'Introduction: Literature, Propaganda and the Intellectual'
Book Chapter
Smith, J., Lopez, B., & Woodward, G. (2024). 'Introduction: Literature, Propaganda and the Intellectual'. In J. Smith, B. Lopez, & G. Woodward (Eds.), British Writing, Propaganda and Cultural Diplomacy in the Second World War and Beyond. Bloomsbury
All Outputs (7)
An ‘irregular intellectual’: Elizabeth Wiskemann in Berne (2023)
Book Chapter
Woodward, G. (2023). An ‘irregular intellectual’: Elizabeth Wiskemann in Berne. In E. Corse, & M. García Cabrera (Eds.), Propaganda and Neutrality: Global Case Studies in the 20th Century (103-115). Bloomsbury. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781350325562.0017
Anglo-American Propaganda and the Transition from the Second World War to the Cultural Cold War (2022)
Book Chapter
Smith, J., & Woodward, G. (2022). Anglo-American Propaganda and the Transition from the Second World War to the Cultural Cold War. In G. Barnhisel (Ed.), The Bloomsbury Handbook to Cold War Literary Cultures. Bloomsbury
‘A Solar Emperor’: Robert Byron Flies East (2020)
Book Chapter
Woodward, G. (2020). ‘A Solar Emperor’: Robert Byron Flies East. In M. McCluskey, & L. Seaber (Eds.), Aviation in the Literature and Culture of Interwar Britain (179-199). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-60555-1_9In 1929 Robert Byron flew to India to report on the new Indian Air Mail service for Lord Beaverbrook’s Daily Express. This chapter traces Byron’s journey via France, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Iraq and Iran, as told through... Read More about ‘A Solar Emperor’: Robert Byron Flies East.
The War Observed (2020)
Book Chapter
Woodward, G. (2020). The War Observed. In E. Patten (Ed.), Irish Literature in Transition, 1940–1980 (27-45). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108616348.003
John Hewitt (2017)
Book Chapter
Woodward, G. (2017). John Hewitt. In G. Dawe (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Irish Poets (181-196). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108333313.017
‘We must know more than Ireland’: John Hewitt and Eastern Europe (2013)
Book Chapter
Woodward, G. (2014). ‘We must know more than Ireland’: John Hewitt and Eastern Europe. In A. O'Malley, & E. Patten (Eds.), Ireland, West to East: Irish Literary and Cultural Connections with Central and Eastern Europe (101-114). Peter Lang. https://doi.org/10.3726/978-3-0353-0368-1