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All Outputs (6)

Lattice-depth measurement using continuous grating atom diffraction (2019)
Journal Article
Beswick, B. T., Hughes, I. G., & Gardiner, S. A. (2019). Lattice-depth measurement using continuous grating atom diffraction. Physical Review A, 100(6), Article 063629.

We propose an approach to characterizing the depths of optical lattices, in which either an atomic gas is given a finite initial momentum or, alternatively, a corresponding “walking” configuration is applied to the optical lattice itself. This leads... Read More about Lattice-depth measurement using continuous grating atom diffraction.

Measurement of the atom-surface van der Waals interaction by transmission spectroscopy in a wedged nanocell (2019)
Journal Article
Peyrot, T., Šibalić, N., Sortais, Y., Browaeys, A., Sargsyan, A., Sarkisyan, D., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2019). Measurement of the atom-surface van der Waals interaction by transmission spectroscopy in a wedged nanocell. Physical Review A, 100(2), Article 022503.

We demonstrate a method for measuring atom-surface interactions using transmission spectroscopy of thermal vapors confined in a wedged nanocell. The wedged shape of the cell allows complementary measurements of both the bulk atomic vapor and atoms cl... Read More about Measurement of the atom-surface van der Waals interaction by transmission spectroscopy in a wedged nanocell.

Optical Transmission of an Atomic Vapor in the Mesoscopic Regime (2019)
Journal Article
Peyrot, T., Sortais, Y., Greffet, J.-J., Browaeys, A., Sargsyan, A., Keaveney, J., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2019). Optical Transmission of an Atomic Vapor in the Mesoscopic Regime. Physical Review Letters, 122(11), Article 113401.

By measuring the transmission of near-resonant light through an atomic vapor confined in a nanocell we demonstrate a mesoscopic optical response arising from the nonlocality induced by the motion of atoms with a phase coherence length larger than the... Read More about Optical Transmission of an Atomic Vapor in the Mesoscopic Regime.

Quantitative optical spectroscopy of $^{87}$Rb vapour in the Voigt geometry in DC magnetic fields up to 0.4T (2019)
Journal Article
Keaveney, J., Ponciano-Ojeda, F. S., Rieche, S. M., Raine, M. J., Hampshire, D. P., & Hughes, I. G. (2019). Quantitative optical spectroscopy of $^{87}$Rb vapour in the Voigt geometry in DC magnetic fields up to 0.4T. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 52(5), Article 055003.

We present a detailed spectroscopic investigation of a thermal ⁸⁷Rb atomic vapour in magnetic fields up to 0.4T in the Voigt geometry. We fit experimental spectra with our theoretical model ElecSus and find excellent quantitative agreement, with RMS... Read More about Quantitative optical spectroscopy of $^{87}$Rb vapour in the Voigt geometry in DC magnetic fields up to 0.4T.

An intuitive approach to structuring the three electric field components of light (2019)
Journal Article
Maucher, F., Skupin, S., Gardiner, S., & Hughes, I. (2019). An intuitive approach to structuring the three electric field components of light. New Journal of Physics, 21, Article 013032.

This paper presents intuitive interpretations of tightly focused beams of light by drawing analogies with two-dimensional electrostatics, magnetostatics and fluid dynamics. We use a Helmholtz decomposition of the transverse electric field components... Read More about An intuitive approach to structuring the three electric field components of light.

Lattice-depth measurement using multipulse atom diffraction in and beyond the weakly diffracting limit (2019)
Journal Article
Beswick, B. T., Hughes, I. G., & Gardiner, S. A. (2019). Lattice-depth measurement using multipulse atom diffraction in and beyond the weakly diffracting limit. Physical Review A, 99(1), Article 013614.

Precise knowledge of optical lattice depths is important for a number of areas of atomic physics, most notably in quantum simulation, atom interferometry, and for the accurate determination of transition matrix elements. In such experiments, lattice... Read More about Lattice-depth measurement using multipulse atom diffraction in and beyond the weakly diffracting limit.