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All Outputs (26)

Long-term effects of lifetime trauma exposure in a rural community sample (2015)
Journal Article
Handley, T., Kelly, B., Lewin, T., Coleman, C., Stain, H., Weaver, N., & Inder, K. (2015). Long-term effects of lifetime trauma exposure in a rural community sample. BMC Public Health, 15, Article 1176.

Background This study examines the long-term outcomes of lifetime trauma exposure, including factors that contribute to the development of PTSD, in a sample of rural adults. Methods In 623 rural community residents, lifetime trauma exposure, PTSD, ot... Read More about Long-term effects of lifetime trauma exposure in a rural community sample.

Youth Speak: Increasing engagement of young people in mental health research (2015)
Journal Article
Mawn, L., Welsh, P., Stain, H., & Windebank, P. (2015). Youth Speak: Increasing engagement of young people in mental health research. Journal of Mental Health, 24(5), 271-275.

Background: Patient and Public Involvement is now an essential part of health-related research. Evidence suggests that research that involves patients and members of the public can enhance methodological rigor and facilitate the implementation of res... Read More about Youth Speak: Increasing engagement of young people in mental health research.

Getting it right! Enhancing youth involvement in mental health research (2015)
Journal Article
Mawn, L., Welsh, P., Kirkpatrick, L., Webster, L., & Stain, H. (2016). Getting it right! Enhancing youth involvement in mental health research. Health Expectations, 19(4), 908-919.

Background Few studies relating to youth mental health have actively involved young people in the design and conduct of research. Aims This qualitative study explores the perceptions of young people about involving them in mental health research. Met... Read More about Getting it right! Enhancing youth involvement in mental health research.

The impact of interpersonal trauma on the social functioning of adults with first episode psychosis (2014)
Journal Article
Stain, H., Brønnick, K., Hegelstad, W., Joa, I., Johannessen, J., Langeveld, J., …Larsen, T. (2014). The impact of interpersonal trauma on the social functioning of adults with first episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin: The Journal of Psychoses and Related Disorders, 40(6), 1491-1498.

Background: Social functioning is an important treatment outcome for psychosis, and yet, we know little about its relationship to trauma despite high rates of trauma in people with psychosis. Childhood trauma is likely to disrupt the acquisition of i... Read More about The impact of interpersonal trauma on the social functioning of adults with first episode psychosis.

Should we ‘hug a hoodie’? Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions with young people not in employment, education or training (so-called NEETs) (2014)
Journal Article
Oliver, E., Mawn, L., Stain, H., Bambra, C., Torgerson, C., Oliver, A., & Bridle, C. (2014). Should we ‘hug a hoodie’? Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions with young people not in employment, education or training (so-called NEETs). Systematic Reviews, 3,

Background: Whilst the majority of young people succeed in education and make a positive transition to the world of work and adult life, recent statistics identify that youth comprise 40% of the world's unemployed, equating to nearly 75 million indiv... Read More about Should we ‘hug a hoodie’? Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions with young people not in employment, education or training (so-called NEETs).

Psychosis prevalence and physical, metabolic and cognitive co-morbidity: data from the second Australian national survey of psychosis (2014)
Journal Article
Morgan, V., McGrath, J., Jablensky, A., Badcock, J., Waterreus, A., Bush, R., …Mackinnon, A. (2014). Psychosis prevalence and physical, metabolic and cognitive co-morbidity: data from the second Australian national survey of psychosis. Psychological Medicine, 44(10), 2163-2176.

Background. There are insufficient data from nationwide surveys on the prevalence of specific psychotic disorders and associated co-morbidities. Method. The 2010 Australian national psychosis survey used a two-phase design to draw a representative sa... Read More about Psychosis prevalence and physical, metabolic and cognitive co-morbidity: data from the second Australian national survey of psychosis.

The experiences of Australian parents with psychosis: The second Australian national survey of psychosis (2012)
Journal Article
Campbell, L., Hanlon, M., Weng, A., Poon, A., Paolini, S., Stone, M., …Cohen, M. (2012). The experiences of Australian parents with psychosis: The second Australian national survey of psychosis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(9), 890-900.

Objective: Being a parent is an important part of one’s identity and role. Previous research outlines many challenges associated with parenting by people with severe mental illness. However, there is a limited research describing parenting experience... Read More about The experiences of Australian parents with psychosis: The second Australian national survey of psychosis.

"Earning and Learning" in those with psychotic disorders: The second Australian survey of psychosis (2012)
Journal Article
Waghorn, G., Saha, S., Harvey, C., Morgan, V., Waterreus, A., Bush, R., …McGrath, J. (2012). "Earning and Learning" in those with psychotic disorders: The second Australian survey of psychosis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(9), 774-785.

Objective: Participation in mainstream education and employment facilitates both the recovery and the social inclusion of people with psychotic disorders. As part of the second Australian survey of psychosis, we assessed labour force activity and par... Read More about "Earning and Learning" in those with psychotic disorders: The second Australian survey of psychosis.

Contributors to suicidality in rural communities: Beyond the effects of depression (2012)
Journal Article
Handley, T., Inder, K., Kay-Lambkin, F., Stain, H., Fitzgerald, M., Lewin, T., …Kelly, B. (2012). Contributors to suicidality in rural communities: Beyond the effects of depression. BMC Psychiatry, 12, Article 105.

Background: Rural populations experience a higher suicide rate than urban areas despite their comparable prevalence of depression. This suggests the identification of additional contributors is necessary to improve our understanding of suicide risk i... Read More about Contributors to suicidality in rural communities: Beyond the effects of depression.

