Nuncle Music
Reeves, G. (2013). Nuncle Music. Carcanet Press
All Outputs (26)
To Hell with Paradise. New and Selected Poems. (2012)
Reeves, G. (2012). To Hell with Paradise. New and Selected Poems. Carcanet Press
A Ghost Never Exorcised: Stevens in the Poetry of Charles Tomlinson (2008)
Book Chapter
Reeves, G. (2008). A Ghost Never Exorcised: Stevens in the Poetry of Charles Tomlinson. In B. Eeckhout, & E. Ragg (Eds.), Wallace Stevens across the Atlantic (186-203). Palgrave Macmillan
'Songs of the Self: Berryman's Whitman'. (2008)
Journal Article
Reeves, G. (2008). 'Songs of the Self: Berryman's Whitman'. Romanticism, 14(1), 47 - 56.
'This is plenty, this is more than enough': Poetry and the Memory of the Second World War (2007)
Book Chapter
Reeves, G. (2007). 'This is plenty, this is more than enough': Poetry and the Memory of the Second World War. In T. Kendall (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of British & Irish war poetry (579-591). Oxford University Press
A Modernist Dialectic: Stevens and Williams in the Poetry of Charles Tomlinson (2006)
Journal Article
Reeves, G. (2006). A Modernist Dialectic: Stevens and Williams in the Poetry of Charles Tomlinson. The Wallace Stevens journal, 30(1), 57-85
'T.S. Eliot and the Idea of Tradition’ (2005)
Book Chapter
Reeves, G. (2005). 'T.S. Eliot and the Idea of Tradition’. In E. P. Waugh (Ed.), Literary Theory and Criticism: An Oxford Guide (pp. 107-118). Oxford UP
Thom Gunn and American Poetry (2005)
Book Chapter
Reeves, G. (2005). Thom Gunn and American Poetry. In A. Mortimer (Ed.), From Wordsworth to Stevens : essays in honour of Robert Rehder (267-285). Peter Lang
‘Auden and Religion.' (2004)
Book Chapter
Reeves, G. (2004). ‘Auden and Religion.'. In S. Smith (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to W. H. Auden (188-199). Cambridge University Press.
‘“It’s life in death to be bound, delivered, published”: Robert Lowell’s Revisions of Notebook 1967-68’ (2004)
Book Chapter
Reeves, G. (2004). ‘“It’s life in death to be bound, delivered, published”: Robert Lowell’s Revisions of Notebook 1967-68’. In E. M. Hinds, & S. Matterson (Eds.), Rebound : the American poetry book (131-40). Rodopi
Beyond the New World: Donald Davie's Anglo-American Confessions (1999)
Journal Article
Reeves, G. (1999). Beyond the New World: Donald Davie's Anglo-American Confessions
Englishing American Poetics: The Case of Charles Tomlinson (1999)
Book Chapter
Reeves, G. (1999). Englishing American Poetics: The Case of Charles Tomlinson. In H. Klein, & et al. (Eds.), Poetry Now: Contemporary British and Irish Poetry in the Making (pp. 333-342). Stauffenburg Verlag
The Inward Keats: Bloom, Vendler, Stevens (1997)
Book Chapter
Reeves, G. (1997). The Inward Keats: Bloom, Vendler, Stevens. In M. O'Neill (Ed.), Keats: Bicentenary Readings. Edinburgh UP
''The Present Self-Conscious Century':' Eliot on Valery (1994)
Journal Article
Reeves, G. (1994). ''The Present Self-Conscious Century':' Eliot on Valery
T. S. Eliot's 'The Waste Land' (1994)
Reeves, G. (1994). T. S. Eliot's 'The Waste Land'. (repr. 2002). Harvester Wheatsheaf
Listening In (1993)
Reeves, G. (1993). Listening In. Carcanet Press. Poems
'The Dark Wood of the Larynx': Heaney and Dante (1993)
Book Chapter
Reeves, G. (1993). 'The Dark Wood of the Larynx': Heaney and Dante. In English Studies in Transition: Papers from the Inaugural ESSE Conference (pp. 263-270). Routledge
Auden, MacNeice, Spender: The Thirties Poetry. (1992)
O'Neill, M., & Reeves, G. (1992). Auden, MacNeice, Spender: The Thirties Poetry. Macmillan
T.S. Eliot's Virgilian Hauntings: 'La Figlia Che Piange' and the Aeneid (1989)
Journal Article
Reeves, G. (1989). T.S. Eliot's Virgilian Hauntings: 'La Figlia Che Piange' and the Aeneid
T.S. Eliot: A Virgilian Poet (1989)
Reeves, G. (1989). T.S. Eliot: A Virgilian Poet. Macmillan and St Martin's Press