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An analytical model of off-resonant Faraday rotation in hot alkali metal vapours (2011)
Journal Article
Kemp, S. L., Hughes, I. G., & Cornish, S. L. (2011). An analytical model of off-resonant Faraday rotation in hot alkali metal vapours. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(23), Article 235004.

We report a thorough investigation of the Faraday effect on the 852 nm D2 transition in a hot caesium vapour, culminating in the development of a simple analytical model for off-resonant Faraday rotation. The model, applicable to all hot alkali metal... Read More about An analytical model of off-resonant Faraday rotation in hot alkali metal vapours.

Design and characterization of a field-switchable nanomagnetic atom mirror (2010)
Journal Article
Hayward, T., West, A., Weatherill, K., Curran, P., Fry, P., Fundi, P., …Allwood, D. (2010). Design and characterization of a field-switchable nanomagnetic atom mirror. Journal of Applied Physics, 108(4),

We present a design for a switchable nanomagnetic atom mirror formed by an array of 180° domain walls confined within Ni80Fe20 planar nanowires. A simple analytical model is developed which allows the magnetic field produced by the domain wall array... Read More about Design and characterization of a field-switchable nanomagnetic atom mirror.

Modulation-free pump-probe spectroscopy of strontium atoms (2010)
Journal Article
Javaux, C., Hughes, I., Lochead, G., Millen, J., & Jones, M. (2010). Modulation-free pump-probe spectroscopy of strontium atoms. The European Physical Journal D, 57(2), 151-154.

We have performed polarization spectroscopy on the 5s21S0 →5s5p1P1 transition of atomic strontium. The signal is generated by saturation effects, rather than optical pumping, as the ground state is non-degenerate. This technique generated a dispersio... Read More about Modulation-free pump-probe spectroscopy of strontium atoms.

Optical control of Faraday rotation in hot Rb vapor (2010)
Journal Article
Siddons, P., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2010). Optical control of Faraday rotation in hot Rb vapor. Physical Review A, 81(4), Article 043838.

We demonstrate controlled polarization rotation of an optical field conditional on the presence of a second field. Induced rotations of greater than π/2 rad are seen with a transmission of 95%, corresponding to a ratio of phase shift to absorption of... Read More about Optical control of Faraday rotation in hot Rb vapor.

Off-resonance absorption and dispersion in vapours of hot alkali-metal atoms (2009)
Journal Article
Siddons, P., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2009). Off-resonance absorption and dispersion in vapours of hot alkali-metal atoms. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 42(17), Article 175004.

We study the absorptive and dispersive properties of Doppler-broadened atomic media as a function of detuning. Beginning from the exact lineshape calculated for a two-level atom, a series of approximations to the electric susceptibility are made. The... Read More about Off-resonance absorption and dispersion in vapours of hot alkali-metal atoms.

A gigahertz-bandwidth atomic probe based on the slow-light Faraday effect (2009)
Journal Article
Siddons, P., Bell, N., Cai, Y., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2009). A gigahertz-bandwidth atomic probe based on the slow-light Faraday effect. Nature Photonics, 3(4), 225-229.

The ability to probe quantum systems on short timescales is central to the advancement of quantum technology. Here we show that this is possible using an off-resonant dispersive probe. By applying a magnetic field to an atomic vapour the spectra of t... Read More about A gigahertz-bandwidth atomic probe based on the slow-light Faraday effect.

How weak is a weak probe in laser spectroscopy? (2009)
Journal Article
Sherlock, B., & Hughes, I. (2009). How weak is a weak probe in laser spectroscopy?. American Journal of Physics, 77(2), 111-115.

Laser spectroscopy experiments are often conducted with a probe that does not significantly alter the medium’s properties. For a two-level atom a clear measure of the strength of a probe beam in terms of the saturation intensity is known. We show tha... Read More about How weak is a weak probe in laser spectroscopy?.

Optimization of sub-Doppler DAVLL on the rubidium D2 line (2008)
Journal Article
Harris, M., Cornish, S., Tripathi, A., & Hughes, I. (2008). Optimization of sub-Doppler DAVLL on the rubidium D2 line. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41(8), Article 085401.

