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All Outputs (27)

Charlotte Mew: Poetics, Bodies, Ecologies (2024)
Bratton, F., Girdwood, M., & Riddell, F. (Eds.). (2024). Charlotte Mew: Poetics, Bodies, Ecologies. Palgrave Macmillan.

This collection of essays explores the life and works of the British poet and author of short stories Charlotte Mew (1869-1928). It represents the first volume dedicated solely to critical engagement with the full range of Mew’s poetry, fiction and e... Read More about Charlotte Mew: Poetics, Bodies, Ecologies.

“Glued together, gushing”: Sticking with John Addington Symonds (2024)
Journal Article
Riddell, F. (2024). “Glued together, gushing”: Sticking with John Addington Symonds. Cusp: Late 19th-/Early 20th-Century Cultures, 2(1), 134-144.

This review article considers recent work on the queer Victorian writer John Addington Symonds, a central figure in the history of homosexuality. It examines monographs by Shane Butler and Simon Joyce and a novel by Tom Crewe. It focusses, in particu... Read More about “Glued together, gushing”: Sticking with John Addington Symonds.

Music and the Queer Body in English Literature at the Fin de Siècle (2022)
Riddell, F. (2022). Music and the Queer Body in English Literature at the Fin de Siècle. Cambridge University Press.

Drawing on an ambitious range of interdisciplinary material, including literature, musical treatises and theoretical texts, Music and the Queer Body explores the central place music held for emergent queer identities in the late-nineteenth and early-... Read More about Music and the Queer Body in English Literature at the Fin de Siècle.

‘Now—For a Breath I Tarry’: Breath, Desire and Queer Materialism at the Fin de Siècle (2021)
Book Chapter
Riddell, F. (2021). ‘Now—For a Breath I Tarry’: Breath, Desire and Queer Materialism at the Fin de Siècle. In C. Saunders, D. Fuller, & J. Macnaughton (Eds.), The Life of Breath in Literature, Culture and Medicine: Classical to Contemporary (345-365). (1). Palgrave Macmillan.

Riddell explores how tropes of breath and breathlessness articulate the relationship between materiality, desire, and loss for queer subjects in Victorian literature. The essay presents readings of A. E. Housman’s A Shropshire Lad, John Addington Sym... Read More about ‘Now—For a Breath I Tarry’: Breath, Desire and Queer Materialism at the Fin de Siècle.

Hearing: Bodies Resounding in Decadent Literature (2021)
Book Chapter
Riddell, F. (2021). Hearing: Bodies Resounding in Decadent Literature. In J. Desmarais, & D. Weir (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Decadence (507-524). Oxford University Press.

This article explores the significance of the body in decadent writing about music. It focuses on the fictional and nonfictional writings of the American journalist and critic James Gibbons Huneker (1857–1921). Huneker’s texts demonstrate the strikin... Read More about Hearing: Bodies Resounding in Decadent Literature.

Disembodied Vocal Innocence: John Addington Symonds, the Victorian Chorister, and Queer Musical Consumption (2020)
Journal Article
Riddell, F. (2020). Disembodied Vocal Innocence: John Addington Symonds, the Victorian Chorister, and Queer Musical Consumption. Victorian Literature and Culture, 48(3), 485-517.

In the early 1890s, both John Addington Symonds and Arthur Symons were fascinated by Paul Verlaine's sonnet “Parsifal” (1886)—in particular, by its final line, which dwells on the voices of singing children. Symonds enthused to Symons that it was “a... Read More about Disembodied Vocal Innocence: John Addington Symonds, the Victorian Chorister, and Queer Musical Consumption.

Queer Music in the Queen's Hall: Teleny and Decadent Musical Geographies at the Fin de Siecle (2020)
Journal Article
Riddell, F. (2020). Queer Music in the Queen's Hall: Teleny and Decadent Musical Geographies at the Fin de Siecle. Journal of Victorian Culture, 25(4), 593-608.

This article examines the significance of music and musical performance in Teleny, or the Reverse of the Medal (1893), an anonymous pornographic novel attributed by some scholars to Oscar Wilde. It draws upon historical material on late-Victorian con... Read More about Queer Music in the Queen's Hall: Teleny and Decadent Musical Geographies at the Fin de Siecle.