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All Outputs (14)

Isotopic evidence for iron mobility during subduction (2016)
Journal Article
Debret, B., Millet, M., Pons, M., Bouilhol, P., Inglis, E., & Williams, H. (2016). Isotopic evidence for iron mobility during subduction. Geology, 44(3), 215-218.

Subduction zones are one of the most important sites of chemical interchange between the Earth's surface and interior. One means of explaining the high Fe3+/ΣFe ratios and oxidized nature of primary arc magmas is the transfer of sulfate (SOX), carbon... Read More about Isotopic evidence for iron mobility during subduction.

Persistence of deeply sourced iron in the Pacific Ocean (2015)
Journal Article
Horner, T., Williams, H., Hein, J., Saito, M., Burton, K., Halliday, A., & Nielsen, S. (2015). Persistence of deeply sourced iron in the Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(05), 1292-1297.

Biological carbon fixation is limited by the supply of Fe in vast regions of the global ocean. Dissolved Fe in seawater is primarily sourced from continental mineral dust, submarine hydrothermalism, and sediment dissolution along continental margins.... Read More about Persistence of deeply sourced iron in the Pacific Ocean.

Iron isotope tracing of mantle heterogeneity within the source regions of oceanic basalts (2014)
Journal Article
Williams, H., & Bizimis, M. (2014). Iron isotope tracing of mantle heterogeneity within the source regions of oceanic basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 404, 396-407.

Mineralogical variations in the Earth's mantle and the relative proportions of peridotitic versus enriched and potentially crustally-derived pyroxenitic domains within the mantle have important implications for mantle dynamics, magma generation, and... Read More about Iron isotope tracing of mantle heterogeneity within the source regions of oceanic basalts.

Unlocking the zinc isotope systematics of iron meteorites (2014)
Journal Article
Bridgestock, L., Williams, H., Rehkämper, M., Larner, F., Giscard, M., Hammond, S., …Schönbächler, M. (2014). Unlocking the zinc isotope systematics of iron meteorites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 400, 153-164.

Zinc isotope compositions (δ 66Zn) and concentrations were determined for metal samples of 15 iron meteorites across groups IAB, IIAB, and IIIAB. Also analyzed were troilite and other inclusions from the IAB iron Toluca. Furthermore, the first Zn iso... Read More about Unlocking the zinc isotope systematics of iron meteorites.

Nickel isotopic compositions of ferromanganese crusts and the constancy of deep ocean inputs and continental weathering effects over the Cenozoic (2013)
Journal Article
Gall, L., Williams, H., Siebert, C., Halliday, A., Herrington, R., & Hein, J. (2013). Nickel isotopic compositions of ferromanganese crusts and the constancy of deep ocean inputs and continental weathering effects over the Cenozoic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 375, 148-155.

The global variability in nickel (Ni) isotope compositions in ferromanganese crusts is investigated by analysing surface samples of 24 crusts from various ocean basins by MC–ICPMS, using a double-spike for mass bias correction. Ferromanganese crusts... Read More about Nickel isotopic compositions of ferromanganese crusts and the constancy of deep ocean inputs and continental weathering effects over the Cenozoic.

The silicon isotope composition of the upper continental crust (2013)
Journal Article
Savage, P., Georg, R., Williams, H., & Halliday, A. (2013). The silicon isotope composition of the upper continental crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 109, 384-399.

The upper continental crust (UCC) is the major source of silicon (Si) to the oceans and yet its isotopic composition is not well constrained. In an effort to investigate the degree of heterogeneity and provide a robust estimate for the average Si iso... Read More about The silicon isotope composition of the upper continental crust.

Silicon isotopes in granulite xenoliths: Insights into isotopic fractionation during igneous processes and the composition of the deep continental crust (2013)
Journal Article
Savage, P., Georg, R., Williams, H., & Halliday, A. (2013). Silicon isotopes in granulite xenoliths: Insights into isotopic fractionation during igneous processes and the composition of the deep continental crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 365, 221-231.

The silicon (Si) cycle is of great current interest but the isotopic composition of the continental crust has not been determined. Magmatic differentiation generates liquids with heavier Si and the lower crust, thought to be dominated by cumulates an... Read More about Silicon isotopes in granulite xenoliths: Insights into isotopic fractionation during igneous processes and the composition of the deep continental crust.

Magnesium isotopic variations in cratonic eclogites: Origins and implications (2012)
Journal Article
Wang, S., Teng, F., Williams, H., & Li, S. (2012). Magnesium isotopic variations in cratonic eclogites: Origins and implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 359-360, 219-226.

Cratonic eclogites play an important role in the formation and dynamic evolution of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. However, their origin, whether as fragments of subducted oceanic crust or high-pressure mantle cumulates, remains controversia... Read More about Magnesium isotopic variations in cratonic eclogites: Origins and implications.

Fractionation of oxygen and iron isotopes by partial melting processes: Implications for the interpretation of stable isotope signatures in mafic rocks (2009)
Journal Article
Williams, H. M., Nielsen, S. G., Renac, C., Griffin, W. L., O'Reilly, S. Y., McCammon, C. A., …Halliday, A. N. (2009). Fractionation of oxygen and iron isotopes by partial melting processes: Implications for the interpretation of stable isotope signatures in mafic rocks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 283(1-4), 156-166.

Re-Os isotope characteristics of postorogenic lavas: Implications for the nature of young lithospheric mantle and its contribution to basaltic magmas (2000)
Journal Article
Schaefer, B., Turner, S., Rogers, N., Hawkesworth, C., Williams, H., Pearson, D., & Nowell, G. (2000). Re-Os isotope characteristics of postorogenic lavas: Implications for the nature of young lithospheric mantle and its contribution to basaltic magmas. Geology, 28(6), 563-566.