Connection between steep radio spectral slopes and dust extinction in QSOs: evidence for outflow-driven shocks in dusty QSOs
Journal Article
Fawcett, V. A., Harrison, C. M., Alexander, D. M., Morabito, L. K., Kharb, P., Rosario, D. J., Baghel, J., Ghosh, S., Sasikumar, S., Petley, J., Sargent, C., & Calistro Rivera, G. (2025). Connection between steep radio spectral slopes and dust extinction in QSOs: evidence for outflow-driven shocks in dusty QSOs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 537(2), 2003-2023.
Recent studies have found a striking positive correlation between the amount of dust obscuration and enhanced radio emission in quasi-stellar objects (QSOs). However, what causes this connection remains unclear. In this paper we analyse uGMRT Band-3... Read More about Connection between steep radio spectral slopes and dust extinction in QSOs: evidence for outflow-driven shocks in dusty QSOs.