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Determinants of change in accelerometer-assessed sedentary behaviour in children 0 to 6 years of age: A systematic review (2019)
Journal Article
Azevedo, L. B., van Sluijs, E. M., Moore, H. J., & Hesketh, K. (2019). Determinants of change in accelerometer-assessed sedentary behaviour in children 0 to 6 years of age: A systematic review. Obesity Reviews, 20(10), 1441-1464.

Sedentary behaviour tracks from early to middle childhood, suggesting the need to intervene early. The aim of this systematic review was to identify determinants of change in accelerometer‐assessed sedentary behaviour in young children, with a view t... Read More about Determinants of change in accelerometer-assessed sedentary behaviour in children 0 to 6 years of age: A systematic review.

Omega-3 fatty acids for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease (2018)
Journal Article
Abdelhamid, A. S., Brown, T. J., Brainard, J. S., Biswas, P., Thorpe, G. C., Moore, H. J., Deane, K. H., AlAbdulghafoor, F. K., Summerbell, C. D., Worthington, H. V., Song, F., & Hooper, L. (2018). Omega-3 fatty acids for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2018(7), Article CD003177.

Review question We reviewed randomised trials (where participants have an equal chance of being assigned to either treatment) examining effects of increasing fish- and plant-based omega-3 fats on heart and circulatory disease (called cardiovascular d... Read More about Omega-3 fatty acids for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Effect and process evaluation of a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention with a randomized cluster design on sedentary behaviour in 4- to 6- year old European preschool children: The ToyBox-study (2017)
Journal Article
Latomme, J., Cardon, G., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Iotova, V., Koletzko, B., Socha, P., …Voegele, C. (2017). Effect and process evaluation of a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention with a randomized cluster design on sedentary behaviour in 4- to 6- year old European preschool children: The ToyBox-study. PLoS ONE, 12(4), Article e0172730.

Background The aim of the present study evaluated the effect and process of the ToyBox-intervention on proxy-reported sedentary behaviours in 4- to 6-year-old preschoolers from six European countries. Methods In total, 2434 preschoolers’ parents/prim... Read More about Effect and process evaluation of a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention with a randomized cluster design on sedentary behaviour in 4- to 6- year old European preschool children: The ToyBox-study.

A description of interventions promoting healthier ready-to-eat meals (to eat in, to take away, or to be delivered) sold by specific food outlets in England: a systematic mapping and evidence synthesis (2017)
Journal Article
Hillier-Brown, F., Summerbell, C., Moore, H., Wrieden, W., Adams, J., Abraham, C., Adamson, A., Araújo-Soares, V., White, M., & Lake, A. (2017). A description of interventions promoting healthier ready-to-eat meals (to eat in, to take away, or to be delivered) sold by specific food outlets in England: a systematic mapping and evidence synthesis. BMC Public Health, 17, Article 93.

Background Ready-to-eat meals (to eat in, to take away or to be delivered) sold by food outlets are often more energy dense and nutrient poor compared with meals prepared at home, making them a reasonable target for public health intervention. The ai... Read More about A description of interventions promoting healthier ready-to-eat meals (to eat in, to take away, or to be delivered) sold by specific food outlets in England: a systematic mapping and evidence synthesis.

The impact of interventions to promote healthier ready-to-eat meals (to eat in, to take away, or to be delivered) sold by specific food outlets open to the general public: a systematic review (2016)
Journal Article
Hillier-Brown, F. C., Summerbell, C. D., Moore, H. J., Routen, A., Lake, A. A., Adams, J., White, M., Araujo-Soares, V., Abraham, C., Adamson, A. J., & Brown, T. J. (2017). The impact of interventions to promote healthier ready-to-eat meals (to eat in, to take away, or to be delivered) sold by specific food outlets open to the general public: a systematic review. Obesity Reviews, 18(2), 227-246.

Summary Introduction Ready-to-eat meals sold by food outlets that are accessible to the general public are an important target for public health intervention. We conducted a systematic review to assess the impact of such interventions. Methods Studie... Read More about The impact of interventions to promote healthier ready-to-eat meals (to eat in, to take away, or to be delivered) sold by specific food outlets open to the general public: a systematic review.

Searching and synthesising ‘grey literature’ and ‘grey information’ in public health: critical reflections on three case studies (2016)
Journal Article
Adams, J., Hillier-Brown, F., Moore, H., Lake, A., Araujo-Soares, V., White, M., & Summerbell, C. (2016). Searching and synthesising ‘grey literature’ and ‘grey information’ in public health: critical reflections on three case studies. Systematic Reviews, 5, Article 164.

Background Grey literature includes a range of documents not controlled by commercial publishing organisations. This means that grey literature can be difficult to search and retrieve for evidence synthesis. Much knowledge and evidence in public heal... Read More about Searching and synthesising ‘grey literature’ and ‘grey information’ in public health: critical reflections on three case studies.

Evaluating a computer aid for assessing stomach symptoms (ECASS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (2016)
Journal Article
Moore, H., Nixon, C., Tariq, A., Emery, J., Hamilton, W., Hoare, Z., …Rubin, G. (2016). Evaluating a computer aid for assessing stomach symptoms (ECASS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 17(1), Article 184.

