some were saying, “He is good”’ (John 7.12b): ‘Good’ Christology in John's Gospel?.