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All Outputs (6)

Simulating W / Z + jets production at the Tevatron. (2004)
Journal Article
Krauss, F., Schalicke, A., Schumann, S., & Soff, G. (2004). Simulating W / Z + jets production at the Tevatron. Physical Review D, 70(11),

The merging procedure of tree-level matrix elements and the subsequent parton shower as implemented in the new event generator SHERPA will be validated for the example of W/Z+jets production at the Tevatron. Comparisons with results obtained from oth... Read More about Simulating W / Z + jets production at the Tevatron..

Cross sections for multi-particle final states at a linear collider. (2004)
Journal Article
Gleisberg, T., Krauss, F., Papadopoulos, C., Schaelicke, A., & Schumann, S. (2004). Cross sections for multi-particle final states at a linear collider. The European Physical Journal C, 34(2), 173-180.

In this paper total cross sections for signals and backgrounds of top- and Higgs-production channels in e + e - collisions at a future linear collider are presented. All channels considered are characterized by the emergence of six-particle final sta... Read More about Cross sections for multi-particle final states at a linear collider..

Extended joint ECFA/DESY study on physics and detector for a linear e+ e- collider. Proceedings, Summer Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 4, 2003 (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ackermann, K., Krauss, F. M., & others. (2004, December). Extended joint ECFA/DESY study on physics and detector for a linear e+ e- collider. Proceedings, Summer Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 4, 2003

The HERA electron--proton collider has collected 100 pb−1 of data since its start-up in 1992, and recently moved into a high-luminosity operation mode, with upgraded detectors, aiming to increase the total integrated luminosity per experiment to more... Read More about Extended joint ECFA/DESY study on physics and detector for a linear e+ e- collider. Proceedings, Summer Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 4, 2003.

SHERPA 1.α, a proof-of-concept version (2004)
Journal Article
Gleisberg, T., Höche, S., Krauss, F., Schälicke, A., Schumann, S., & Winter, J.-C. (2004). SHERPA 1.α, a proof-of-concept version. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004(02), Article 056.

The new multipurpose event-generation framework SHERPA, acronym for Simulation for High-Energy Reactions of PArticles, is presented. It is entirely written in the object-oriented programming language C++. In its current form, it is able to completely... Read More about SHERPA 1.α, a proof-of-concept version.