Background: For most cancers, only a minority of patients have symptoms meeting the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidance for urgent referral. For gastro-oesophageal cancers, the ‘alarm’ symptoms of dysphagia and weight loss... Read More about Evaluating a computer aid for assessing stomach symptoms (ECASS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

Community pharmacy-delivered interventions for public health priorities: a systematic review of interventions for alcohol reduction, smoking cessation and weight management, including meta-analysis for smoking cessation (2016)
Journal Article
Brown, T., Todd, A., O’Malley, C., Moore, H., Husband, A., Bambra, C., …Summerbell, C. (2016). Community pharmacy-delivered interventions for public health priorities: a systematic review of interventions for alcohol reduction, smoking cessation and weight management, including meta-analysis for smoking cessation. BMJ Open, 6(2), Article e009828.

Objectives: To systematically review the effectiveness of community pharmacy-delivered interventions for alcohol reduction, smoking cessation and weight management. Design: Systematic review and meta-analyses. 10 electronic databases were searched fr... Read More about Community pharmacy-delivered interventions for public health priorities: a systematic review of interventions for alcohol reduction, smoking cessation and weight management, including meta-analysis for smoking cessation.

Clustered randomised controlled trial of two education interventions designed to increase physical activity and well-being of secondary school students: The MOVE Project (2016)
Journal Article
Tymms, P., Curtis, S. E., Routen, A. C., Thomson, K. H., Bolden, D. S., Bock, S., Dunn, C. E., Cooper, A. R., Elliott, J. G., Moore, H. J., Summerbell, C. D., Tiffin, P. A., & Kasim Adetayo, S. (2016). Clustered randomised controlled trial of two education interventions designed to increase physical activity and well-being of secondary school students: The MOVE Project. BMJ Open, 6(1), Article e009318.

Objective: To assess the effectiveness of two interventions in improving the physical activity and wellbeing of secondary school children. Design: A clustered randomised controlled trial; classes, one per school, were assigned to one of three interve... Read More about Clustered randomised controlled trial of two education interventions designed to increase physical activity and well-being of secondary school students: The MOVE Project.

Weighing up the evidence: a systematic review of the effectiveness of workplace interventions to tackle socio-economic inequalities in obesity (2015)
Journal Article
Cairns, J., Bambra, C., Hillier-Brown, F., Moore, H., & Summerbell, C. (2015). Weighing up the evidence: a systematic review of the effectiveness of workplace interventions to tackle socio-economic inequalities in obesity. Journal of Public Health, 37(4), 659-670.

Background: Addressing socio-economic inequalities in obesity is a public health priority and the workplace is seen as a potential health promotion site. However, there is a lack of evidence on what works. This article systematically reviews studies... Read More about Weighing up the evidence: a systematic review of the effectiveness of workplace interventions to tackle socio-economic inequalities in obesity.

Determinants of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in young children: a systematic review (2015)
Journal Article
Mazarello Paes, V., Hesketh, K., O’Malley, C., Moore, H., Summerbell, C., Griffin, S., …Lakshman, R. (2015). Determinants of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in young children: a systematic review. Obesity Reviews, 16(11), 903-913.

Sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption is associated with adverse health outcomes. Improved understanding of the determinants will inform effective interventions to reduce SSB consumption. A total of 46,876 papers were identified through searchin... Read More about Determinants of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in young children: a systematic review.

Preschoolers in the Playground: a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of a physical activity intervention for children aged 18 months to 4 years (2015)
Journal Article
Barber, S., Akhtar, S., Jackson, C., Bingham, D., Hewitt, C., Routen, A., …Wright, J. (2015). Preschoolers in the Playground: a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of a physical activity intervention for children aged 18 months to 4 years. Public Health Research, 3(5),

BACKGROUND: The preschool years are considered critical for establishing healthy lifestyle behaviours such as physical activity. Levels of physical activity track through childhood into adulthood and establishing habitual physical activity early in l... Read More about Preschoolers in the Playground: a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of a physical activity intervention for children aged 18 months to 4 years.

Diet, physical activity and socio-economic disparities of obesity in Lebanese adults: findings from a national study (2015)
Journal Article
Chamieh, M., Moore, H., Summerbell, C., Tamim, H., Sibai, A., & Hwalla, N. (2015). Diet, physical activity and socio-economic disparities of obesity in Lebanese adults: findings from a national study. BMC Public Health, 15, Article 279.

Background: The prevalence of obesity within countries varies by gender, age, lifestyle and socioeconomic factors. Identification of behavioural factors that are associated with obesity within the country’s context is critical for the development of... Read More about Diet, physical activity and socio-economic disparities of obesity in Lebanese adults: findings from a national study.