People living with psychotic illness in 2010. The second Australian national survey of psychosis (2012)
Journal Article
Morgan, V., Waterreus, A., Jablensky, A., Mackinnon, A., McGrath, J., Carr, V., …Saw, S. (2012). People living with psychotic illness in 2010. The second Australian national survey of psychosis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(8), 735-752.

Objective: The 2010 Survey of High Impact Psychosis (SHIP) is Australia’s second national psychosis survey. This paper provides an overview of its findings, including comparisons with the first psychosis survey and general population data. Methods: T... Read More about People living with psychotic illness in 2010. The second Australian national survey of psychosis.

The relationship of verbal learning and verbal fluency with written story production implications for social functioning in first episode psychosis (2012)
Journal Article
Stain, H., Hodne, S., Joa, I., ten Velden Hegelstad, W., Douglas, K., Langveld, J., …Larsen, T. (2012). The relationship of verbal learning and verbal fluency with written story production implications for social functioning in first episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 138(2-3), 212-217.

Background: Impairments in speech, communication and Theory of Mind are common in schizophrenia, and compromise social functioning. Some of these impairments may already be present pre-morbidly. This study aimed to investigate verbal functions in rel... Read More about The relationship of verbal learning and verbal fluency with written story production implications for social functioning in first episode psychosis.

Understanding the social costs of psychosis: The experience of adults affected by psychosis identified within the second Australian national survey of psychosis (2012)
Journal Article
Stain, H., Galletly, C., Clark, S., Wilson, J., Killen, E., Anthes, L., …Harvey, C. (2012). Understanding the social costs of psychosis: The experience of adults affected by psychosis identified within the second Australian national survey of psychosis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(9), 879-889.

Background: Social inclusion is a key priority of the Fourth National Mental Health Plan for Australia (2009–2014), with strong evidence for its protective impact on mental health. Social integration has been associated with enhanced well-being for p... Read More about Understanding the social costs of psychosis: The experience of adults affected by psychosis identified within the second Australian national survey of psychosis.

Relationship between childhood adversity and clinical and cognitive features in schizophrenia (2012)
Journal Article
McCabe, K., Maloney, E., Stain, H., Loughland, C., & Carr, V. (2012). Relationship between childhood adversity and clinical and cognitive features in schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 46(5), 600-607.

Childhood adversity is associated with elevated risk for a wide range of adult psychiatric disorders, and has significant and sustained negative effects on adult behavioural and social functioning. Elevated rates of childhood adversity have been repo... Read More about Relationship between childhood adversity and clinical and cognitive features in schizophrenia.

Climate adversity: Yet another stressor for rural adolescents (2011)
Book Chapter
Stain, H., Dean, J., Kelly, B., Blinkhorn, S., & Carnie, T. (2011). Climate adversity: Yet another stressor for rural adolescents. In E. Bell, B. Seidel, & J. Merrick (Eds.), Climate change and rural child health : international aspects (169-176). Nova Science Publishers

The psychological impact of chronic environmental adversity: Responding to prolonged drought (2011)
Journal Article
Stain, H., Kelly, B., Carr, V., Lewin, T., Fitzgerald, M., & Fragar, L. (2011). The psychological impact of chronic environmental adversity: Responding to prolonged drought. Social Science & Medicine, 73(11), 1593-1599.

The health effects of chronic environmental adversity have received insufficient attention, particularly those associated with the psychological impact of drought. Resilience or adaptive response to drought has received even less attention than vulne... Read More about The psychological impact of chronic environmental adversity: Responding to prolonged drought.

The feasibility of videoconferencing for neuropsychological assessments of rural youth experiencing early psychosis (2011)
Journal Article
Stain, H., Payne, K., Thienel, R., Michie, P., Carr, V., & Kelly, B. (2011). The feasibility of videoconferencing for neuropsychological assessments of rural youth experiencing early psychosis. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 17(6), 328-331.

We conducted a pilot study of the feasibility of videoconferencing as a mode of neuropsychological assessment in young people (14–30 years) from a rural area of New South Wales experiencing early psychosis. All participants (n = 11) completed assessm... Read More about The feasibility of videoconferencing for neuropsychological assessments of rural youth experiencing early psychosis.

The Australian Rural Health Research Collaboration: Building collaborative population health research in rural and remote NSW (2011)
Journal Article
Perkins, D., Barclay, L., Browne, K., Blunden, L., Fragar, L., Kelly, B., …Sidford, J. (2011). The Australian Rural Health Research Collaboration: Building collaborative population health research in rural and remote NSW. New South Wales public health bulletin, 22(2), 23-26.

The health problems faced by rural and remote communities are complex and not amenable to simple or short-term solutions. The Australian Rural Health Research Collaboration, which comprises rural research centres, area health services and policy make... Read More about The Australian Rural Health Research Collaboration: Building collaborative population health research in rural and remote NSW.

Psychological distress of rural parents: Family influence and the role of isolation (2011)
Journal Article
Novello, D., Stain, H., Lyle, D., & Kelly, B. (2011). Psychological distress of rural parents: Family influence and the role of isolation. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 19(1), 27-31.

Objective: Research regarding psychological distress has often underestimated the importance of contextual social factors. This research aims to investigate patterns of psychological distress within the family system (parent dyads) across rural and r... Read More about Psychological distress of rural parents: Family influence and the role of isolation.