We discuss the physics of sub-Doppler DAVLL spectroscopy, which employs a pump beam with an axial magnetic field to induce dichroism in an atomic vapour. The dichroism is measured by a counterpropagating probe beam, while the pump generates sub-Doppl... Read More about Optimization of sub-Doppler DAVLL on the rubidium D2 line.

Absolute absorption on rubidium D lines: comparison between theory and experiment (2008)
Journal Article
Siddons, P., Adams, C., Ge, C., & Hughes, I. (2008). Absolute absorption on rubidium D lines: comparison between theory and experiment. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41(15), Article 155004.

We study the Doppler-broadened absorption of a weak monochromatic probe beam in a thermal rubidium vapour cell on D lines. A detailed model of the susceptibility is developed which takes into account the absolute linestrengths of the allowed electric... Read More about Absolute absorption on rubidium D lines: comparison between theory and experiment.

A heated vapor cell unit for dichroic atomic vapor laser lock in atomic rubidium (2007)
Journal Article
McCarron, D. J., Hughes, I. G., Tierney, P., & Cornish, S. L. (2007). A heated vapor cell unit for dichroic atomic vapor laser lock in atomic rubidium. Review of Scientific Instruments, 78(9), Article 093106.

The design and performance of a compact heated vapor cell unit for realizing a dichroic atomic vapor laser lock (DAVLL) for the D2 transitions in atomic rubidium is described. A 5 cm long vapor cell is placed in a double-solenoid arrangement to produ... Read More about A heated vapor cell unit for dichroic atomic vapor laser lock in atomic rubidium.

DAVLL lineshapes in atomic rubidium. (2007)
Journal Article
Millett-Sikking, A., Hughes, I. G., Tierney, P., & Cornish, S. L. (2007). DAVLL lineshapes in atomic rubidium. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 40(1), 187-198.

A comprehensive study of the dichroic atomic vapour laser lock (DAVLL) lineshapes for the D2 transitions in atomic rubidium is presented. All four Doppler-broadened transitions (87Rb F = 1 → F ', 87Rb F = 2 → F ', 85Rb F = 2 → F ' and 85Rb F = 3 → F... Read More about DAVLL lineshapes in atomic rubidium..

Transport of launched cold atoms with a laser guide and pulsed magnetic fields (2006)
Journal Article
Pritchard, M. J., Arnold, A. S., Cornish, S. L., Hallwood, D. W., Pleasant, C. V., & Hughes, I. G. (2006). Transport of launched cold atoms with a laser guide and pulsed magnetic fields. New Journal of Physics, 8, Article 309.

We propose the novel combination of a laser guide and magnetic lens to transport a cold atomic cloud. We have modelled the loading and guiding of a launched cloud of cold atoms with the optical dipole force. We discuss the optimum strategy for loadin... Read More about Transport of launched cold atoms with a laser guide and pulsed magnetic fields.

Sagnac interferometry in a slow-light medium (2006)
Journal Article
Purves, G., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2006). Sagnac interferometry in a slow-light medium. Physical Review A, 74,

We use a Sagnac interferometer to measure the dispersive and absorptive properties of room temperature Rubidium vapor on the D2 line at 780.2 nm. We apply a pump beam such that the resulting system exhibits electromagnetically induced transparency. U... Read More about Sagnac interferometry in a slow-light medium.

Mobile atom traps using magnetic nanowires (2006)
Journal Article
Allwood, D., Schrefl, T., Hrkac, G., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2006). Mobile atom traps using magnetic nanowires. Applied Physics Letters, 89(1),

By solving the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation using a finite element method we show that an atom trap can be produced above a ferromagnetic nanowire domain wall. Atoms experience trap frequencies of up to a few megahertz, and can be transported by... Read More about Mobile atom traps using magnetic nanowires.

Double-impulse magnetic focusing of launched cold atoms (2006)
Journal Article
Arnold, A., Pritchard, M., Smith, D., & Hughes, I. (2006). Double-impulse magnetic focusing of launched cold atoms. New Journal of Physics, 8,

We have theoretically investigated three-dimensional focusing of a launched cloud of cold atoms using a pair of magnetic lens pulses (the alternate-gradient method). Individual lenses focus radially and defocus axially or vice versa. The performance... Read More about Double-impulse magnetic focusing of launched cold atoms.