How effective are interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity among children and adults? Two systematic reviews (2015)
Journal Article
Bambra, C., Hillier, F., Cairns, J., Kasim, A., Moore, H., & Summerbell, C. (2015). How effective are interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity among children and adults? Two systematic reviews. Public Health Research, 3(1),

Background: Tackling obesity is one of the major contemporary public health policy challenges and is vital in terms of addressing health inequalities. Objectives: To systematically review the effectiveness of interventions (individual, community and... Read More about How effective are interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity among children and adults? Two systematic reviews.

A systematic review of the effectiveness of individual, community and societal level interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity amongst adults (2014)
Journal Article
Hillier-Brown, F. C., Bambra, C. L., Cairns, J. M., Kasim, A., Moore, H. J., & Summerbell, C. D. (2014). A systematic review of the effectiveness of individual, community and societal level interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity amongst adults. International Journal of Obesity, 38(12), 1483-1490.

Background: Socioeconomic inequalities in obesity are well established in high-income countries. There is a lack of evidence of the types of intervention that are effective in reducing these inequalities among adults. Objectives: To systematically re... Read More about A systematic review of the effectiveness of individual, community and societal level interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity amongst adults.

The environment can explain differences in adolescents’ daily physical activity levels living in a deprived urban area: Cross-sectional study using accelerometry, GPS and focus groups (2014)
Journal Article
Moore, H., Nixon, C., Lake, A., Douthwaite, W., O'Malley, C., Pedley, C., …Routen, A. (2014). The environment can explain differences in adolescents’ daily physical activity levels living in a deprived urban area: Cross-sectional study using accelerometry, GPS and focus groups. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 11(8), 1517-1524.

Background: Evidence suggests that many contemporary urban environments do not support healthy lifestyle choices and are implicated in the obesity pandemic. Middlesbrough, in the North East of England is one such environment and a prime target for in... Read More about The environment can explain differences in adolescents’ daily physical activity levels living in a deprived urban area: Cross-sectional study using accelerometry, GPS and focus groups.

Promoting healthy eating and physical activity among school children: findings from Health-E-PALS, the first pilot intervention from Lebanon (2014)
Journal Article
Habib-Mourad, C., Ghandour, L., Moore, H., Nabhani-Zeidan, M., Kasim, A., Hwalla, N., & Summerbell, C. (2014). Promoting healthy eating and physical activity among school children: findings from Health-E-PALS, the first pilot intervention from Lebanon. BMC Public Health, 14,

Background: In Lebanon, childhood obesity doubled during the past decade. Preventive measures should start early in life and Schools are considered an important environment to promote energy balance health behaviours. School-based programmes promotin... Read More about Promoting healthy eating and physical activity among school children: findings from Health-E-PALS, the first pilot intervention from Lebanon.

Community pharmacy interventions for public health priorities: protocol for a systematic review of community pharmacy-delivered smoking, alcohol and weight management interventions (2014)
Journal Article
Todd, A., Moore, H., Husband, A., Bambra, C., Kasim, A., Sniehotta, F., …Summerbell, C. (2014). Community pharmacy interventions for public health priorities: protocol for a systematic review of community pharmacy-delivered smoking, alcohol and weight management interventions. Systematic Reviews, 3,

Background: Community pharmacists can deliver health care advice at an opportunistic level, related to prescription or non-prescription medicines and as part of focused services designed to reduce specific risks to health. Obesity, smoking and excess... Read More about Community pharmacy interventions for public health priorities: protocol for a systematic review of community pharmacy-delivered smoking, alcohol and weight management interventions.

A systematic review of the effectiveness of individual, community and societal level interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity amongst children (2014)
Journal Article
Hillier-Brown, F. C., Bambra, C., Cairns, J.-M., Kasim, A., Moore, H., & Summerbell, C. (2014). A systematic review of the effectiveness of individual, community and societal level interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity amongst children. BMC Public Health, 14, Article 834.

Background: Tackling childhood obesity is one of the major contemporary public health policy challenges and vital in terms of addressing socioeconomic health inequalities. We aimed to systematically review studies of the effectiveness of intervention... Read More about A systematic review of the effectiveness of individual, community and societal level interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity amongst children.

Development of a new computer program to assess dietary intake in Portuguese school-age children: a qualitative approach. = Desenvolvimento de um novo instrumento online de avalicao do consumo alimentar para criancas Portuguesas em idade escolar: abordagem qualitativa (2014)
Journal Article
Carvalho, M., Osvaldo, S., Rito, A., Foster, E., Moore, H., & Miguel, J. (2014). Development of a new computer program to assess dietary intake in Portuguese school-age children: a qualitative approach. = Desenvolvimento de um novo instrumento online de avalicao do consumo alimentar para criancas Portuguesas em idade escolar: abordagem qualitativa. Portuguese Journal of Pediatrics, 45(2), 116-123

Introduction: Twenty-four-hour dietary recall is the method of choice for assessing food intake among school-age children. Because they require highly trained interviewers, recalls are expensive and impractical for large-scale nutrition research. A n... Read More about Development of a new computer program to assess dietary intake in Portuguese school-age children: a qualitative approach. = Desenvolvimento de um novo instrumento online de avalicao do consumo alimentar para criancas Portuguesas em idade escolar: abordagem qualitativa.