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Una grazia tutta per sé nelle opere di Tullia d'Aragona (2021)
Book Chapter
Mac Carthy, I. (2021). Una grazia tutta per sé nelle opere di Tullia d'Aragona. In C. Pepe, & E. Porciani (Eds.), Sconfinamenti di genere: donne coraggiose che vivono nei testi e nelle immagini (121-135). DiLBeC Books

Cognitive Confusions: Dreams, Delusions and Illusions in Early Modern Culture (2017)
Mac Carthy, I., Sellevold, K., & Smith, O. S. (Eds.). (2017). Cognitive Confusions: Dreams, Delusions and Illusions in Early Modern Culture. Legenda

A distinctively human aspect of the mind is its ability to handle both factual and counter factual scenarios. This brings enormous advantages, but we are far from infallible in monitoring the boundaries between the real, the imaginary and the patholo... Read More about Cognitive Confusions: Dreams, Delusions and Illusions in Early Modern Culture.

Renaissance Keywords (2013)
Mac Carthy, I. (Ed.). (2013). Renaissance Keywords. Legenda

Certain words played a crucial role in the making of the European Renaissance, and still recur today in our shifting understanding of it. Discretion and grace, to take two examples studied here, express how individuals thought about themselves, each... Read More about Renaissance Keywords.

Women and the Making of Poetry in Ariosto's Orlando furioso (2007)
Mac Carthy, I. (2007). Women and the Making of Poetry in Ariosto's Orlando furioso. Troubador Press

Overlooked for centuries, the Furioso's declared interest in 'le donne' is, by now, fully recognised. What excites most critical discussion is the poem's double-edged treatment of the subject, since conflicting views of women represent one of its cha... Read More about Women and the Making of Poetry in Ariosto's Orlando furioso.