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Palaeoseismological records of multiple great earthquakes in south-central Alaska: a 4000 year record at Girdwood. (2008)
Book Chapter
Shennan, I., Barlow, N., & Combellick, R. (2008). Palaeoseismological records of multiple great earthquakes in south-central Alaska: a 4000 year record at Girdwood. In J. Freymueller, P. Haeussler, R. Wesson, & G. Ekstrom (Eds.), Active tectonics and seismic potential of Alaska (185-199). AGU Geophysical Monograph Series

Analysis of sediment sequences beneath a tidal marsh at Girdwood, Alaska, record seven great earthquakes in the past 4000 years, including the Mw = 9.2 earthquake of March 27, 1964. The key theme that arises from studies of crustal deformation for th... Read More about Palaeoseismological records of multiple great earthquakes in south-central Alaska: a 4000 year record at Girdwood..